Lord of the Truth

Chapter 554 Zara

Chapter 554  Zara


As the soldiers of the three local tribes were still engaging in their little talks, a thunderclap-like sound suddenly shut all mouths, when everyone looked in the direction that heart-stopping sound came from, they quickly found a female welding a whip. It was the echo of a strong whip hitting the ground, just from the strength of the sound, those who heard it thought that the ground had been cut into two halves, right after that and after everyone was silent, the female melodious voice was heard:

"What's going on here? What's all this noise about?"

A short-haired girl appeared in front of everyone carrying a long whip in her right hand. Her features are small and delicate while her height is just right. Her body is neither plump nor thin. She was wearing a long dress that ranges in color between white, with pieces of green armor scattered over it, adding to her elegance. This girl may not be the most beautiful in the world, she might not even be the most beautiful in the army, but she was breathtaking enough, and her gentle features made anyone who looked at her face want to protect her... This was Zara.

After Robin woke up from his 2-year-long coma and headed with Jabba to confront Tree Father Hoffenheim, Zara had nothing left to do at that spot anymore, so she gathered the Sixth Legion and led them here, even though they had barely arrived and had no right to capture prisoners nor the intact bud corpses, they were happy to collect the scattered body parts, as even these body parts give points if they are numerous enough!

As for Zara and those with her from the Life Forces, they began to move among the Empire's army to treat the injured, until finally, she saw an unpleasant sight...

"Who are you? What do you think you are going to do with this whip? I don't know where you came from, but you have no power over the tribal soldiers!" One of the high-ranking officers from the Plains Clan stepped forward and shouted

"YOU tell me what's happening here. Why are there more than ten thousand soldiers gathered here? There are several other gathering spots for local tribal soldiers as well, Do you intend to start a revolt or something like that?" Zara raised the hand in which she was holding the whip and pointed towards the crowd of soldiers in front of her. Although she was alone and looked like a missing child, the expressions on her face did not indicate that she intended to take a step back.

"This is none of your business, girl. Can't we get together and chat for a bit? Does your Empire want to control where we sit and when we speak as well? This is ridiculous!" That officer waved, and his officers behind him started laughing as well

"This is a military square, not a bar. Go to your barracks as you were ordered until the points allocations end. Then we will meet with your leaders to determine what will happen next. The presence of any of you here is meaningless, and your gathering in particular is contrary to the orders you received."

"Aha, until the points allocations end, you say? Do you mean until you finish taking all the good stuff? No thanks, we're staying here."

"Yeah, you brazenly rob us and we can't even watch? What a stingy girl!"

"We'll stand here. If there's a certain girl who doesn't like it, then she should leave!"

"Hehe, did you not hear, woman? No one is watching us now. Go back to where you came from immediately, otherwise, I will tie you up and give you to the boys to--" That officer was about to continue his threat, but the girl in front of him raised and lowered her right hand. He quickly tried to dodge but to no avail.


"AAAHHHH, my eyes! MY EYES!!!" The officer screamed for a second and saw blood pouring from his face before he fell unconscious. The whip came down on his face, cutting it in half at the left eye.

"Damn, the Empire has gone too far, do you think that we are your slaves?!"

"Do you think we can't defend ourselves? We are not at anyone's mercy! Let's show them who we are, tribal men!!"

When the rest of the officers and soldiers of the local tribes saw what had happened, they took out their weapons and bounced at Zara.

"Who told you you can move?!" Zara shouted again. This time, she did not restrain herself even a little. Hundreds of spear-like roots emerged from the ground and attacked the front rows of soldiers in front of her. The ship itself seemed as if it had gained life and began to move on its own like a mad dragon to strike anyone it could reach. In the blink of an eye, dozens of tribal soldiers fell to the ground.

More soldiers from the local forces jumped in and attacked Zara from above. This was the best way they could get away from the roots. When Zara was about to do something, a stray fireball came and shot down ten of them.


Then blades of wind, then lightning, etc... In the blink of an eye, all the people who jumped to attack from above fell to the ground like flies.

*swoosh *swoosh*

"What's going on here? What's all this fuss about?" Several individuals wearing golden armor slowly landed, and although they didn't know what happened, they saw those locals attacking a girl wearing the distinctive Life Force armor, how could they allow this? So they launched a few light attacks that shot down the local soldiers but did not kill them

"...Princess Zara?!" When the special forces finally saw who the girl was, they quickly bowed, "Princess, what's going on? Should we call in the troops?"

"What did those lowlifes do, Your Highness? Give us orders and we will level them to the ground!!" Another elite soldier was more direct and took out a huge war hammer and unleashed his aura. It was clear that this person was at the Sage Realm, ready to smash some bones!

"P-- Princess? Did he say princess? That person's daughter?!" The local soldiers began to retreat, stuttering

The ten thousand soldiers gathered here had never thought of fighting face-to-face against the Empire's soldiers. They are not fools with short memories to forget what they have seen over the past two years.

The army of the three local tribes at the beginning of the siege was more than 6 million. Those six million included almost all the sages, saints, and special squads of the three tribes, but now it has become approximately 4.5 million, meaning that they lost approximately one and a half million soldiers during the two years, but they know for certain that had it not been for the special golden corps that came to their rescue from time to time, all 6 million would have been exterminated within a month or two at the most!

But this does not mean that they are useless... They are still the tribal soldiers who fought against Tree Father Hoffenheim for two hundred thousand years and know best how to deal with the buds. Without their presence, Alexander would not have succeeded in implementing a comprehensive siege. They were an essential element in the war!

They gathered today to show their dissatisfaction with the points system and force their leaders to do something and bring them some benefits as well. They are still a huge army made up of millions of veteran soldiers and they can use this to pressure General Alexander to change his distribution plan. Everyone here only wants some of the benefits, and not one of them dares to start a war... Let alone anger a princess from the Empire!!

What would they do if the Empire's Golden Forces were ordered to avenge her? Most likely their leaders will abandon them without a second thought!

Zara looked at the faces of the soldiers for a long time. They all looked as if they were begging her not to say anything. Some of them even directly knelt down and continuously hit their heads on the ground.

Finally, after a few seconds, Zara waved lightly and the whip from her hand disappeared, "Nothing happened. I wanted to practice a little on a new technique and they were helping me."


The elite soldiers looked clearly suspicious, but they did not dare to speak again, so they put their weapons back in their place and went to stand behind their princess.

Zara then looked at the local soldiers who were still breathing a sigh of relief, "What are you still doing here? Training is over, go back to your barracks immediately."

"Y-- YES YES!!" About ten thousand soldiers ran back like frightened children, and even those who had just been beaten earlier stood up and ran with difficulty, or their companions pulled them along by force.

"...Your Highness, was this because you wanted to break up their gathering? Sigh~ You are too soft sometimes, these rabble would only understand their limits when they see some of them dead." One of the elite soldiers from the Burton family couldn't stay silent, "There are no generals here currently except Your Highness. Give us the order and we will dismantle the rest of the gatherings within one hour."

"They understood the situation without deaths. There is no need to create a crack between us and the locals now, Uncle Bright." Zara shook her head and replied with a smile, "Just tell Fugon and his peers that I will be waiting for them here and that they must appear before me within ten minutes maximum. It seems that I will have to remind them of their duties a little."

The elite soldier called Uncle Bright merely looked at Zara from the side for a few moments, forgetting to respond... They saw everything, from the moment Zara attacked until they arrived, it was barely two or three seconds. Zara alone faced ten thousand soldiers defeated dozens of them and pushed the rest back, and she also disfigured the face of their leader, a person at the peak of Saint level, with one blow and knocked him unconscious!! ...But at the same time, she did not kill a single person.

She felt compassion for the ordinary soldiers and allowed them to leave so that they would not be harmed, but now she is summoning the leaders of three local tribes to appear before her and hold them accountable for their negligence!

Some of the new elite soldiers did not know what to say, so they just looked at each other out of the corners of their eyes and gave a smile that came from the heart, thinking: 'No wonder everyone who deals with the princess declares that he is ready to die for her, today, I am one of them!'

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