My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 304: Blood Essence

Chapter 304: Blood Essence

A flash of crimson light surged and then vanished.

On the hillside, Wen Min's eyes widened in shock.

Young Aji tightly held his filthy sister, his pupils shrinking to pinpoints.

"Is... is this Mr. Qi's doing?"

The scene before them was almost beyond Aji's imagination.

Even modern weapons could hardly create such a terrifying spectacle.

If it could be compared to anything, perhaps only the special effects of a terrifying god's attack in a movie would be comparable.

But those were just movies, where the power of a god is exaggerated in every possible way.

However, even those couldn't compare to the awe-inspiring sight before them.

Aji's young mind was filled with a whirlwind of emotions.

"Is the gentleman... comparable to a god?"

Meanwhile, inside the steel prison of the camp.

A look of surprise crossed Kuang Huan's face.

"The sounds... have stopped!"

Beside Kuang Huan, a bearded man widened his eyes. "A flash of red light... and then nothing?"

They were imprisoned deep within the dungeon.

Yet even so, they had heard the earlier sounds of gunfire and explosions.

At first, they thought the camp was under attack, feeling uneasy and unsure of what fate awaited them.

Because they had never thought this camp could be breached.

After all, this was deep inside Wugui territory.

Three thousand soldiers were stationed here, and it would be extremely difficult for the country of Yuelang to penetrate so deep into enemy territory.

Organizing a high-intensity attack like this would be difficult for Yuelang.

They figured it must be a small-scale raid.

However, suddenly, in an instant, the world turned crimson red.

This scene left Kuang Huan completely stunned.

The bearded man, who was imprisoned with him, was also utterly bewildered, having no idea what had happened.

Especially after the massive burst of red light, followed by a rumbling noise, the entire camp suddenly fell silent.

The sounds of gunfire vanished, and there was no longer any alarm.

The soldiers stationed in the dungeon seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

It was eerily unsettling, to say the least.

"What exactly happened?"

"Why is there no sound at all?"

The two were utterly perplexed.

In their minds, the image of the crimson light lingered.

They had no idea what had happened.

Tap, tap.

At this moment, footsteps echoed through the dungeon.

The light footsteps were particularly clear and loud in the dungeon.

The two of them held their breath but also felt a slight sense of relief.

Hearing footsteps meant the camp was fine.

The soldiers stationed there were probably just patrolling.

They looked towards the direction of the footsteps.

There, was an iron gate, the only entrance and exit to the dungeon.

Suddenly, a crimson glow flashed.

Before the two could even react, they saw the iron gate suddenly break apart, as if it had been sliced through like tofu.

This scene indeed startled Kuang Huan and the bearded man.

"What... what's going on? What kind of weapon is that? Who is it?" The bearded man had countless questions running through his mind.

At this moment, through the broken iron gate, a tall, slender figure appeared, his handsome and elegant face smiling.

"Kuang Huan, I've come to get you out."

"Mr. Qi... Qi!"

Seeing the man's face, Kuang Huan's heart was overwhelmed with shock.

The bearded man was stunned for a moment, then looked at Kuang Huan, "You know each other? What's going on?"

Today, the phrase he had said the most was "What's going on?"

Qi Yuan stood there, looking at Kuang Huan, and said calmly, "Two days ago, I got a call from your wife. I heard that you were in trouble in Wugui and were captured by their military.

So, I came here to bring you back."

Qi Yuan spoke casually.

Kuang Huan felt a rush of emotions, then gratitude.

The bearded man was stunned for a moment, then said, "So all that commotion above was your doing? Your team is really impressive. And... that crimson light, what kind of weapon was it? Why have I never heard of it?"

It was as if the bearded man had a million questions in his heart.

He voiced the questions Kuang Huan had as well.

Qi Yuan looked at the two and said plainly, "The crimson light, that was just my sword energy.

Alright, follow me. We're going back to Qin Yuan Nation."

As Qi Yuan spoke, he swung the long sword in his hand again.

The steel prison gate ahead of them shattered instantly.

Seeing this, the bearded man's eyes widened.

Kuang Huan, on the other hand, remained calm.

He knew Qi Yuan was a cultivator.

Slicing through an iron gate with one sword strike... shouldn't be anything special.

"Sir, this bearded man is also from Qin Yuan Nation. Can he come with us?" Kuang Huan asked cautiously.

After all, Qi Yuan had risked coming to save him.

Above them was a military camp with three thousand soldiers stationed.

Bringing one more person meant taking on additional risk.

He naturally thought Qi Yuan must have, with the help of his sister Kuang Xi, used some drones to launch a bombing raid on the camp to cause chaos and then snuck into the dungeon.

As for directly engaging the regiment head-on, he didn't dare to think about it.

Three thousand well-equipped modern soldiers could unleash unimaginable combat power.

"Sure," Qi Yuan nodded.

The bearded man and Kuang Huan followed Qi Yuan out of the dungeon.

The bearded man's face lit up with joy. "Thank you."

The two of them followed behind Qi Yuan. Though they had many questions in their hearts, they knew they should leave the camp as soon as possible and meet up with their rescuers without lingering too long.

Just then, Qi Yuan spoke again, "We don't need to leave in a hurry. There's something interesting in this camp. Follow me."

Kuang Huan did not dare to express any opinion in front of Qi Yuan.

The bearded man, however, was anxious and said, "Shouldn't we leave quickly? What if the soldiers above notice us?"

"Don't worry, they won't notice because... they're all dead."

Qi Yuan said casually.

"Dead?" The bearded man froze, puzzled.

"I killed them all with one sword strike," Qi Yuan did not hide anything. There was no need to hide.

"Killed them all?" The bearded man was stunned, still confused.

Kuang Huan's eyes suddenly narrowed, and a terrifying thought emerged in his mind.

Could it be...

Before the conversation could continue, Qi Yuan led the two across the dungeon.

Along the way, they encountered numerous soldiers' corpses.

The bodies looked peaceful, still retaining their appearance before death, with no visible wounds. It was as if... they had just suddenly died in the midst of their routine.

The bearded man fell silent, not daring to speak further, only stealing glances at Qi Yuan.

Kuang Huan also remained silent, quickening his pace.

Soon, they crossed several buildings and arrived in front of an iron gate.

The air seemed filled with the scent of disinfectant, mingled with a strong stench of blood.

The sword flashed once more.

The iron gate crumbled.

Kuang Huan watched Qi Yuan's move, his eyes filled with envy.

The bearded man was also astonished, his expression contemplative, as if wondering... how Qi Yuan had done it.

With the iron gate shattered, a massive hall appeared before them.

Inside the hall, there were more than thirty large glass containers.

These glass containers were cylindrical and filled with liquid. Moreover, three people were submerged in the liquid inside each container.

These people looked weak, their bodies pierced by tubes, with blood slowly being drawn out through the pipes.

They were soaked in the liquid, resembling the corpses of poisonous creatures preserved in medicinal wine.

"What is this?"

"Human experimentation... or what? The Wugui people are utterly heartless!" The bearded man clenched his fists, a surge of anger rising in his heart.

As fellow human beings, seeing people being treated as lab rats naturally evoked a sense of shared suffering.

Qi Yuan looked at the submerged people, a hint of pity flashing in his eyes. "Their life force is gone... there's no cure."

These people... in other words, were already dead.

A flash of killing intent appeared in his eyes. "The Wugui people... truly deserve to die. This isn't just breaking the law or corrupting social morals; this is... utterly inhumane.

These people must be chaotic evil!"

Qi Yuan belonged to the lawful good alignment, and he despised chaotic evil the most.

Capturing civilians and conducting human experiments in a military camp—such actions were deeply repugnant to Qi Yuan.

He looked ahead and swung the sword in his hand again.


All the tubes broke instantly.

The blood and bodily fluids of the people in the glass containers were no longer being drawn.

Yet, even so, they showed no reaction, as if they were already dead.

"I must take a picture of this. Does anyone have a phone? I want to expose them and reveal the crimes of the Wugui people!" The bearded man shouted in anger.

Kuang Huan also felt a pang of discomfort in his heart.

He had no psychological burden when it came to killing people.

But conducting experiments on civilians—that was something he couldn't do.

"They aren't even human!" Kuang Huan gritted his teeth.

How many families did these civilians come from?

Among these people, there were even teenagers who had been captured and brought here.

Just then, Qi Yuan narrowed his eyes and said softly, "Come out."

The bearded man immediately grew vigilant.

Kuang Huan did too, naturally thinking there were still people hiding here.


A tremendous roar echoed.

The ground suddenly shook.

They saw a terrifying beast, larger than an elephant, suddenly roar out.

This beast was covered in blood, incredibly ferocious.

Rubber tubes also pierced its massive body.

This terrifying creature, like a monstrous beast of war, charged at the three of them with a roar.

“A... a monster!” The bearded man looked terrified.

Such a massive beast gave off an immensely intimidating presence.

It even seemed as though this terrifying creature could crash into tanks and armored vehicles and send them flying.

Charging at the three of them, how could they possibly resist?

This terrifying creature was undoubtedly the product of the Wugui people's human experimentation.

He was deeply afraid.

However, in the face of this colossal beast, Qi Yuan remained calm and unruffled.

He glanced at the label on the terrifying beast, laughed heartily, and put his hands on his hips. “This... is what they call a god?”

On the beast’s label, the words "God-Making Project - Giant Power God No. 1" were written.

Clearly, the Wugui people had conducted biological experiments and created a terrifying beast, which they called a god.

The sword in his hand shook once more.

"A god... without even its own bones, made of metal?"

Qi Yuan chuckled, and a crimson light flashed.

The enormous beast, weighing over a hundred tons, suddenly froze, suspended in mid-air.

The terrifying creature was instantly torn apart, reduced to a massive pile of blood and flesh.

Metallic bones dropped to the ground, scattering in an eerie manner.

Seeing this, the bearded man gasped for breath, his view of Qi Yuan changed at that moment.

Kuang Huan's eyes were burning with excitement. He couldn't help but ask, “Mr. Qi... can I one day slay such a beast with a single sword?”

Seeing Qi Yuan slay the beast with a single sword ignited his desire.

Is this the power of a cultivator?

Doesn’t this kind of power mean he could send a tank flying with a single sword?

“Of course you can, it’s not difficult,” Qi Yuan replied, clapping his hands.

The sword in his hand trembled again.

Suddenly, a blood-red orb formed on the sword.

Qi Yuan’s eyes immediately gleaned a wealth of information.

This blood-red orb was the power core of the terrifying beast.

This power core also came from those civilians.

It could be said that the Wugui people extracted the civilians' blood and used some special technology to create this blood-red beast.

This blood-red beast was also referred to as a god.

It must be said that for ordinary people, and even for gene warriors, this terrifying beast could indeed be considered a god.

In terms of sheer physical strength, this blood-red beast had reached the level of a typical Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Ordinary shells couldn't harm it at all.

Looking at the essence of the blood, Qi Yuan’s eyes reflected various emotions: "If I consume this blood, my martial arts talent... would significantly improve."

The essence of blood extracted by the Wugui people created this blood-red beast. For Qi Yuan, the greatest use of this blood essence was to enhance martial arts talent.

"My martial arts talent is already strong; I don't need this."

He wasn’t Shi Yi, after all.

Moreover, drinking human blood—what if he caught a virus?

And this blood only boosted a specific bloodline, which was already solidified.

What he wanted was to forge his own martial path and bloodline.

His martial arts, he would be the pioneer.

Otherwise, wouldn’t he have some ancestor lording over him?

He looked at the lifeless bodies that had lost their vitality.

The sword in his hand trembled once more.

“Rest in peace.”

As his words echoed, the glass containers shattered instantly.

The entire steel building collapsed at that moment.

Everything was buried in an instant.

Qi Yuan carried Kuang Huan and the bearded man, appearing on the surface in a flash.

This move utterly stunned the bearded man.

He felt overwhelmed, looking at Qi Yuan as if seeing a god.

However, upon reaching the surface and seeing... the military base turned into ruins, his eyes flashed with astonishment.

The steel structures had collapsed, heavy tanks and armored vehicles were shattered, and soldiers' corpses were scattered everywhere.

This place... had turned into a dead zone!

Kuang Huan’s eyes also flashed with astonishment.

He understood.

Mr. Qi had single-handedly... killed everyone in a military camp before coming to rescue him.

"Alright, we should head back now.

I’m still in a hurry to participate in the martial arts tournament.

As for the Wugui people... once I'm done with my business, I'll come back to deal with them.

As a lawful good person, I cannot tolerate the existence of chaotic evil!"

Qi Yuan thought he was very cool today.

Qi Yuan had a good sense of self-awareness.

A person as kind as him, on TV, would be called a Saint... no, a Saint-King, and not well-liked by the audience.

But Qi Yuan didn't care.

Kuang Huan nodded at Qi Yuan's words.

Of course, if he knew what Qi Yuan was thinking, he certainly wouldn't have nodded.

You killed three thousand people with one sword... and still dare to call yourself a saint?

Beside him, the bearded man looked shocked: "Mr. Qi... are you also participating in the martial arts tournament?"

The younger generation in the bearded man’s family also had people participating in the martial arts tournament.

Seeing a man who killed a whole regiment now entering the martial arts tournament, he found it quite amusing.

"Yes, do you know any contestants in the martial arts tournament?

How strong are they? Are there any opponents worth being cautious about? My goal is to win the championship; do you think it's hard?" Qi Yuan asked lightly.

Recalling how Qi Yuan had slashed the terrifying beast underground with one sword, the bearded man showed a complex smile in his eyes: “It shouldn’t be difficult"

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