Lord of the Truth

Chapter 541 Conditions

Chapter 541 Conditions

*Rumble* *Rumble*

A hundred million buds moved at the same time, it was a breathtaking sight, to say the least. It was later said that the earthquake that struck the area immediately after their movement resounded even at the headquarters next to the space portal.

Although most of the buds were no longer under Tree Father Hoffenheim's direct control as before, they did not need to be blank-eyed in order to follow Tree Father's orders to the letter. Some of them may be afraid and some may be hesitant, but they will follow orders under any circumstances!

Following orders in this way is not something new to them, as they did not spend their entire lives under his control or something like that, Tree Father Hoffenheim's taking control over them and turning them all blank-eyed only happened in times of war, as the Tree Father uses this method to crush his enemies as quickly as possible.

In days of peace, however, the buds roam, laugh, and play, and they have a normal life like humans. In the end, they have souls copied from a human.

As for the Tree Father, in their eyes, he has transcended the status of the father in their hearts and minds and has reached the stage of worship. How can they allow an army of foolish strangers to touch their father, to defile their God with their dirty hands?!

That's why when they heard the cries of the empty-eyed bud, they all advanced without thinking. The advance was so fast and devastatingly random that huge numbers of them were killed underfoot, but they did not stop, whoever angers their tree father must die!!

The ranks of the soldiers of the True Beginning Empire army, mixed with the soldiers of three local human tribes participating in the siege, did not try to stop the Buds by force but rather began to retreat tactically. They did not completely open the road to the Buds, nor did they establish their positions so that they would be trampled on as well.

"Where do you think you're going, you damned watercress? You should ask my permission first!" Caesar shouted and slashed the air with his halberd, cutting off the hordes of buds with a wall of The infamous suffocating black flames

The water path users of his elite golden corps created walls of ice and the wind path users created several tornadoes, will the life and plant paths began to use manipulate the buds themselves, each one in the special squad immediately threw up their strongest defense in the face of the bud's advance.

The Father Tree is not a fool. This is not the first time he has tried to exploit the huge numerical difference to break the siege, but he fails every time due to the huge difference in individual strength

The True Beginning Empire's allied army can't break through, but they wouldn't be able to get past them either, isn't this the made statement for the past two years in the first place? And Caesar will make sure that today will be no exception!

After the arrival of Caesar's corps, the rest of the golden corps' began to appear one behind the other. The two hundred thousand experts armored in full golden armor at the moment looked like beach sand in front of a vast sea of buds, but the strange thing was that that vast sea stopped in its place!

"Pfft, look at you, I'm standing right in front of your real body and yet you can't do anything against me, isn't that pathetic?" Robin let out a laugh, then grabbed the blank-eyed bud by the chin and forced him to watch the carnage in front of him, "Open your eyes and see, you had about half a billion buds when we started this war, right? Look how many of them are left and their numbers are still diminishing, even those who are left are mostly trash you created in a hurry to give yourself more time, why are you so clutching into life so much? Even a dog will know when to quit and when to swing his tail. Come in hoofy, even if I don't make a move against you today, you will fall sooner or later, couldn't this have been avoided? You should have been just a little smarter, but what a waste..."

"Smarter? SMARTER?! You came to me from another world and immediately started invading my land. You're blaming me for this war now? Don't you have any sense of shame?!" The blank-eyed bud wriggled out of Robin's hand, which was holding him humiliatingly, and then screamed at the top of his lungs

"I came as an explorer and a researcher, but you turned it into a war without saying a word and surrounded us on the steep hill with the intention of annihilating us. Perhaps you were so accustomed to winning and doing what you wanted that discussion was no longer an option for you. Even if I had tried my best to reason with you in my position back then, would you have heard me? You would have thought it was a weakness. Even if you had given me any benefits, they would have been as small as if you were dealing with a beggar. Do you think that I'm a beggar and would accept this, Hoofy?" 

Robin shook his head sarcastically, "The number one law when negotiating is to be in a position of strength first. Negotiating from a position of weakness is called surrender, and I do not surrender in front of a damn tree, so the war began, the purpose of which was to reach peace between us but on better terms for me, and I was seriously waiting for you to send a peace offering, but instead, you sent me that fuckin' Root Body threatening me inside of my tent, and then you pushed your luck even further with what you did to the Tenth and Sixth Legions that day. Do I look like an easy person to bully to you, Hoofy?"

"Hmph, a damn tree you say? My magnificence is just a tree?! But that's okay. I don't blame you because you can't see my greatness. In my eyes, you are just talking monkeys as well." The blank-eyed bud spoke with extreme hatred, then looked back at the battle that had reached a halt, then turned back to look at Robin, "...Alright, you've won, let's end this then. I'll give you half of the lands you took from me and promise not to cross my new borders for two thousand years, I can also give you some information about the strengths and weaknesses of the other Tree Fathers."

"...Pfft.. HAHAHAHA" Robin put his hand on his forehead and laughed out loud, "Do you still think you can negotiate with me now? Take half of your lands? I own all of them! Do you think you can take them back from me, Plant Head?!"

"Robin Burton, don't push your luck too far!! What is wrong with giving me some of my lands? the rest of the 50% of my land is too large that you wouldn't be able to swallow it even if you wanted to! How about this, give me 20% of my original land that should be good, yes? Or do you think that I and all my buds will be shoved in this spot forever if we make the deal?!" Hoffenheim shouted, the spot he had left was barely enough for the buds to stand in

"Of course not, how can I allow you a lot to have this small piece of land? I will be taking this spot as well of course! It would be strange if I had all the lands around it and then left you stuck here like a lump in the throat sucking all the energy reserves in my lands without paying rent, don't you think? Of course, I can allow you to live in the lands under my authority, but on a simple condition, of course."

"...What are... those conditions..." Hoffenheim suppressed his anger to the utmost and uttered those words with great difficulty.

Robin did not hesitate, "You must accept the Soul Enslavement Seal. It is an advanced version of my soul enslavement technique that I created previously. I can implant the seal directly into your primal soul, after activating it you will be able to retain all your consciousness, but I will know if you will try to betray me and I can kill you using it at any time, I also want the method of making those buds and the method of making copies of the primal soul, and I also want all the information that you have about the planet's spirit and the method of refining it, and the information that you collected about the rest of the Tree Fathers and human tribes."

"WHY DON'T YOU COME AND FUCK ME ALREADY!!" The blank-eyed bud finally cried

"I will if you don't agree."

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