MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 1011: The Alltide's Motives

Chapter 1011: The Alltide's Motives

"Gone?" Hearing the words that came out of Vaughn's mouth, Valyr's eyes slightly widened in disbelief. "Intent? Force? Concept? All of that is gone?"

"All of it," replied Vaughn. "His comprehension, his realm... all of that gone."

"Well, not actually all of it. His Legacy still remains... though that really isn't any consolation," continued the man, prompting Valyr to nod in response as he had a slightly grim expression.

Having already comprehended an Intent to a high grade, Valyr knew how much improvement one's strength would undergo if one were to obtain an Intent.

With the experience he'd accrued from his past life, he also had an idea on how it'd feel if he were to gain access to a Force, as well as the various other features Sellifer had mentioned Myth-level beings had access to.

Because of that, Valyr was at a loss for words when he realized that he'd witnessed something unimaginable earlier, which was the fact that the Alltide stood his ground while fighting against Vaughn.

Though Vaughn still overpowered the Alltide in the end, the fact that their fight lasted for that long gave Valyr immense disbelief.

After all, the comprehended concepts Myth-level beings had greatly boosted their Attack and Defense stat, much less the comprehended concepts Divine-level beings would have worked hard to obtain.

Without those comprehended concepts... without the various other features that made a Divine-level being an actual god... the Alltide was still able to exhibit that much strength?

'...I really don't want to imagine how the Alltide would turn out if he got his hands on my body,' thought the young man to himself with a slight shudder, his mind briefly imagining a what-if scenario where the Alltide was successful in his attempts.

Shaking his head to remove the errant thoughts in his head, Valyr felt that he now understood why the Alltide had gone to the extent he did to a greater extent. In fact, it went as far as him beginning to feel sympathy for the werebeast.

Of course, being the target and unfortunate sacrifice of the werebeast's methods, that feeling of sympathy swiftly disappeared.

Letting out a faint sigh as he thought about improving his strength once all was said and done, Valyr had a few ideas on how he'd do that as he continued his conversation with Vaughn.

"Even though he'd lost all of that... he's still able to exhibit that much strength?" asked Valyr with a disbelieving expression on his face. "Can you even consider him a Greater God at that point?"

"Some do, some don't," replied Vaughn with a slight shrug, glancing at Clazarek for a bit. "After all, most Greater Gods after losing all their enlightenment would usually end up being weaker than even Ancient-level beings."

"To be honest, I don't know how he's retained that much strength with all things considered," continued the man. "If he still had all of his enlightenment while still exhibiting that much strength... perhaps he'd already be at the realm of an Ancestral Deity now."

"I see..." Though he outwardly showed indifference to Vaughn's words, Valyr was inwardly speechless when he heard that the Alltide could've possibly become an Ancestral Deity.

After all, only those with a Rank 14 class could be called by that title.

"In any case, I should probably apologize for not keeping an eye on Clazarek." Deciding that he'd given the young man more than enough information regarding the matter, Vaughn decided to shift the topic somewhere else.

"After all, even though Clazarek's tests to find a successor usually comes with risks, the benefits that come along with it are usually on par with them," the man told Valyr.

"I just didn't expect that he'd end up bringing you to his private subspace before you could experience any of that."

Listening to Vaughn's words, it went without saying that the young man became curious as to what the benefits were.

With that, Vaughn explained that the mark Clazarek put on him could actually be obtained in multiple ways, with most of them being dependent on how Clazarek felt at the time. "However, there's one thing with those marks that remain consistent," said Vaughn. "And that's the fact that the marks Clazarek create have five tiers in total."

Naturally, Valyr asked for more information regarding those tiers, recalling how the beneficial mark he'd got from the Alltide before everything went down was just Tier III.

If that mark already had effects that Valyr considered miraculous, what effects would a beneficial mark at the highest tier have, then?

Fortunately, Vaughn did not mind explaining to Valyr the intricacies of the mark at every tier, briefly telling him of his experience at having been marked by Clazarek.

Through there, Valyr eventually found out that the highest-tiered mark was actually something even Ancient-level beings would covet with how heaven-defying the effects were... as long as it was beneficial, of course.

On the other hand, those with a cursed mark from the Alltide felt that they were suffering a fate worse than death, even more so for those that had received the highest-tiered cursed mark from him.

"Anyways, there's not much point in knowing all of that information," said Vaughn at the end, with his next statement causing the young man to raise his eyebrow. "Remember how I told you earlier that there's a chance you wouldn't need the solution I was making for the curse?"


"Well, I think it's time to show you why."

Sparing a glance at Clazarek from afar, Vaughn stood up before making his way to the werebeast.

Then, flashing a kind smile at him, he then asked Clazarek, "Say, mind if you remove the mark

on Valyr?"

"Oh, and the thing you put on his spear as well."

Remaining silent as he listened to Vaughn's request, a look of faint anger appeared on Clazarek's face before he eventually responded.

"...And why should I do that?"

"It's not much, really," replied Vaughn, the smile on his face taking on a different connotation. "I was planning to give you something that could help with your problem..." "But I guess you're more eager for me to beat you up."

"..." Listening to the conversation that was unfolding between Vaughn and the Alltide, Valyr's body quivered in fear as Vaughn's words reminded him of the man's alternate identity. Unsurprisingly, Clazarek knew of the identity as well, prompting the frown on his face to deepen as he eventually shook his head with a sigh.


Raising his hand for a bit, the Alltide swiftly conjured a ball of iridescent energy that he immediately threw towards Valyr.

Then, before the young man could react to it, the ball exploded into multiple strands of energy that split into two halves.


With one half heading towards his body, Valyr watched as the remaining half made its way to the spear on his back, sensing that the strength Sana had lost due to the curse was finally


With excitement on his face, he soon felt that the mark on his back was gradually disappearing as well, eventually feeling as if there was nothing inhibiting his strength



[The Alltide has removed your Blessed Mark of the Alltide (Tier III).]

[The Alltide has removed the nefarious energy contained within your weapon.]

Taking a look at the notifications he'd received from the system, Valyr soon spared a glance towards Vaughn, his eyes filled to the brim with immense gratitude to the latter.

In response to the gaze, Vaughn let out a chuckle as he conjured a rift to appear beside him.


Grabbing a vial containing a golden fluid from the rift, the man soon gave the vial to Clazarek as he closed the rift soon after. "Now, isn't it better if we don't resort to unnecessary


Though he couldn't care less as to what Vaughn said, Clazarek did care about the vial of

golden fluid the man gave him, wanting to consume the vial's contents as soon as possible.

Because of that, he remained silent as Vaughn went on to say a few more things, only for an insidious thought to appear in the werebeast's mind.

Seeing as that the situation had more or less been settled, Vaughn felt that his duty was now over. With that, he made his way to the door leading to the room, with Valyr appearing beside

him not long after.

"The next time we meet, I hope you're able to return your former glory somewhat," said Vaughn to Clazarek, waving farewell to the werebeast before opening the door.

Then, while both Vaughn and Valyr were leaving the room, Clazarek conjured a small bolt of malicious-looking energy on his hand as he let out a grim chuckle. "I'll be able to return to

my former glory, alright."


Without any warning, the werebeast threw the bolt of energy towards the two, prompting Vaughn to swiftly turn back in anger the moment he sensed the bolt heading their way.

Though, just as he'd conjured a barrier of energy to protect both him and Valyr, the energy unexpectedly phased through the barrier as if it wasn't there in the first place.

"What?!" With slight fear in his eyes, the man hurriedly conjured a few more barriers to hopefully restrict the bolt from advancing even further...

Only for all of them to immediately become futile as the bolt eventually struck Valyr in the


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