Lord of the Truth

Chapter 508 Battle under the broken sky- 1

Chapter 508  Battle under the broken sky- 1

Robin remained standing in his place, leaning on his spear, motionless, observing the movements of the five warlords as if the matter did not involve him.

Two of them started running towards him after leaving a distance between each other, as if they wanted to close all avenues of escape for Robin, the third rushed towards the Sixth Corps General, Jabba, who was looking towards the sky with bloodshot eyes as if he was no longer in this world, as for the fourth Warlord he jumped towards the largest gathering of human soldiers, while the fifth remained standing in his place.

"Hmph!" Robin gave a short sneering laugh and pulled the spear out of the ground, it was clear from Tree Father Hoffenheim's choice that he was still apprehensive about the sight of the sixth Warlord being destroyed just now, so he was trying to distract Robin in other ways.



Again, everything from Robin's point of view seemed to be twisting and denting as it started to go in slow motion, It seemed as if he had entered a blank black and white canvas, the Warlords and the Sixth Legion, and everything around him was almost out of feature.

 However, using the Eye of Truth he was able to accurately detect where everything was, and then leaped forward! But the strange thing is that instead of Robin trying to aim his spear at the two warlords coming towards him, he started running towards the giant heading towards Jabba!

The giant was too close to Jabba, and if he was left to move at the same pace, he would reach him and kill him or take him as a prisoner before Robin finished with the two Warlords in front of him. It was so close that the back of the Warlord was already in Robin's sight with only a few steps left to reach Jabba who was still helplessly sitting there!

*Step.. Step..*

Robin at this moment was running normally, but his footsteps seemed to fold the space beneath them, every time he raised his foot to take a step, it was evident that he had taken a hundred steps… This was the ability of the third stage of the Major Space Law, Space Fold!

The third stage of the Major Space Law granted Robin more than just making his spear extremely fast, it gave him the ability to fold the space around him to shorten the distance he had to travel to reach his target, the process can be described as when he is advancing towards his target, his target is also advancing towards him!

In this way, the distance that must be covered normally by a hundred steps can be covered by Robin in two or three steps. This ability gives the impression to others that Robin is teleporting!

But at the same time, it puts tremendous pressure on the user's body, which is practically tampering with one of the highest heavenly laws, so it cannot be used all the time, and his freedom of movement is greatly restricted while activating this ability, as it completely reshapes space on the user's viewpoint!

If he does not realize well where he will appear after every step he takes, he may find himself with a sword piercing his heart or falling into a volcano.

… Robin raised his spear in a stabbing position and concentrated the energy again at the tip of the spear to prepare to strike at the focus of the Third Warlord from behind, but at that moment Robin noticed that the foot of the Third Warlord was gradually lifted off the ground as he quickly kicked towards him!

'This is bad' Robin thought when he realized that he would not be able to avoid this huge foot in time as already taken a step forward, and if I did touch him, it would definitely grind his bones, so he quickly changed the stabbing position that he had already taken, then raised his spear up and then lowered it hard as if he was cutting down with a sword!

Before the dark metallic spear's body slammed into the Warlord's feet, strong repulsive gravitational waves started to be released, then with a *PAM* the contact happened

The repulsive gravitational waves weren't as strong as those shown by Jabba in his battle just before and weren't even able to slow down the giant's foot before approaching, but that wasn't what was intended from the start.

As the Warlord's feet reached a certain distance from the black spear, the gravitational waves of the black spear were like an invisible barrier between the foot and Robin, the direct contact between the Worlord's foot and the repulsive gravitational barrier caused Robin to fly backward like a missile!

When Robin saw that the third Warlord had stopped in order to deliver that back blow and was no longer advancing toward Jabba, he stopped looking in his direction and focused his attention on the direction he was being thrown towards... He was heading towards the fourth Warlord who wanted to attack the Sixth Legion soldiers!

Robin smiled ruthlessly and then adjusted his posture in mid-air, stabbing towards its core!

The Fourth Warlord quickly raised its left arm to cover the stomach area and easily counteracted Robin's attack, then raised his other hand and a thunderbolt came out and headed towards Robin who was still flying towards him.

'*Damn it!' Robin cursed in his head, The incoming attack was an extremely fast Stage Four lightning strike, if not for Space Fold decreasing its speed it would have easily turned him into steamed meat! Once again, Robin used the gravitational expulsion technique to force his body to barely move a few centimeters so that he could barely dodge the thunderbolt, then stabbed the spear toward the fourth Warlord's unprotected waist.



"Holy shit!!"

"What happened?"

Everyone, whether they were humans or buds, suddenly found that everything in front of them had completely changed...

The True Beginning Emperor, Robin Burton, was not standing in his original spot. Not one at the Sixth Legion nor the remaining high-level buds knew what happened, from their point of view, Robin was leaning on his spear, and the next moment he was not there!

The four warlords also no longer attacked in more than one direction like crazed beasts, they all stopped their positions in strange postures as they all looked in one direction with extreme anger, with even one of them roaring in pain in the ground!

"Long live His Excellency! Long live the True Beginning Empire!!"

"Long live His Excellency! Long live the True Beginning Empire!!"

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Sixth Legion began to cheer with pride. They finally found him, In the direction where the five Warlords were looking, Robin was leaning on his spear, panting, right next to the Warlord who was lying on the ground without his two legs and around him a huge number of high-level buds corpses...

His Excellency has made a move again, he stopped the Warlords and even crippled one of them!!

"Long live His Excellency! Long live the True--- hmm?!"

Suddenly the cheers began to subside a bit, especially among those at the upper echelons of the Legion, the pride they felt quickly turned to anxiety.

As of this moment... His Excellency was spitting blood.

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