My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 303: Breaking Through the Military Camp

Chapter 303: Breaking Through the Military Camp

The car slowly drove deeper into Wu Gui's territory. Aji's face was filled with anxiety and a bit of confusion.

"Mister... are you sure we're heading in the right direction?"

Aji had been hoping to escape this hellish place, but instead, the car was heading deeper into it. Moreover, the direction they were heading filled Aji with a natural revulsion. His parents had died in that direction, at the hands of the demons in that military camp.

"No mistake. The person I need to pick up is over there," Qi Yuan said calmly.

Hearing this, Aji's body trembled almost imperceptibly. The filthy little girl clung tightly to her brother's arm. It was clear their hearts were anything but calm. They even suspected that the two people who had rescued them might be deeply connected with those demons. Otherwise, why would they be driving toward the military camp to pick someone up?

Soon, the car stopped on a hill overlooking a small town.

Wen Min got out of the car and looked into the distance, slowly saying, "Mr. Qi, the boss... is in that military camp up ahead." His voice carried a hint of fear. If Qi Yuan got caught, they would surely be dead as well.

"Mhm, I see it," Qi Yuan said, looking down at the scene below.

In front of them, dust flew up like a desert. In the midst of the desert, towering steel structures stood tall. In the distance, one could see a steel convoy patrolling. On the watchtowers, well-equipped soldiers stood at attention.

This military camp housed more than three thousand soldiers ready for battle.

"You all wait here. I'll go get someone."

With that, Qi Yuan started walking down the hill.

The distance between them and the camp's gates was only about seven or eight miles. Qi Yuan's pace was neither fast nor slow. The drones flying overhead didn't seem to notice his approach. Amidst the swirling dust, a solitary figure moved steadily through the yellow sands.

On the hill, Wen Min watched Qi Yuan's retreating figure, his heart pounding with confusion. Aji was even more perplexed. Qi Yuan's actions were baffling, making it impossible to guess his intentions.

At that moment, the soldiers in the camp’s watchtower suddenly tensed.

"What’s going on? Why is someone approaching us? The drones are supposed to be patrolling, so why didn't they detect him?"

A soldier in uniform expressed his surprise.

This was a military-controlled area, and ordinary people couldn't enter without permission. Yet, someone was walking straight toward them, and the drone patrol had somehow missed it. They had only noticed him with the naked eye.

As the figure on the road got closer, the soldiers in the watchtower could see his face clearly. They were curious, wondering if this might be some lunatic who had wandered in by mistake.

"Halt! Stop where you are!"

At that moment, the guns at the camp gate were all pointed at the approaching figure. The soldiers guarding the entrance showed casual indifference. Their squad leader shouted, "What are you doing here? Quick, bring him over!"

The detection equipment showed that the person wasn’t carrying any explosives, so there was no immediate danger. While they were puzzled as to how he had managed to get this far, they still treated him as a harmless person who had accidentally wandered in.

Ten guns aimed at him, and four soldiers walked toward Qi Yuan, their faces filled with amusement. After all, it was rare to see someone as well-groomed as Qi Yuan in this desolate, sandy environment.

Standing outside the military camp, facing the dense steel buildings ahead, Qi Yuan smiled.

"I’m here to take someone away."

His voice was loud and clear, reaching the ears of all the soldiers present. Before they could react, a large truck suddenly pulled up beside Qi Yuan. From the truck emerged a group of masked soldiers in military uniforms. These soldiers were heavily armed and much more muscular than regular soldiers.

These returning soldiers were gene warriors who had come back from "hunting" outside. They carried guns and were escorting some civilians with blank expressions.

The leader looked at Qi Yuan and spoke gruffly, "We’re short on blood for our experiments. This one is ours."

He looked at Qi Yuan as if he were just another piece of prey. The soldiers guarding the gate showed a look of pity. The gene warrior experiments they oversaw were extremely inhumane. These gene warriors were religious fanatics of the Wu Sect within the military camp. They captured heretics to complete their religious experiments. No one who was captured for these experiments ever survived; they were tortured in unimaginable ways before they died.

Following the gene warrior leader’s command, two gene warriors began walking toward Qi Yuan, their faces filled with the expectation of an easy kill.

"It seems you’re unwilling to hand over the person I need," Qi Yuan said with a sigh, his voice tinged with regret.

Looking at the thirty or so gene warriors in front of him, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"If that’s the case, then don’t blame me for being ruthless!"

Qi Yuan had intended to reason with them, but with over three thousand people in the camp, trying to reason with each one would be too exhausting. He wasn’t some kind of saint. So it was better to kill them all. Reasoning with the dead was much easier.


With a light shout, a blood-red sword appeared in Qi Yuan’s hand. The sword was incredibly eerie, radiating a terrifying aura. As soon as the sword appeared, everyone present felt a shiver down their spines. This sword was the one Qi Yuan had wielded in the Flowing Wind Realm, and it was engraved with the origin divine ability, the "Heart Demon Command" of the Void Realm.

The blood-red sword unsheathed, and a flash of crimson light sliced through the yellow sand.

The bodies of the thirty gene warriors around Qi Yuan froze, their expressions fixed in place. A gust of wind blew by, and they collapsed to the ground like scarecrows.

One slash, one flash of crimson light.

Even though Qi Yuan was only at the Foundation Establishment stage, this one slash could kill even a Golden Core cultivator, let alone these gene warriors. With just one slash, the thirty gene warriors fell.

The civilians who had been captured by the gene warriors first looked terrified, then their expressions turned to joy and reverence. They fell to their knees with a thud, shouting, "A god!"

Clearly, they believed Qi Yuan was a divine being who had come to save them.

At that moment, the soldiers in the camp were stunned. But despite their shock, they didn't hesitate to fire their weapons, sending a rain of bullets toward Qi Yuan.

"Not only do you refuse to surrender, but you dare to fight back? It seems... you all have to die!"

Facing the barrage of bullets, Qi Yuan simply waved his sword through the air. A blood-red barrier appeared in front of him, blocking all the bullets. The soldiers were stunned, but they continued to pull the triggers, unloading their weapons.

"Hmph," Qi Yuan grunted, his hand trembling slightly. The bullets that had been fired at him suddenly reversed direction.




In an instant, the dozens of soldiers who had fired at Qi Yuan were dead. Holding his sword, Qi Yuan accelerated.

"In that case, you should all... die!"

With a surge of speed, Qi Yuan charged into the military camp. He was like a god of death, his sword reaping lives with every swing. He looked at the towering watchtowers, and with a flick of his blood-red sword, they collapsed like tofu.

These watchtowers were built to withstand even standard bombs, and no human force could damage them. Yet today, someone had sliced one in half with a single stroke.

The loud crash of the collapsing watchtower seemed to awaken the other soldiers in the camp. Alarms blared throughout the camp.

"Enemy attack!"

"What’s going on?"

"Have the Yue Lang forces broken through?"

More and more soldiers rushed toward the commotion, their hearts filled with confusion and fear. They had no idea what kind of enemy they were facing.

Meanwhile, Qi Yuan strolled through the camp, appearing completely at ease.

In the distance, several tanks rumbled toward him, their operators confused as well. They hadn't detected any large-scale enemy forces, only this lone man with a sword.

But in the next instant, their confusion turned to horror. The young man casually swung his sword, and a 50-ton tank was lifted into the air and crashed into a nearby building.

"Holy shit..."

"A ghost!"

The soldiers inside the tanks were paralyzed with fear. Was this even human? Lifting a tank with a single slash?

But before they could process what was happening, another crimson flash sealed their fate, and their tank was sent flying.

With his sword in hand, Qi Yuan walked through the camp as if it were deserted.

Back on the hill, Wen Min watched through binoculars, blinking in disbelief.

Aji's eyes were wide with shock.

Their hearts raced with a mix of fear and awe. They had watched Qi Yuan walk up to the camp, seemingly stopped by the guards. But after that, everything was a blur. All they saw were flashes of red light. Gunfire and explosions filled the air. The towering watchtowers collapsed, and the steel monstrosities that were the tanks were flung into the air. The camp was ablaze with fire, as if under attack. Yet, even with binoculars, they couldn't see Qi Yuan.

Meanwhile, deep inside the camp, in a command hall, several officers were pale and panicked.

"What’s going on? An enemy attack?"

"How could the Yue Lang forces have broken through? Why didn’t we get any intelligence about this?"

These senior officers were the ones in control of the camp. They had gathered to discuss their battle strategy when suddenly gunfire and explosions erupted, signaling chaos or an enemy assault.

“What’s going on? I need an explanation!” one senior officer shouted into his communicator with a furious voice.

"Commander, it’s an enemy attack! Get out of here quickly!" came a frantic voice from the communicator.

The senior officer looked up at the sky, his face filled with confusion. There were no planes in sight, and there were no sounds of missile strikes. The anti-air and SkyGuard systems hadn’t detected any incoming threats, which meant there were no missile strikes or drone assaults.

“Could it be gene warriors? How many of them are there?” the senior officer asked. Only a team of special gene warriors could cause such a disturbance. However, such a team would usually inflict limited casualties and cause minor chaos, essentially a suicide mission.

With this thought, the senior officer remained calm.

“Commander, it’s not humans! It’s just one person…”

“One person!” The senior officer was stunned, then erupted in anger.

“One person… causing this much chaos? Are you all worthless?”

No matter how strong a gene warrior was, a few sniper rounds should be enough to take them down. A tank could simply crush them. How could a human match such power?

The officers were bewildered. But before they could dwell on their disbelief, the alarms in the camp had escalated to the highest alert level. This meant that the entire frontline defense of the camp had collapsed.

How was this possible?

The frontline defense had 800 soldiers, countless guns, over eighty tanks and armored vehicles, and a large number of drones.

And yet… it had all collapsed?

This was less than three minutes after the alarm had sounded.

Had they really been overrun so quickly?

Was the enemy's firepower truly that strong?

Senior officer Guo Tanran felt a surge of panic. No matter what, his position was now in jeopardy.

“Let’s go out and see what’s happening!”

But as soon as they stepped outside, they were met with a wave of retreating soldiers.

These soldiers had no fighting spirit left. Their expressions looked as though they had seen a ghost.

They were indeed shouting about ghosts.

“He’s not human!”

“Run, it’s a ghost!”

These soldiers had fought in over a dozen battles, and their fighting spirit was strong. Even when facing ten times their number, they dared to fight. But today, what they faced wasn’t just an enemy; it was a demon!

Have you ever seen someone impervious to bullets, rockets, or bombs?

Have you ever seen someone who could lift a tank with a sword and smash a steel fortress with a single strike?

They had.

So, they chose to flee.

If not now, then when?

Panic spread like wildfire.

Senior officer Guo Tanran’s heart burned with rage.

The scene before him had utterly shocked him and the other officers who had just stepped out.

“I need an explanation!” Guo Tanran shouted angrily.

But no one was there to explain. The communicator was filled with static.

Fortunately, he didn’t need an explanation. He could see the intruder for himself.

In the distance, buildings crumbled one after another. A man with long hair wielding a blood-red sword was moving forward, his body emitting all kinds of light. These lights looked like movie special effects. With each swing of his sword, an armored vehicle was sent flying, and a crimson flash of light would blow apart dozens of soldiers hiding behind cover.

Senior officer Guo Tanran’s eyes widened in disbelief. “God… How is this possible?”

“That’s not a human!” The other officers were trembling, unable to believe what they were seeing.

How could there be someone this terrifyingly powerful?

“Weak, too weak,” Qi Yuan muttered, his eyes filled with disappointment.

This military camp posed less of a threat than a sect with a Foundation Establishment elder. All he did was walk forward, casually swinging his sword. Every building fell, and every defense crumbled.

“And they dare to capture my underling?”

“And they’re so arrogant online?”

Looking at the chaos around him, Qi Yuan’s face twisted into a demonic smile.

“Escape… is not an option.”

“Sword… come!”

With a powerful shout, the blood-red sword in Qi Yuan’s hand began to glow brilliantly. Everyone looked up to see a massive blood-red sword appear above the entire camp. It was as big as a small mountain, radiating endless terror.

The blood-red light flashed.

Countless tanks, armored vehicles, and trucks shattered into pieces. Drones and planes, even those that hadn’t taken off, were reduced to ashes.

Qi Yuan's expression was calm, his voice as still as water. "All who are within the camp... shall perish!"

These game NPCs were too arrogant; they needed to be wiped out.

With his command, the giant blood-red sword smashed down into the camp.

The sword was even larger than the camp itself. When it struck, it was like a nuclear bomb had been dropped. The entire camp turned into a hemisphere of blood. Everyone’s vision was filled with an endless sea of red. Countless lives were snuffed out in an instant, screaming and struggling before they perished.

Senior officer Guo Tanran, along with the other officers, died in the flash of the sword's light, their faces etched with shock and confusion.

The entire camp was reduced to rubble.

All enemies were slain by Qi Yuan’s sword.

Qi Yuan squinted, his expression calm. His spiritual sense spread out, surveying the area.

Though Qi Yuan was ruthless, he never killed indiscriminately. He was lawful good. Therefore, everyone he killed... was an enemy.

As he scanned with his spiritual sense, he found over a hundred weak civilians still imprisoned in the camp. These civilians had tubes inserted into them, seemingly being drained of blood.

After examining them for a moment, Qi Yuan’s eyes showed curiosity. “Blood extraction?”

It seemed that the Wu Sect was conducting some sort of experiment. He was intrigued.

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