Lord of the Truth

Chapter 555 Treasury

Chapter 555  Treasury

Somewhere under Hoffenheim's giant body--

"Brother Jabba, thank you for coming so quickly. I think we have found what we are looking for here." Old Gu showed a big smile when he felt Jabba making his way through the roots and approaching him

Although he is thousands of years older than Jabba and calling him brother does not seem appropriate, Jabba is much stronger than him and has a higher standing in the Empire than him, so addressing him in this way is the least he could do.

This spot is located more than 40 meters under the surface of the earth, and it is the area where Old Man Gu was tasked with searching for anything useful, as well as scanning the area for any surviving buds. Although the place was supposed to be completely dark, in reality, it was bright enough because of the roots that had turned into embers along the path Old Gu took until he reached this point!

*Step... Step... PAA.*

Jabba finally crossed the last barrier of charred roots appeared next to Old Gu and nodded towards him, "Brother Gu Barnett." Then he looked in front of him again

What lies in front of them now is something that looks like a huge wall, but it is entirely composed of roots different from those surrounding the area. Although it is clear from the ruins that Old Guo tried to burn this wall with all the offensive techniques he knows, there is no real damage to it. Withstanding close range attacks to such a degree from someone standing at the top of the Sage REalm is never a simple thing!

"Well, it really looks like a treasury, please step back, I got this." Jabba motioned for the old man to move away, and then he took an offensive stance


One punch from Jabba was enough to create a hole about a meter deep in the wall, but it did not completely bring it down

*Baam* *Baam* *Baam*

Three punches made three holes in the shape of a rectangle, and then Jabba turned his fist into a palm and sent a blow into the center of the rectangle!


After the dust settled, a small door appeared in front of Jabba and Old Gu, they both did not hesitate for a moment and quickly entered it, and immediately a smile appeared on the faces of both of them...

What appeared before them was a completely different world where everything glowed with its own brilliance...

Even though they were underground, the area was completely illuminated due to the mountains of energy stones scattered everywhere!

Neither of them could determine the sheer size of this place, but Old Gu estimated it to be hundreds of acres at the very least. In addition to the mountains of energy stones, there were also several hills that gave off a different glow. Each of those hills contained rare minerals and rocks related to one of the heavenly laws. There was even a small hill that only contained the extremely rare Uracilium metal!!

"Oh, my goodness... What does a tree need for all these things?!" Old Gu took two steps forward and spoke in amazement

"To create the buds, of course. Relying on absorption from the atmosphere alone would not have helped him if he had tried to produce an army quickly, especially in times of war. Naturally, he would have stored all the energy stones he could reach. As for those hills of minerals, they are for making buds that specialize in a specific law. After all, the buds are born with an inclination toward a particular element in nature, and it is no wonder that Hoffenheim used metals and stones containing a high concentration of those laws as ingredients in creating the bodies of his special forces." Jabba tapped his chin and gave a quick analysis, "As for the Uracilium and the rest of the non-elemental metals here, perhaps he brought them to study them or simply to collect the wealth of his lands and keep them at his disposal until he finds a use for them."

Then Jabba looked under his feet again. The ground was full of plants, and it was clear that they were not an extension of Hoffenheim's body, but rather full-grown species of plants of their own. Jabba sat cross-legged next to the plant closest to him, holding his breath, "This is the open grounds lily. Its properties are not fully known, but the locals use it to make a paste that helps wounds heal quickly, as the best wound-healing paste currently available to the Northern Fury tribe is made from an open-ground lily that is 10,000 years old. It is not a particularly rare herb, but it withers quickly after any change happens in its surroundings, so finding one that is 10,000 years old is already extremely rare, according to the number of rings on the stem of this lily, it seems that it is... A million and a half years old?!"

Jabba raised his eyebrows in shock, then looked at the vast field behind the lily... Could it be that all the plants here are at the same level?! His heart nearly bled when he saw the door he had blown down lying on top of a few plants, crushing them...

"Look over there..." Old Gu pointed towards a certain area and Jabba followed his gesture

There was a huge area covered with a huge mound of weapons made of wood, because those weapons did not emit a certain glow that they had not seen a while ago, only now did they realize that they had underestimated the size of this place again!

As for those weapons, they are very familiar. They have seen them since the first day they arrived on Planet Greenland. They are the weapons that the saint-level or higher buds used when they besieged them on the steep hill. These weapons are no less powerful than their golden weapons! And there is a hill of them here!!

*Gulp* "...If these weapons and armor had been distributed to the buds during the siege, the death toll among our ranks would have risen many times over. I doubt that we would have been able to maintain the siege in the first place. Why did Father Tree decide to keep this stock of weapons here instead of pushing them into the war that was happening under his nose?!"

Old Gu swallowed his salvia when he thought about the possibility of this amount of weapons appearing in the battle... They had lost huge numbers of their soldiers, and the siege was almost broken more than once, even though they had 200,000 elite golden soldiers on their side. The weapons lying in front of them were enough to at least fully arm 200,000 buds as well, If an elite bud battalion like this appeared in some more." Jabba stood up again slowly and announced as he looked around

battle, everything would have changed...

"Since we arrived on this planet, only the buds with a saint level or higher use these weapons. Maybe lower-level buds cannot use them, and since we killed most of the saints and sages among the buds, it is natural for these weapons to lie here until they find a new user. Wait, are these THE same weapons they fought us with? Damn, No wonder most of it disappeared after every battle. Tree Father Hoffenheim somehow collected them for himself again and stored them here? I don't blame him though, If I were in his place, I wouldn't want my enemies to benefit from them either..." Jabba looked at that hill for a long time and then sighed, "...as I was moving around Father Tree's body, I found one of the branches incomplete, as if its tip had been cut off. If I'm not mistaken, these weapons are made from the bark of that branch. No wonder those weapons are so indestructible and have unreasonable power despite being made from wood!"

"Each one of those weapons is a treasure in itself..." Old Gu murmured, he saw for himself how solid the Tree Father's outer shell was, only Jabba could make any real damage to it!

"...This treasure trove alone is enough to cover our expenses in Greenland so far and some more." Jabba stood up again slowly and announced as he looked around

But suddenly his clarity of mind was interrupted and his eyebrows furrowed for a moment before his features turned surprised and then happy!

"What's wrong?" Old Gu quickly understood that a message had reached Jabba via the voice ring

"Like you, Sister Elizabeth says she found a wall of roots that cannot be destroyed and she needs my help. She says she feels there are treasures behind that wall..." Jabba muttered.

"Impossible! The area Elizabeth is searching in is far from here!"

Jabba almost answered, but the words got stuck in his throat for a few seconds, before he burst out laughing, "Hahaha, Brother Alexander sent me that he found a huge nest on one of the branches and that he needed me to enter!"

"Is it possible..." Old Gu opened his eyes wide open

Jabba nodded happily, "Looks like this isn't Tree Father's only treasure!"


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