Lord of the Truth

Chapter 499 Fate

Chapter 499  Fate

The information about the success rate in becoming a Heavenly Law User hit Robin where it hurts

Leaving aside the fact that Planet Nihari has a population of tens of times greater than Planet Jura and it's only fair to think they have far more soldiers than him right now, the main key here is that Planet Nihari has hundreds of Emperors… Until this moment, he hasn't even found a way to deal with those at the Emperor Realm, yet his dream army is already crippled before it was even formed!

Even though Planet Nihari Emperors rely only on physical strength and cannot fly -As far as he knows- they are still unstoppable moving blocks of pure power!

Years passed while he was studying the situation, and he found only two solutions...

The first is to produce hundreds of thousands of Sages and provide them with all he can of divine equipment and talismans and prays that they are sufficient to bary the Emperors with numbers, and this does not seem available now after reading this report...

The second solution is for him to speed up the process of breaking through the third stage of the Master Law of Truth, and create techniques for the fourth stage of a few Heavenly Laws to have his own Emperors... But this solution was also dismantled by the report If the talent is so poor that too few can break into Knighthood, how many of his followers can actually become an Emperor!?

Suppose he broke through to the third stage of the Master Law of Truth and was able to collect the fourth degree of all the major heavenly laws that his followers use today… how many of them would become an Emperor in the remaining 18 years?

Even breaking through to the Knighthood realm has a small success rate, so what about breaking through to an Emperor's realm? Would he even be able to produce a single Emperor before the invasion began?!

Without Emperors and without huge numbers of Sages, what would he do in front of the Emperors of Nihari? No... What would he do in front of the army of All-Seeing God'd rival who came ready to destroy Nihari along with its Emperors?!

'...I only have the Demons left.' Robin clenched his hands behind his back and gritted his teeth.

Strengthening the Demons depends on one thing, which is eating the meat of intelligent beings. As long as they have enough food, they will become stronger in a short period and in large numbers, but feed them until Emperors come out of them.

Robin ordered the Demons kings to make the farm planet their main source of food for as long as possible, and this meant that they should be careful in hunting and not exterminate the entire indigenous population and let them multiply, The *Farm* Planet was not a casual name but an accurate description of the fate of the planet.

'...If I want to get an appropriate number of Emperors from them during the remaining few years, I will have to give them the signal to eat everything that can walk or breathe the Farm Planet, No, this might not be enough either...'

Robin continued on his train of thoughts, ' If I want a sufficient number of Demon Emperors to fight the Emperors of Nihari and the Emperors of the All-Seeing God'd rival will have to bring a considerable number of Demons to feed on the human tribes in Greenland, and even ignite a war between the Demons and the rest of the races in Nihari right now. The Demons in Nihari are not very strong so the war will end up destroying most of them, but whoever survives will be strong enough to... to? OMG, What am I thinking?!*' Robin raised his hands from behind his back and pressed them on his head from both sides forcefully, 'ARGHH, is this the fate of the road that I chose for myself? From someone who wants to help people with his inventions to someone who plans to destroy three worlds? Damn it... DAMN IT ALL..!!'

Robin kept looking through the window with a distracted mind and a twisted face, the three historians came more than once to check on him, but he did not pay any attention to them.

It was not known how many hours or even how many days Robin had spent standing like this until finally he closed his eyes and sighed and returned to his seat with apparent helplessness.

Everything collapsed.

He now only has two options with no third in sight...

The first was for him to continue his initial plans of trying to produce more Emperors and sages before the invasion began, praying to the heavens day and night and leaving the final outcome to luck.

The second was to give orders to the Demons to start the bloodshed...

This order would make him one of the worst tyrants in history, No... perhaps even in all the young planets, he wouldn't find a single evildoer that could rival him.

After giving that order, he wouldn't even have the right to pretend that he still had my boundaries and principles.

After that order, even the Divils would disown him.

After several more hours, Robin lifted a random book in front of him and began to read again, perhaps to deviate from this topic a little.

What this book talks about was the new conflict between the commoners and the nobles on the planet Jura after everyone was equal in terms of resources and training techniques.

Commoners say that the system of nobles is no longer useful since everyone is now equal and that a new system of government must be put in place that gives everyone the right to own and manage lands, but the noble families defend their historical status with great fanaticism and do not accept any words on this point, even the Burton family rule the ancestral continent with an iron fist!

Many small-scale battles have been fought because of this, but the noble families always prevail...

For some reason the success rate of breaking into knighthood is considerably higher on the side of the noble families, This is why they say Emperor Robin's Revolution didn't cause any damage to the Nobles but in fact made them stronger than ever, and this is precisely what makes the nobles' system in Jura relevant even today... by using the power of the noble families to subdue the commoners.

But the report says that everyone in the upper class of society now fears the day when the power of the commoners becomes greater, aside, and returned to his wanderings.

He initially tried to distract himself a little, but as he was reading his since they are more numerous, if this continues then an internal rebellion might erupt that ends in a devastating war throughout Planet Jura! ...At this point, Robin stopped reading, threw the report aside, and returned to his wanderings.

He initially tried to distract himself a little, but as he was reading his mind kept thinking about the fateful decision he now has to make... This was not the right time to read about anything else.

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency!" At this moment, Emily entered the historian's room with obvious panic, "The Wizards' attack on the Tenth Legion has begun!!"

"What? Has it been a week already?!" Robin rose from his seat and exclaimed in shock, "Prepare my armor at once and get your fastest mount, I'll head for the Tenth Legion!"

"YES!!" Emily faltered a bit but then turned around and started running towards the door again

But suddenly it stopped

She looked behind her again at Robin slowly with eyes full of horror, "I have... New report... The tenth legion has been destroyed."

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