Lord of the Truth

Chapter 507 Holes

Chapter 507  Holes

Under everyone's eyes, one of the warlords started running towards Robin, raising his arm to punch with a few short lightning bolts. He could also be seen moving between the fingers of his fist like small snakes ready to destroy their Emperor and maybe destroy everyone present with this one attack... On the opposite side, They also saw Robin standing in an offensive position, raising his black spear in a straight manner with both hands, ready to stab whatever came his way.

The whole scene was very strange... It looked as if a strong-bodied human being was running to attack a mouse holding a toothpick!

But at that moment, the scene completely froze for all humans and buds.


The Warlord's arm exploded into hundreds of pieces.

Everything happened very quickly. It was as if time had stopped; there was no exaggerated technique like that thundercloud or bloody aura like the one Jabba had released… Robin only stabbed forward with his spear when the Warlord was only a few meters away, and in the next moment, the Warlord lost one of his arms.

The Warlord was still thrusting forward with force, the only difference being that he no longer had an arm.

He didn't feel like a strong attack landed on him or even any pain. The energy attack from Robin's spear seemed like it had pressed a button in his arm, canceling out the power that was controlling the buds and keeping them in place.

Stunned by what had happened a moment ago, the Warlord was still dashing forward without finding time to slow down, make a sound, or even change his countenance; everything just happened too fast!

When his eyelids were still barely opening to express his shock, his eyes caught the sight of Robin returning the spear backward and retaking his attacking stance, then striking his front foot hard and pouncing towards him!

Robin's insane speed in attacking and preparing for the next attack before anyone even realized what had happened made the Warlord think for a split second that time seemed to be slower for him than it was for Robin somehow.

'AHH!!!' The Warlord shouted in his head when he discovered Robin's target. This time, he was aiming for the stomach area; it was where the core of the laws created by the Wizards resided!! The Warlord barely managed to force his left arm to move to block Robin's path before he reached the core.


But it seemed as if the arm of the Warlord was moving in slow motion. Robin passed by it as if it were stopped in mid-air, then continued forward until it reached an appropriate distance and stabbed!


*Bam Bam Bam Bam*

At that moment, the movement finally returned to everyone's eyes again.

Moments ago, the Warlord was running towards Robin and seemed the black spear deeply embedded in the Warlord's stomach area!!

to be about to crush him, but now... Now the Warlord's right arm exploded and turned into hundreds of bud corpses that started hitting the ground, while they found Robin standing on his black spear with his hands crossed in front of his chest, with the head of the black spear deeply embedded in the Warlord's stomach area!!

"AH!!" Upon seeing this scene, all the members of the Sixth Legion and the buds' army opened their mouths, and some of them took a few steps back automatically. The transition from one scene to the next was very fast. They felt as if Time was cut off at that moment or that they were sleeping with their eyes open and did not see what happened!

"You… that… spear strike…" The Warlord uttered in Hoffenheim's voice, but this time, the tone of the voice did not carry any arrogance, megalomania, or even an iota of self-confidence like it was a few seconds ago… It was only filled with shock and sheer terror.


*Crack Crack Crack*

In the next instant, the Warlord's eye completely lost life, and his huge body began to stagger; the cracks along his body quickly began to grow and expand until he lost his coherence and began to collapse.

Quickly, the Warlord that destroyed the Tenth Legion in a matter of a few minutes and was terrorizing the Sixth Legion collapsed like a house without pillars, quickly turning into a pile of dead buds.


The arena containing hundreds of thousands of human soldiers, millions of buds, and even five other warlords sounded like a deserted cemetery now. At that moment, no one dared to breathe out loud.

With a light movement of his hand, Robin removed all the dirt from the fallen bud corpses and then stabbed his spear into the ground and leaned on it as he looked towards the remaining five Warlords. A sly smile appeared on his thin face, "See, Hoofy? I told you, Nothing is perfect. As long as you have a good pair of eyes, you can see a few holes here or there, hehe."

"No... No, it's impossible. Impossible!!" The five warlords started to shout at the same time as if Hoffenheim had forgotten to choose one of them to speak through, "The heavenly laws themselves made these cores; it is the definition of perfection. If the heavenly laws are not perfect, then what could it be? What kind of evil have you done just now?"

Leaning on his spear, Robin raised his other shoulder with innocence, "Are you saying that I'm a liar? Come on, Hoffy, that hurts my feelings! Didn't you see what happened yourself? And you still have the guts to say it's evil? If I'm that evil one here, what should we call what you are doing to the planet? Listen, Hoffy, you and the rest of the six eavesdroppers up there, those *Wizards* of yours, are just the embodiment of the laws that YOU, as inhabitants of the planet, have explored to this day. Some of them have reached the fourth stage, some of them are still in the third stage, and there are even a few that are still in the first stage. How can a cluster of these different stages of different laws be perfect?"

Then he continued as if giving a lecture, "Let's suppose all the laws used were of the fourth stage, so what? If they are perfect, as you say, then what about the fifth or sixth stage? The fact that there are higher degrees of the law means that it is still subject to improvement, and What is amenable to improvement by definition is not perfect! And anything imperfect in front of my eyes is simply a sandbag waiting to be stabbed. Do you understand now, Hoffy? Maybe if there were a real Martial Emperor here relying on real strength, then you would force me to take some of my men and run, but Relying on pure laws to play with me wasn't a smart move in front of me. I'm simply your natural enemy."

"Your eyes… your eyes, YOUR EYES!!" The features of the five Warlords gradually turned from shock to pure anger, and their already cracked faces contorted as they looked at Robin's golden-capped eyes.



The five Warlords quickly charged toward Robin simultaneously with crazed looks.

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