MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 1012: Salvaging the Situation

Chapter 1012: Salvaging the Situation

Bang! "Agh!"

With great force, the bolt struck Valyr, sending the young man flying as a wave of pain began to radiate from his back.

Fortunately, the young man was able to quickly react and landed on his feet, though he

immediately faltered to the ground as another wave of pain washed over his body the moment he did.

Seeing that Valyr's life wasn't in danger after the insidious attack, Vaughn inwardly let out a sigh of relief as he conjured a series of barriers around the young man, not wanting the same thing to happen again.

Then, turning his head towards the culprit, Vaughn unsheathed both of his swords, charging towards the werebeast as he flared his aura to its limits.



Moving at a speed far faster than before, it was at this moment that Vaughn finally showed the strength of a true Greater God, slashing down at Clazarek with abandon.

"Hahahaha!!!" In response to the rage-filled attack, Clazarek let out a cackle as he defended against the attack with his arms. "You really think I'd let you do as you please, Vaughn?"

"Remember who you're messing with." Bringing out all of his strength in response to Vaughn's tyrannical move, a grin adorned Clazarek as he soon attacked in retaliation.

"The Alltide doesn't go down without a fight."

"[Rage of the Alltide]."


Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Pushing back Vaughn's swords with great force, Clazarek soon struck at the man with his claws in all directions, making it seem as if he'd confined the man into a small spot.

"[Essence of Immortality: 1st Tenet]."


In response to the flurry of attacks, Vaughn struck back at Clazarek with both swords, imbuing them with his energy before beginning to neutralize the attacks one by one.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

While the two had begun fighting one another once more, Valyr remained within the barriers Vaughn had conjured, slightly shuddering in fear as he realized then and there that the two had been holding back before.

Then again, all of those thoughts immediately disappeared as a wave of pain radiated from his back once more, causing him to writhe on the ground as he gritted his teeth.

'And here I thought he'd given up on me.' Taking in a few deep breaths to calm his thoughts, Valyr forcefully endured the pain on his back as he returned his gaze to the fight that was unfolding.

Focusing his attention on the werebeast Vaughn was fighting, Valyr let out a sigh as he shook his head with a wry smile. 'Then again, he was dead set on killing me the moment I said no.'

"I probably should've expected this to happen," murmured the young man to himself, letting out a muffled groan in response to yet another wave of pain.

Confident that Vaughn would win the fight as he had gone all-out from the start, Valyr decided to redirect his attention towards the wave of pain he was feeling from his back, understanding that the Alltide was attempting to put a mark on him again.

'The Alltide definitely hasn't given up on me,' inwardly muttered the young man to himself, feeling the skin on his back wriggle to form what felt like the foundations of the mark from before.

'Because of that, I'm sure he's gonna put a far worse curse on me so I give up.'

Focusing his senses inward, Valyr soon got a better view of the mark forming on his back, eventually noticing that the speed at which it was forming had grown slower than before. Curious as to why, it did not take long for the young man to figure out, seeing that the fight between Vaughn and the Alltide had escalated to a higher level.

'He's even brought out his Celestial Realm out,' said Valyr to himself inwardly, briefly focusing his attention on Vaughn.

Seeing that the man's skin was now giving off a faint silver glow, the young man soon turned his attention on the Alltide, immediately noticing that the werebeast's movements had become confined now that Vaughn had gotten serious.

Though he wasn't sure whether Vaughn had done it intentionally to help him, it went without saying that Valyr was going to make the most out of his current situation.

After all, even the seconds he wasted thinking on what to do next would give the mark on his back more opportunity to fully form.

"Would it even be possible for me to stop this mark from forming?" asked Valyr to himself, feeling doubt over his abilities as he would be facing off against the energy of a Divine-level


Realizing that he was thinking negatively from the start, the young man shook his head before proceeding to mobilize the mana within his body towards the area where the mark was


"It's still better than just letting it happen."


Though he didn't really think the situation would change for the better once he began shoving in mana into the area where the mark was forming, Valyr was given a slight surprise as the

rate at which the mark was forming began to slow down.

Glad that he had bought himself some time, a smile appeared on Valyr's face as he briefly glanced at the fight unfolding between Vaughn and the Alltide.

Seeing that the Alltide had momentarily broken away from his confinement, the young man quickly returned his senses inwards, doubling down on having his mana fight against the energy since he had a lot of it.

Unfortunately, just as he thought that his idea would continue to work, the mark seemingly began to gain resistance to it, gradually returning its rate of expansion to how it was before Valyr began interrupting it.

Undeterred, Valyr shifted his train of thought from attacking the mark with quantity to

attacking it with quality.


Continuing to use the mana on the mark, Valyr soon began to pour in his Void Energy into it, awakening the hundreds of sensations contained within it to give it more force.

Surprisingly, using Void Energy on the mark worked better than mana ever did, putting the formation of the mark to a halt before proceeding to gradually reverse the formation soon


Taking in a deep breath to calm down his excitement, Valyr was finally able to figure out what he needed to stop the mark from forming in the first place, mobilizing his Prime Azure Energy in coordination with the two energies already there.

To no surprise, the speed at which the mark disintegrated sharply increased the moment Prime Azure Energy was added, being the highest-tiered energy Valyr had access to at the


Yet, just as the mark was close to disappearing from his back, the Alltide had broken away from Vaughn's offensive yet again, making use of his brief freedom to focus all of his

attention on the mark he'd put on Valyr.



And just like that, Valyr's effort had gone to waste as a mark far larger and stronger than his

previous one had formed at the center of his back.


Then again, his efforts were not entirely wasted.

[You have assimilated a trace of the energies of the Divine level into your energies.]

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