My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 305: Worth a Million

Chapter 305: Worth a Million

“With what you said, I’m fully confident I’ll win the Martial Arts Tournament,” Qi Yuan replied.

After all, as the saying goes, "there are hidden talents among the people."

What if there were tigers and dragons among the martial artists?

He wasn’t afraid of ordinary tigers and dragons, but if there was a dragon comparable to a Yang God, then he’d be in trouble.

The bearded man glanced at Kuang Huan, a look of confusion in his eyes.

Qi Yuan’s single sword strike that had slain the terrifying beast seemed god-like to him.

A god participating in a mortal martial arts tournament? This was... playing with the mortal world.

The bearded man looked at the camp, now reduced to ruins, and felt an odd sense of absurdity.

This camp had over three thousand soldiers stationed.

It was fully equipped with various weapons.

There were even fighter jets.

Yet now, it was all reduced to rubble.

This could only be compared to a legendary myth of a warrior defeating tens of thousands.

At that moment, a phone rang.

In the silent ruins, the ringtone was particularly jarring.

“Hello, Qi Yuan? The Martial Arts Tournament has started, why aren’t you here? Where are you now?” On the other end, Xu Tiehua’s voice sounded anxious.

Besides Xu Tiehua's voice, there was the sound of overwhelming cheers like mountains and oceans collapsing, indicating they were currently at the city-level competition venue.

There were also some annoyed voices faintly heard.

"Why hasn't he come to compete yet? Xu has to call him—what a spoiled young master."

“Oh, I don’t need to participate in the city-level Martial Arts Tournament. I’ve already passed and only need to attend the national-level one.” Qi Yuan replied calmly.

He had gone through the back door via Yang Shan, so he didn’t need to participate in the city-level Martial Arts Tournament and could go directly to the national level.

He only needed to pass one test.

“Hm?” Xu Tiehua was stunned on the other end, not expecting this result. “You’re... participating in the national-level one?”

Xu Tiehua knew Qi Yuan’s background—an orphan of a martyr.

Other than having a somewhat influential girlfriend who was a celebrity, Qi Yuan’s family situation was quite ordinary.

How did he manage to get in through the back door?

“How... did you manage that?” Xu Tiehua couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s simple, because I’m strong,” Qi Yuan answered honestly.

Yang Shan had agreed to let Qi Yuan through the back door because Qi Yuan was strong enough, already at the peak of martial arts.

A martial artist at the peak could participate in the Martial Arts Tournament through other channels.

“Also, I have a certificate for mental illness. Isn’t it reasonable for me to participate in a national-level Martial Arts Tournament?” Qi Yuan said openly.

He was lawful good and never used back doors.

Xu Tiehua was silent for a moment before saying, “If that’s the case, then... see you at the national competition!”

Xu Tiehua was skeptical about Qi Yuan’s words.

He didn’t believe Qi Yuan could skip the city-level and directly participate in the national-level competition.

Qi Yuan had only been learning martial arts at the Mingwu Martial Arts Hall for three months and didn’t even have a martial artist certificate. How could he join a national-level Martial Arts Tournament?

The call ended.

Xu Tiehua looked at the remaining two, saying slowly, “Since Qi Yuan isn’t participating, it’s just the three of us.”

“No wonder he refused to practice with us during the team competition. Turns out he was scared and didn’t dare to participate.”

“Yeah, with his lack of a martial artist certificate, facing any contestant would probably land him bedridden for half a month. Not coming is a wise choice.”

The remaining two contestants spoke, their words tinged with disdain for Qi Yuan.

Deserting in the face of battle was most despised.

At the same time, Qi Yuan received another message from Wang Shiqiao on his phone.

“You’ve got some nerve, daring to stand up Xu Tiehua.

You know, he’s someone who can attend the funeral of the Black Crystal Count.

And you... where are you now?

Don't tell me you're actually too scared to participate in the Martial Arts Tournament?”

“I... took a trip abroad.”

“Abroad? With your driver girlfriend? Are you two on a honeymoon?”

“Stop talking nonsense, I’m in Wugui right now.”

“Haha, you’re really good at making things up. If you don’t want to say, then don’t. Wugui, really?”

Wang Shiqiao obviously didn’t believe him.

Wugui was in a state of war with Yuelang. How could someone as ordinary as Qi Yuan go to a war zone?

That would be suicide.

Not to mention, Wugui was hostile to Qin Yuan Nation.

If a Qin Yuan citizen like him went to Wugui, it would be seeking death.

After a few more idle chats, Qi Yuan stopped responding. He looked at Kuang Huan and the bearded man, then said, “Wen Min is waiting for us up ahead. We’ll take his car and leave.”

Hearing this, Kuang Huan felt a mix of emotions.

He looked at the ruins and nodded firmly, “Alright.”

The bearded man looked worried. “If the Wugui people find out what happened here, they definitely won’t let it go.

Especially with the laboratory under the dungeon, it’s clearly the work of the Wugui cult.

Maybe it’s an experiment backed by Canxing.”

Canxing had deep ties with Wugui, which was no secret.

The terrifying beast they had just seen, its technology and methods, closely resembled Canxing's style.

Now that the camp was destroyed and their experiment exposed.

Wugui would definitely not let them go.

The bearded man felt even more fearful of the mysterious Canxing.

“Don’t worry, with me here, they won’t be able to capture you, right?” Qi Yuan said casually. “If it weren’t for so many things I still have to do, I might even consider visiting the headquarters of the Wugui cult right now.”

“Sir, please be careful. Wugui is backed not only by the Ancient Witch Nation but also by Canxing. You mustn’t act rashly,” the bearded man urged quickly.

Wugui’s military might not be strong, but they had some advanced weaponry.

Near-light-speed laser guns and missiles capable of destroying a mountain.

These weapons were beyond the ability of any human to withstand.

They were even said to be capable of killing gods.

Qi Yuan glanced at the bearded man sideways, “Yes, I’m always very cautious and won’t do anything I’m not sure of.”

As he spoke, he looked up at the stars in the sky.

The day he would form his Golden Core was near.

Once he formed his Golden Core, his power would greatly increase, granting him even more abilities to protect himself.

“Let’s go.”

He led the two toward the distant small town.


“Priest... something bad has happened. Our ‘God of Strength No. 1’ in the experimental area suddenly went berserk and then... went silent!”

In the Wugui cult, a believer’s face was full of anxiety.

The ‘God of Strength No. 1’ was a divine weapon they had created.

A weapon that could withstand thousands of troops.

It was always kept secret.

Now, it had suddenly gone berserk.

And it happened right in the middle of a military camp, which could cause significant chaos.

“Quickly contact Guo Tanran, find out what’s going on. We must suppress ‘God of Strength No. 1’!” The priest’s expression was shocked.

The ‘God of Strength No. 1’ had actually gone berserk.

Hearing this, the believer looked grim. “We can’t reach them; all the officers in the camp... we can’t contact any of them.

Our team is already on the way to that camp.”

The priest was stunned, “Can’t reach them? Could it be... that ‘God of Strength No. 1’ wiped out the camp...?”

A terrifying thought surfaced in the priest’s mind but was quickly dismissed.

The ‘God of Strength No. 1’ was strong, but it was still in its infancy. How could it compare to an entire regiment?

“The military is also heading there. We should have answers soon,” the believer said calmly.

“If that’s the case, it should just be an accident.” The priest sighed in relief.

He guessed that ‘God of Strength No. 1’ might have suddenly awakened and gone berserk, affecting local communication equipment, making everything seem eerie.

As long as the team reached the camp, everything would be resolved.

“Keep a close watch on this. Inform me as soon as there’s any news. I’m going to see the Holy Son.” Priest Feng Qi spoke, a hint of admiration in his eyes when he mentioned the Holy Son.

The Holy Son of the Wugui cult was second only to the cult leader in prestige.

Even the twelve priests were no match for him.

And now, with the Holy Son marrying the daughter of a general from Canxing, his status in the Wugui cult had risen, even surpassing the cult leader.

The priest left the manor and took a car to another estate.

In the estate, there was a martial arts training ground.

When Priest Feng Qi arrived, he looked at the Holy Son in the center of the training ground, a look of shock in his eyes, “The Holy Son’s power... is becoming even more terrifying.”

An old man beside him chuckled, “With the genetic potion from Canxing, the Holy Son will soon rival a god.”

In the center of the training ground, the Holy Son shouted.

His eyes turned blood red.

He picked up an iron rod and exerted force with his arms.


A loud noise echoed, and the iron rod broke in response.

He had actually snapped the iron rod.

This kind of strength was beyond human capability.

Even a warrior who had taken high-grade genetic potions couldn’t do this.

“The Holy Son’s power is growing stronger, and soon he might rival Wushen!” Priest Feng Qi couldn’t help but flatter.

Wushen, the god worshiped by the Wugui cult.

According to myth, Wushen could walk while carrying a mountain on his back.

The Holy Son's eyes showed a trace of pride. “Give me enough time, and I will surely surpass Wushen!”

He was full of ambition, but deep in his eyes, there was a sense of worry.

“How is the God-Creation Plan progressing?” The Holy Son’s eyes flashed with tension.

The God-Creation Plan was meant to create various terrifying beasts.

These terrifying beasts weren’t meant to be used as weapons of war; instead, they were... nutritional supplements.

His nutritional supplements.

Consuming them would significantly enhance his power.

“Everything is proceeding steadily. The war has actually accelerated our progress.” The old man chuckled.

During peacetime, conducting these activities required caution.

But in times of war, the disappearance of a few thousand people didn’t matter.

Priest Feng Qi also smiled, choosing to hide the issue with ‘God of Strength No. 1’: “Everything is normal. Now all the test subjects have been captured, we just need more time.”

The Holy Son nodded, “Accelerate the progress. After the world resets, in another ten years, when the spiritual energy resurges, there might be cultivators comparable to gods. I must have the power to match them!”

Talking about this made the Holy Son feel urgency.

As spiritual energy resurges, the world would undergo massive changes.

According to Wushen’s guidance, at that time, the entire planet would be revealed as a massive treasure trove to the world.

Only by mastering power can one seize this astonishing treasure trove.

“Comparable to gods...” Priest Feng Qi murmured, “The Holy Son will surely surpass the gods!”

“Hmph, these gods are not the weaklings of mythical legends.

Ordinary missiles and light-speed weapons can’t deal with them.

Only weapons of the level of Sky Eye or the most sophisticated ones from Canxing can do so.

After all, those are Nascent Soul experts among cultivators!”

The Holy Son spoke with reverence.

He wasn’t a rebooter.

But he controlled a rebooter.

He knew that ten years later, when the space cracks opened, a large number of cultivators would descend.

Among them were the Nascent Soul experts, called gods.

Ordinary missiles would be of no harm to a Nascent Soul expert.

Only weapons at the level of Sky Eye could accurately obliterate a Nascent Soul expert.

The Holy Son had high ambitions. He wanted to rival the gods and surpass Wushen within ten years!

At that moment, Priest Feng Qi’s expression changed drastically.

His communicator was ringing, and it was the highest alert.

The Holy Son glanced at it and casually said, “Answer it.”

Priest Feng Qi hurriedly opened the communicator, his voice heavy, “What’s going on?”

“Priest, bad news! God of Strength No. 1... is gone!”

“What!” Priest Feng Qi’s face changed dramatically. He stole a glance at the Holy Son, a hint of fear in his eyes, and his voice suddenly became sharp, “What on earth happened?

Did the soldiers in the Xiaohuangtan camp kill the God of Strength No. 1?

Where is Guo Tanran? Tell him to come and see me!”

Priest Feng Qi was furious.

The God of Strength No. 1 was a treasure, more precious to the Holy Son than the entire three-thousand-strong camp.

Even if three thousand soldiers died, nothing should happen to God of Strength No. 1!

“Priest... Guo Tanran... and everyone in the Xiaohuangtan camp... they’re all dead.”

“What!” Priest Feng Qi was completely stunned.

All dead?

How is that possible!

Could it be that Qin Yuan Nation, regardless of consequences, fired a Sky Eye at the Xiaohuangtan camp?

“Priest, there’s a video taken by the military personnel. I’ll send it to you.

Also, there’s footage recorded by people from the nearby town... I’ll send that too.”

Priest Feng Qi’s heart pounded, filled with anxiety.

The Holy Son’s eyes also deepened, mixed with a hint of surprise.

That was the Xiaohuangtan camp, with over three thousand soldiers stationed.

Even a divine Nascent Soul expert would find it challenging to completely destroy such a camp without paying a heavy price.

But now, the entire Xiaohuangtan camp was annihilated?

Priest Feng Qi nervously opened the video, the Holy Son immediately leaned over, and another old man also watched with a solemn expression.

As the video played, the former steel fortress had turned into ruins.

Corpses, collapsed walls, shattered armored vehicles, and cannons were everywhere.

The entire military base looked like a desolate place.

The Holy Son’s pupils contracted, “It wasn’t missile bombardment or Sky Eye. What on earth happened?”

The old man also looked shocked.

The scene in the video was too horrifying.

A camp guarded by three thousand soldiers was just... gone, without a sound.

“There’s also a video recorded by people from the nearby town. Let’s have a look.” The old man suggested.

Immediately, the three of them looked at the communicator.

On the screen, all they saw was a red light.

A giant sword, as big as a small mountain, suddenly slammed into the ground!

The entire military base instantly turned into a red sphere and then... returned to calm.

The Holy Son’s eyes narrowed, filled with horror, “This is... a god!”

It must have been a god!

At this moment, the Holy Son felt a strong sense of threat.

A powerful being of god-like level... how could they arrive ten years early on the planet?

Thinking of this, the Holy Son felt unsafe and wanted to head to Canxing.

After all, only Canxing could truly confront gods, even suppress the power of gods!


The car sped along and then suddenly stopped.

A few minutes later, Qi Yuan put a severed head into a bag and tossed it to Aji.

“Pack it well, this head is worth a million.”

Qi Yuan was very happy.

He hadn’t expected such a windfall this time.

After finishing off the soldiers, they fled, driving away from Wugui.

There were no pursuers for the time being.

However, they encountered some Wugui soldiers having a feast ahead.

Those soldiers stopped Qi Yuan and the others' car.

Initially, they thought they could just pay some money and leave.

Who would have thought that among the soldiers, Qi Yuan spotted someone who had been insulting Wang Shiqiao online for a month?

So, he took care of the guy, cutting off his head.

Wang Shiqiao had said that if someone helped her kill that man, she’d pay a million.

Now... wasn’t a million in hand?

Qi Yuan was quite happy; he didn’t expect to earn some extra cash while rescuing someone.

Aji held the bloodless head, his heart racing, but he held it tightly.

The bearded man was speechless.

This head was worth a million?

Was it really that valuable?

In the military base, there were so many officers. If you randomly cut off a few heads, they’d be worth more than a few million.

Of course, he kept his thoughts to himself, knowing better than to question Qi Yuan.

“These people are truly daring, daring to rob us,” the bearded man couldn’t help but sigh.

At this moment, Qi Yuan thought of something and suddenly said worriedly, “Oh no, I found a fatal flaw, we’re doomed.”

“What’s wrong?” The bearded man was startled.

Kuang Huan was also concerned. He rarely saw such an expression on Mr. Qi’s face.

Could there be something even Mr. Qi couldn’t handle?

That would be a disaster!

“I’m carrying this head, right? Doesn’t that mean I can’t pass the security check? How will we get back to the country?

I’m a law-abiding citizen, I can’t do anything illegal.

But this is a million yuan, imagine how many bowls of beef noodles that could buy?”

Qi Yuan was reluctant.

He was torn between morality and profit.

Kuang Huan was stunned for a moment, then said, “Don’t worry, Mr. Qi. I’ll handle this head through security, no problem!”

“Really?” Qi Yuan seemed a bit happy, “Then I’ll leave it to you. Remember, don’t break the law.”

“Absolutely, everything will be done according to the rules!” Kuang Huan nodded. Having spent so much time with Qi Yuan, he had gotten used to Qi Yuan’s way of doing things.

The bearded man was baffled.

Not breaking the law?

You’ve killed thousands of people... and still talk about being law-abiding?

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