Lord of the Truth

Chapter 542 Sudden change

Chapter 542 Sudden change

"LIKE HELL YOU WILL! I dare you to come and try anything funny, what would be the use of life if I handed everything I know over to you and then lived as your slave? Do you think I am an ordinary person who fears death and wants to waste air by breathing for a few more years? I have lived for more than half a million years! A life without a goal for me is worse than death. What, Do you think I admitted because I fear you? Fuck you! I just want to stop my losses if possible, but if you don't leave me a path, then let's die together!!" The blank-eyed bud shouted again

"Die together? That's not going to happen, you are the only one dying here. I seems that I need to argue you to speak more polity as you should know that you are not irreplaceable here, your lands are already mine, what else do you have? some information? that's nothing. It will take me some time but I will just go attack another Tree Father and beat him into submission and take all the information I want, got it?  You lot may act arrogant as you want, but I bet one of you will cooperate when he see me slay one or two Tree Fathers. what do you think?" Robin laughed and shook his head, 

Then he added with a more latent voice, "But I think you are right about some things, I should leave some face. Well, tell me what do you think about this: I don't need the information about creating the buds nor how to clone the soul, I also can live without the information about the rest of the Tree Fathers and the human tribes and the rest of this planet's creatures. I just want what you know about the planet's spirit, you will still have to accept the soul enslavement seal, and you will have to fight with me when needed. If you agree, then on top of allowing you to live, I will leave you 10% of your previous lands to establish your own kingdom. What do you think of this?"

"I will not be anyone's slave!!"

"Come on, Hoofy, has staying in a position of power for all these years made you lose your sanity and make you forget how to act after defeat? I have already given you a lot. I have given you your own homeland and I will let you keep your consciousness and I will treat you as a follower and not a brainless slave, and you will also keep your secrets. Is there Better terms than these? Come on now, talk. All I want is your information about the planet's spirit and I will be out of here after imparting the soul enslavment seal." Robin stroked Bud's green hair

The bud finally took a look at the massive battle taking place next to him, then looked towards the ground and spoke while gritting his teeth, "…Let's make the duration of receiving the seal 500 years, after which you must remove it."

"It's okay, I can remove it after 50 years if you want, but once I remove it, we will be enemies again, so before you ask me remove the seal, you must be prepared for what will happen next. What else do you want?" Robin waved

"…How do I know that you won't use that soul enslavement seal to force me carry your orders?" Hoffenheim anticipated the issue of hostility after the seal had been removed, so he did not speak about it again

"Hehe, as expected from an old fart like you, this is actually something I can exploit with the Soul Enslavment Seal, but frankly I have no intention of trying to prove anything to you. You have my word that I will not exploit the seal in this way. Do you agree or not!?"

"...Dammit, alright, what should I do now?" The blank-eyed bud spoke involuntarily. If Robin moved his eyes to the battle in the background, he would see that all of the blanl-eyed buds had very ugly facial expressions as well.

But Robin didn't care, and started laughing provocatively...

If there is one thing that confuses Robin and that he does not know anything about at the same time, it is undoubtedly the matter of the planet's spirit. The first hint he heard about the existence of the planet's spirit was when he saw the All-Seeing God for the first time and the All-Seeing God told him that the planets may enterfer to raise a number of geniuses to discover the laws faster, this phrase was enough to indicate a special awareness of the planets

Robin did not realize then or even now how a planet that was supposed to be a large pile of rocks and metals could have a spirit, but he had heard about the matter more than once and he must reach the end of it.

The All-Seeing God will often not say anything and will use the excuse that he will lose a lot of his cultivation or life force, so the ideal person who can provide this information is undoubtedly Hoffenheim.

Could the information that Tree Father had about the planet spirit make up for the loss of a servant like Hoffenheim and make him own lands of his own within the properties of the True Beginning Empire? Maybe, maybe not... but without holding the end of the string, Robin will be left guessing forever.

"Just make it easy for me to enter your soul domain. I will enter for a moment to place the soul enslavment seal and then exit. Then we can talk more about the planet's spirit. What do you think?"

"…You want to enter my soul domain? Come then." The blank-eyed bud raised his eyebrows for a moment

"Alexander, don't let anyone interrupt what's going on here. I'll count on you." Robin raised his head to give orders, then placed his index finger on the forehead of the b-eyed bud.


Within Hoffenheim's soul domain--

"Hmm, you use a technique similar to the Soul Thread technique -which the human tribes on this planet use to communicate- in order to connect your soul domain to the artificial soul domain of your buds. This is not easy at all, especially when taking in mind the sheer number of buds you can control at the same time, but thanks to your powerful soul and your exceptional connection to them as their maker, you can create several million of these threads and use it to control millions of your buds at once, of course, that is before I destroy most of your soul force and limit the number of connections to a few hundred in total hehe." Robin's cute silver avatar chuckled, the last time he came here he was forced and didn't even know what a soul domain was, but this time he closely watched what was going on.

The tree father remained silent, watching Robin with pity without saying a word. 

...This is the second time Robin has appeared in this place, but this time there were a few differences

Firstly, the current soul domain was much smaller than the past, and the milky white color is no longer the only one that prevails here. Rather, there is a certain spot of the soul domain that has turned into deep black, and there are pitch black lightning bolts still trying to destroy that spot, although that spot being destroyed by the lightening is still small that it can be said that a small speck compared to the soul domain, the black spot was undoubtedly growing!

The giant white ball that represented the soul of Hoffenheim was also significantly smaller, yet it was still larger than Robin's silver avatar by a significant margin.

While Robin was examining the changes taking place in the soul domain, the giant white sphere was watching Robin's avatar closely as well. Robin's soul avatar has without a doubt changed as well and by a great margin, it had become much smaller and chubby, like a three-year-old child, and had become silver in color instead of the usual white...

There was also something else that was interesting, the silver soul force from which Robin's soul avatar was formed was too little, it was different and piacular without a doubt... but too little.

Robin's current avatar. At first glance, seems much weaker than it was before!!

"There are several things I want to ask you but that will have to wait," Robin's gentle soul avatar finally turned to where the huge ball was and then raised his finger and formed a strange-looking seal using the white soul power in Hoffenheim's soul Domain, "Open a path for me towards your primal soul, I know you can do it so don't try to play any tricks"

Without saying a word, the huge ball began to expel the pure soul energy around it in order to reveal the primal soul residing within it, but suddenly *swoosh*

All that expelled energy turned into ropes and wrapped around Robin.

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