Lord of the Truth

Chapter 498 Talent

Chapter 498  Talent

The first issue that was mentioned about Planet Jura and in bold red line was the number of experts present on the planet right now.

Robin smiled when he read the header of the topic. Planet Jura is his home, origin, and strength. His status in Greenland, Nihari, or even the planets of the entire universe depends heavily on the power he prepared on Planet Jura... If Planet Jura was strong to be relied on, Would the Nihari Union Sect have treated him like this? impossible.

When Robin read the short introduction on the matter, he was ready to see that there were at least 15 million Heavenly Law Users now on Planet Jura...

After all, in just 3 years after Jura's unification, he had managed to gather an army of 4 million Heavenly Law Users, but now More than 4 additional years have passed, in addition to spreading the cultivation culture to a wider extent and building free cultivation academies in every corner, he will not be shocked even if he reads that the number has reached 30 million users!

But the number he read was... 2 million Heavenly Law Users?!

"HOW?!" Robin's satisfied smile didn't last long, and it didn't take long before Robin got up from his comfortable seat and leaned forward towards his desk, crying out with his eyeballs nearly popping out of their sockets after he saw the total figure.

"What exactly is going on here? What nonsense is this? Are you sure this information is correct?! Energy stones and Energy pearls have become more available than food and water, cultivation technique books and tablets are lying in the streets, the academies have become more in number than coffee shops, I have made the supreme concern of all the officials of the Empire to be the strengthening of the people, I have even commanded to set rewards for the rulers who come out with the most Law Users in their territory." Rubin shouted loudly, startling his three assistant historians

"Y-- Your Excellency, the information is coming from the new main statistical center. The statistical center has a branch in every city and its mission is to provide information about everything that concerns the ruler of the city, then they pass the information to the main center, so that your excellency will have a picture of the entire planet, and the center is run by members of the Respected Burton family, the error rate in the information does not exceed 1%." The oldest of them said Shakengly

When Robin heard this he slammed his fist on the desk and yelled again, "Then what's going on here? 2 million rule users, that's not 10% of my expectations! Is there some kind of revolt going on in Planet Jura and no one wants to obey my orders anymore? Is there some goddamn person trying to mess with me and keep people away from cultivating? What, I don't a say in my f*ckin' Empire anymore?!"

"Your Excellency, please calm down, the entirety of Planet Jura is under your authority and no one dares to disobey your orders. Please continue reading and you will realize the situation. The generals have placed great importance on this point as well so it has been covered extensively compared to the rest." Another historian stepped forward and bowed

After hearing this, Robin realized that his anger made him yell at a few helpless people, so he gave a long sigh and apologized, then asked them to go back to what they were doing, before continuing reading…

The report says that during the first three years of Jura's unification, the success rate of training academies in bringing a person to the 11th level and making him a knight was 60%, but today that percentage has decreased to less than 5%!

According to the report, the number of academies and the number of teachers has increased, and their patience with students has been prolonged, but the success rates are still declining and have not settled at 5% either. Rather, there are a few academies that produce reports with lower rates!

"What..?" This was the first time that Robin knew about such success rates, now only five out of a hundred apprentices could become knights?!

'but why? Have the many breakthroughs lately, weakened the planet's capacity in some way? But I am sure that the inner energy training technique does not harm the planet's total energy! Maybe the damage was done because I brought all the foreign energy pearls and Demons? ...But this act is supposed to strengthen the planet, not weaken it! What is going on here!!' Robin almost went crazy reading those stats

5 million users of laws may seem like an invincible army, but the problem is not in their numbers but in their ratio compared to the total population of the planet Jura, which amounts to approximately 1.4 billion people... The current number of users of laws does not even reach 0.5% of the total population!!

back on the chair and closed his eyes

Even he didn't know how long it had been before he opened his '...No, the report says that in the period after Jura's unification, 60 out of every 100 succeeded in penetrating into Knighthood and becoming law users, So what about the other 40 people?! There was no harm done to the planet at the time and all means were provided for them, why didn't they break through?!*' Robin returned to his back on the chair and closed his eyes

Even he didn't know how long it had been before he opened his eyes and shouted, "Talent?!"

'...It's too early to jump to conclusions, however, if this was about innate talent, then it explains a lot. For example, It perfectly explains why in the beginning the success rates were high: This is because the numbers of highly talented individuals were many at the beginning, but after the first patch broke through and became a law user, now their numbers of the highly talented individuals who haven't broke through yet have become significantly less in planet Jura. Not everyone has the same percentage of intelligence, and not everyone can draw beautiful pictures and play music. Equally, innate talent in cultivation has a factor even if all other means were provided... DAMMIT!'

Robin almost crushed his fist out of frustration, he never tried to teach a person and failed, all he heard was the statistics that he now has such and such soldiers and Rune Masters, but not one day did he care about those who failed, in his point of view whoever failed after he provided him with everything He is lazy and does not want to work hard for his own good, so why should he care about such individual?

It's not like it's completely hopeless, Those 95% who couldn't break through to be Heavenly Law Users means that they had reached level 10 and failed to reach level 11, or at least tried cultivating and breaking through a few levels. Now the level base of the planet's population had greatly increased from zero to the tenth level of the Energy Foundation Realm, that is not a minor jump, A level Ten individual would be a highly regarded officer in wars just a few decades ago!

That and Jura's free academies will continue to trigger any shred of talent in the mortals and push them forward, also he still has many future generations that will apply for the academies every year, so the number of law users will undoubtedly continue to increase, the only problem is that this will be much slower than he imagined, and he doesn't have enough time for this!

He needs a certain number of experienced soldiers before the invasion of Nihari begins!!

Robin barely managed to get over the feeling of frustration a bit and moved towards a nearby window to look towards the horizon...

Until this moment he had thought that the army he had brought with him to Planet Greenland were the fortunate vanguards who would be the elites of his future army, but now it seemed that they would be his only army for quite some time…

Only now did he realize that this army of his wasn't random, they aren't some random individuals who just happened to break through faster than their peers, they were destined to be the first to break through.

Those who are now dying in front of a handful of talking plants are not just soldiers... They are the favored geniuses of planet Jura!

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