Lord of the Truth

Chapter 543 The Tree Father's plan

Chapter 543 The Tree Father's plan

"Oh? How interesting, these ropes are not just a reconfiguration of soul force. Rather, they are made in a way that restricts the target and prevents him from controlling his soul force as long as he is within your soul domain. May I ask what exactly you are planning to do now?" Robin's chubby avatar raised his eyebrows slightly as he watched the soul ropes, but he didn't seem too surprised

"This is a soul technique that I created after you blew yourself up that day so that this unfortunate incident would not happen again. Now, no matter what you do, you cannot control your soul force within my domain. You can forget any thoughts of escaping or trying to blow yourself up again." A huge smile split the giant soul orb almost in half

"Oh... I fear you exhausted yourself over nothing, why would I try to escape? didn't understand soul matters much the last time I was here so I panicked and tried to pull you to death with me, but everything is different now, so there's no need to panic anyway, what I'm asking now is, why? This won't do you much good... You know that the primal soul doesn't leave the body so the origin of my soul is still in my body. My current avatar is just pure soul force. In the worst case, I can just leave this avatar here and forget about it. I will lose most of my soul force, but I will regain it with a bit of effort. Why would you put yourself in this situation in order to harm my soul force?" Robin tried to pull out more information

"Hehe, it seems that you are still ignorant of soul matters even now! Your primal soul may still be in your body, but isn't your consciousness here? Your primal soul will still be in your body, but without your consciousness, your body will still be like a piece of vegetable. Maybe your primal soul will develop another consciousness later on, But who knows how many years or how many centuries will pass until this happens? how many of your followers will wait for you til then? I don't think you want to die temporarily, or am I wrong?" The tone of anger and hatred that Hoffenheim used to speak with previously has almost disappeared, what it appears now is pure confidence

"Hmm, you're right. There are people who have a healthy body and continuous vital processes, but they cannot move for years. Is this due to a lack of consciousness? I experienced something similar for the past two years, but my consciousness was trapped inside my body, If I had no consciousness at all, this would be really bad, I would really need at least dozens of years until my primal soul produced a new consciousness. This is not a very pleasing idea, My back will hurt if I remain asleep for heaven's know how long until a new consciousness is formed, this would be annoying and would hurt my plans a lot. So, what do you suggest?" Robin nodded several times, "Even if my consciousness remains here, it's not as if the army outside will mourn and go off to plant onions. You've fought them for two years and you know what they're capable of. Now that Jabba has joined them, you're dead, whether I'm the one leading them or someone else, your end is inevitable."

"Don't try to act as if you are still in control of the situation!!" Robin's careless behavior angered Hoffenheim once again, "Listen, I've observed your forces long enough to know about the Oath Tablets and had my kids steal a few of them from the bodies of their victims. It's a good invention, I admit it, and today it was going to be your redeemer."

Soul Force began to separate from the giant orb again and took the form of patterns familiar to Robin. These are the patterns he draws on the Oath Tablets. After he finished making them, Hoffenheim spoke again, "What do you think about this? Wouldn't it be a good solution?"

Robin's eyes remained on the patterns in front of him for a while before he whistled lightly, "First the soul ropes to restrain me, and now the oath patterns, I'm starting to feel that you were the one who pulled me into your soul domain and not me who asked to enter. Let me guess, you were going to attack me anyway and drag me here as you did before if I did not ask to enter your soul domain, then you would restrict me and force me to swear to leave you alone, and perhaps even swear to compensate you for your losses? You were just waiting for the right opportunity while we were talking." 

"...And there is more, You pretended to lose your nerve and started shouting in anger in order to make me lower my defenses toward you and think you already went nuts, you didn't want your plan to fail before it began. Amazing, you are truly an entity that has lived for more than half a million years."

"True, but you spared me all this and asked for entry yourself, haha, and even brought me an excellent gift as well..." Hoffenheim's voice cackled, and then the oath seal disappeared, before one of the ropes wrapped around Robin began pulling the soul enslavement seal towards Hoffenheim, "So this seal makes the target a slave to the one who plants it, huh? Now that you've linked your soul domain to mine, I can easily access your soul domain now, find your primal soul, and put this seal on it. Tell me what I should do with you next. Maybe I'll send you to destroy the rest of the Father Trees and bring me their hearts? Or let you show me how to send buds into your world and transform it all into hell?"

Robin raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh? Do you want to use the soul enslavement seal instead of the Oath Tablet now? This is very dangerous if you take my opinion, After you give me a few strange orders that I don't normally make, those close to me will arrest me and destroy you immediately."

"After the first few errands you do for me, it will be too late to do anything even if they notice. Secondly, how can one gain much if they do not risk much? I am happy to have an enemy like you, even if only for a short time, Robin Burton, but you are too far young!" Hoffenheim spoke confidently and then began moving towards the entrance from which Robin had come, clearly wanting to head to his soul domain

"Hey, I haven't finished talking to you yet!" Robin shouted

"I'm done with mine." The orb continued on its way, in his opinion Robin was already finished

"I'll talk anyway." Robin's chubby silver avatar raised his small shoulders, "...When you made this rope technique, you did keep in mind that I can be stronger than you at the moment, so you used the advantage of being inside your Soul Domain to strengthen your technique further. From what I see, these ropes don't seem to care about how strong the target is, but rather they can restrict any spiritual avatar as long as that avatar exists within your domain..."

Then he continued, "Is this what gave you the audacity to carry out your plan anyway even after you saw my new soul avatar? I bet you did not understand the changes that happened to my soul, but you told yourself whether I became stronger or weaker I would still be restrained here, as long as my soul avatar was made of the same kind of soul force as in those ropes I will be suppressed within your domain, and of course, the quality of soul force is identical for everyone, at least according to your understanding, but..."

*Shh shhh*

A thumping sound finally stopped Hoffenheim in his tracks and forced him to look behind him, finding the small silver figure of Robin still standing sluggishly in his place with a lazy expression on his face.

He stood slouched... there were no ropes covering his body...

The ropes are gone!!

"WHAT THE--?!" Hoffenheim was greatly shocked by the sight in front of him and almost used his soul force to do something else to remedy the situation, but at this moment Robin's silver avatar moved his chubby hand spontaneously.


The huge soul orb stopped in its place, and even the bit of soul force that had come out of him earlier remained in place as well

Hoffenheim is still aware of what is happening around him, time is moving at the same normal rate and nothing has changed, he is just unable to speak or move!

He just saw Robin's avatar approaching him, smiling and saying, "...Unfortunately for you, my soul force is a little different from anything you know."

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