Lord of the Truth

Chapter 556 Peon

Chapter 556  Peon

Up one of the hills near the Tree Father's body--


"Second Brother, you called for me urgently, how can I help you?" A young man wearing perfect golden armor landed smoothly in an empty place with no one else but him, and spoke in a low voice as he struck a perfect military stance. It was Peon.

"Relax, Third Brother, why are you so formal? It seems that the military life got you good " Words that seemed to come out of nowhere, until a person with long hair and wearing a light black robe began to rise from the shadow of a rock. Of course, it was Theo.

"It seems that you have become accustomed to your spying and hiding missions as well." Peon took off his helmet and showed a simple smile on his face

Peon's features had not changed much since he joined Robin'a ranks, It's still that of a young man thanks to how quickly he broke through to a mid-level sage, but he doesn't give the aura of a young man at all but a vicious beast instead, mainly thanks to the numerous scars he accumulated on his face.

Zara offered more than once to treat these new scars, but he asked her to leave them be, battle upon battle, and scar upon scar made his original features unrecognizable. He says that the scars remind him of something that he does not want to forget, and even that dull look that was on his face when he was still standing on the slave platforms has not left him until now.

"Haha get ready, then as you will join me in my spying and hiding missions. catch, This is an Imperial Decree from our foster father. You and quite a few of your men will come with me, as for the men you can choose them yourself." Theo showed a rare smile and threw the scroll towards Peon, who in turn caught it and opened it for a moment, then quickly closed it exactly as it was and returned it to Theo.

"I'll go gather the men." Peon turned around and almost left without any change in his facial expressions

"Oh? I thought you'd be worried about leaving your sister Zara here alone or something, I heard you two command an entire legion together?" Theo raised his eyebrows slightly and spoke. Anyone who knows him will know that he talks a lot A rare short chuckle appeared on Peon's face and he shook his head, "Zara will be fine, she was the one who ran everything in the Legion anyway."

more than usual

"Zara?" Peon smiled and looked in a certain direction. In that direction, his little sister was standing with one hand on her waist and her other hand holding a whip, and in front of her stood the leaders of the three local tribes: Fogun, Reis, and Debas. Each one of them had an ugly expression on his face that they were hoping the ground would open up and swallow them up!

A rare short chuckle appeared on Peon's face and he shook his head, "Zara will be fine, she was the one who ran everything in the Legion anyway."

"Oh, I heard that too..." Theo nodded several times, watching Zara as well, then he looked back at Peon, "I heard that she runs the legion and gives orders and strategies, while you lead the main attack force and often give orders against the original strategy that Zara put together, and carry out missions that can be described as suicidal at the very least..."

"You hear a lot." Peon looked beside him emotionlessly

Theo shrugged, "That's my job."

Although Theo has remained in the capital of the Azil tribe for the past few years, mainly trying to infiltrate their ranks and secure a better life for Richard from afar, he has never forgotten his position as the leader of the Shadow Swords, the institution that Emperor Robin himself ordered its creation to be the intelligence arm that controls the underworld of all the lands where the Empire of True Beginning reaches.

Although currently the number of Shadow Swords is not sufficient and most of them were transferred to the planet Nihari while a small part of them remained on the planet Jura to control the situation, of course, they do not have any power left to interfere in the other two planets: Greenland and the Farm, this does not mean that they should neglect them. Any random information from these two planets could be very important, so every piece of information has to be taken into account or it may affect their plans

So Theo was always requesting reports from the rest of the Shadow Swords about everything that was happening around him, and as for the places that their arms could reach, he would simply send one of the Shadow Swords to request information from the headquarters directly or communicate with one of the Demon Kings, who in turn would cooperate fully with them because they knew who are they and what is their job.

As for the information he received about Peon... it would not be an exaggeration if it was said that it made him worry about Peon as much as he worries about Richard!

"Tsk~ Have you also heard that I never suffer major losses in any attack I launch? Others can make their little strategies all they want, why does that have anything to do with me? When my instinct leads me to a loophole, I will simply exploit it. You can describe my style as suicidal as you wish if it causes major losses, but as long as I achieve achievements, everyone should keep my leadership style out of their mouths."

Theo didn't know how to respond to this... This guy is a general whose role and purpose is to stay safe at the back lines and lead his army to win battles, but in reality, he throws himself into the heart of the enemies' schemes to destroy them from within, he indeed did not inflict any major losses on his men and always succeeded in destroying his target and pushing his legion forward. However, the wounds he received were not limited to the scars on his face!

Everyone knows that his sister Zara had to babysit him all along, she restored his limbs a few times already, saved him from certain death a few times after he got stabbed in a vital point, or that one time when he was literally slaughtered!!

"Just because you haven't faced the consequences of your behavior yet doesn't mean you won't inevitably face them one day." Theo shook his head. The reports he had read about Peon were simply terrifying.

Among Rubin's adopted children, if Zara is famous for her wisdom, and Caesar for strength and prestige, then Peon is undoubtedly famous for being the crazed killer who does not think twice when he finds an opportunity to cut throats.

Peon's standing as the Emperor's adopted son and his great strength and talent earned him respect and acceptance, He also gathered for himself fierce followers like himself who would jump into hell if they saw him jump into it. but his expressions that seemed to burn with silent anger day and night and his crazy fighting style that kept him bedridden every day certainly did not win him any new friends...

Although the golden helmet hid his scars and his facial expression that looked like a volcano about to erupt, simply his fighting and leadership style did little to improve his fierce and unaproshible reputation!

Finally, Peon looked at Theo's face for a long time, "... Interesting, does this have anything to do with your choosing me? His Excellency's letter says that you can take any individuals and the numbers you want without restrictions, but you came to me, do you want to play the hero that will save his crazy brother from a certain death or something?"

"How can I save someone who was playing at the death every day? Of course not. The thing is that the planet Nihari is really dangerous and the mission needs some trusted and tough people who are experienced in regular warfare. There is no one better than you, brother, for a mission like this, don't you think?"

"If you want a strong and trustworthy person who is an expert in regular warfare, then Caesar is better than me at this. I am just a killer."

"Let Caesar lead his father's army, He is a real general's project. As for you, your talents are not here. I think your leadership of the Eighth Legion made this very clear." Theo waved, he didn't have to choose his words much when he was with Peon

"... Never mind, give me half an hour and I'll assemble the team." Byun looked at the army again

"It's okay, there's no need to rush. Leave them until their points are calculated first, then gather them afterward. We shouldn't rob them of the joy of victory so quickly..." Theo shook his head.

Even if Peon gathered the men in half an hour, it wasn't like they could start the mission right away... While it took Robin almost a day to travel from this location to headquarters, Theo took more than two days. Now that there were several hundred soldiers, it would definitely take longer to get back to the gate, so an hour or two delay now wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Oh, alright then, I'll go and speed up the point calculation for that group, we won't be late." Peon put his helmet back on and almost jumped off the hill

"...Aren't you going to ask what your new mission is?"

"There is no need, as long as it is an order from His Excellency, it will be implemented," Peon responded shortly, then jumped up


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