Lord of the Truth

Chapter 506 Perfection

Chapter 506  Perfection

Robin could not hide the smile that emanated from his heart, and even his close followers could not remember when was the last time they saw him grin like that. They could not even decide whether they ever saw him behave like this in the first place.

But how can he stop himself?

The process happening in front of him right now might be the answer he was looking for…

Currently, the five cores are no longer just heavenly law strands or random bud bodies. However, each core has become covered with a huge number of compressed buds that are still accumulating little by little in an orderly way to create the giant bodies of the Warlords. Just at this moment, the feet and the abdomen area up to the chest were already formed.

The buds did not completely merge, nor were their bodies destroyed, but they were just pressed next to each other as if they were embracing each other in a really uncomfortable way.

All of this could be ignored; after all, they are just artificially created beings in order to serve the Tree Father, but the strange thing was that the internal energy of those buds began to seep out from their bodies and head towards the core and pour into it, the core that was empty moments ago and was only a gathering of pure laws had already become filled with a huge amount of energy drawn from hundreds of buds at the level of a Saint or a Sage! The soul force in those buds also seeped out from their bodies and formed its own separate Soul Domain, and their life energy seeped in to nourish the new entity as one being.

Even their bodies began to wriggle and take strange positions to form the details of the body of the huge bud; this means that the bodies of thousands of saints have become the tissues of the muscles of the Warlords, while the bodies of hundreds of sages became the bones!

Although the buds involved in creating the Warlords did not die immediately, the lives of all the buds involved in the making of the Warlords were implicitly done for, losing this amount of life energy and soul force and even breaking the inner energy foundations in order to bring it out like this meant that those buds would spend the rest of their lives as real vegetables.

Whether in terms of inner energy, soul force, life force, or even overall physical strength, Those five Incomplete Giant Buds or *Warlords* had already surpassed the Sagehood Realm by a huge margin!

It turns out that the *Warlord* is an entity that can transcend the boundaries of the planet's creatures by very subtle circumvention using the laws of that planet.

Of course, this circumvention would never have been possible had it not been for the embodiment of the Major and even Minor Heavenly Laws of Planet Greenland involving themselves in creating those cores.

But even with this, there is still a gap: How can the planet's laws do such a thing? Sacrificing a huge number of living beings to create one powerful being is demonic to say the least.

'Why would the planet's major laws help someone like Hoffenheim commit this crime? ...Is this related to the Refinement they are talking about?' Robin thought while still smiling heartily, 'And how... Can I benefit from this phenomenon?'

The giant bud opened its empty eye in stupefaction when it saw Robin's strange condition and then started laughing and looking up at the sky, "Did you all see this? Even the leader of the otherworldly invaders lost his mind when he saw my strength! HAHAHA."

"Hoffenheim, please stop this madness. We will send you all our armies and help you cleanse the strangers. No, we will give you back all your lands and give you new lands on top of them, What do you think? And I assure you that this incident will be completely forgotten and will not be taken against you; I promise you this." A relatively quiet voice echoed in the sky

Hoffenheim paused for a moment before his voice rose, "...Flores, you used the wizards' effect and forged a warlord before. You should know that there is no turning back now after the formation of cores. If I try I will bring destruction to myself; why would I do such a stupid thing? Accept lot should accept your fate; the damage to the world and the soul of the world has already been done, and the damage can only be reversed by destroying the warlords, and you know that the warlords are basically indestructible. The cores formed by the laws of the world are flawless! They are perfect!! And they are now mine! MINE HAHAHA"

Then, he continued non-stop, "Hehe, Flores, you should still have the Warlord you made two hundred thousand years ago, right? We have collectively tried to destroy it many times but to no avail. It doesn't matter now, Prepare your Warlord buddy; it might help you stop me for a bit when I get to you!"


"You crazy bastard, do you think you're the only one who can make Warlords?!"

"Hmph, do you think I ordered five cores randomly? I calculated what the world soul can handle currently and consumed it entirely. It is impossible to create another warlord for at least fifty thousand years; by then, there will only be me on the back of this world!"

"Argh!! What is the secret of your smugness? We all had the same choice, but no one chose it. What is the point of destroying the planet and wasting all our labor in refining the planet's soul? Even if your plan succeeds, you are doomed to die before you become the world Lord, Hoffenheim; you will spend the rest of your life regretting your foolish decision today!" An angry voice shook the sky

"Hehe, you are just angry because you all wanted to make the same move but were afraid of the consequences. It's not my fault that you were cowards and lost the game to me in the end, hahaha! ..Ohh? Looks like the wait is over."


At that moment, the enormous tentacles disappeared, and the earthquakes and turmoil in the planet subsided somewhat; all eyes focused on five huge creatures standing motionless in the middle of the battlefield.


Five roots shot out from the ground and rose up to the neck of the five warlords from behind and touched it for a moment before the five warlords opened their eyes, and they all started laughing in the same voice... Hoffenheim's voice.

"That... crazy bastard!!"

Hoffenheim completely ignored the words of the other Tree Fathers and then turned back to look at Robin, "You made a mistake in choosing my world, junior, but I respect the strong; I will give you a chance to say your last words." After the Warlord closest to Robin finished speaking, he started running towards him, raising his right hand to a fist that was several times bigger than Robin himself.

"Oh? Can I say my last words? I guess I'll take the opportunity to tell you something then… You said the cores formed by the Heavenly Laws must be perfect and thus indestructible, right?" Robin's smile turned into a chuckle, and then, with a light movement, a black spear took out from its ring and stabbed forward, "…Buddy, There is no perfection in this universe."



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