Lord of the Truth

Chapter 500 Fate of the tenth legion

500  Fate of the tenth legion

on a high boulder in the southern area of Hoffenheim's domination circle --

"General, what did... the headquarters say?" A high-level sage took a step and spoke in a hesitant voice

"So? Are there any survivors?!"


There were at least thirty other people on that rock, surrounded on all sides by hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and yet apart from their short questions, if a needle fell, everyone would hear it…

All eyes were directed towards one person, a huge figure over three meters tall, light blue in color, wearing golden armor covering his entire body, only the helmet was out of place, showing his strong, sharp features and his long braided hair...

The rest were also wearing their full armor, there was not a single tent around, and there was even heavy dust still hanging in the air from the road they came from... The whole legion stopped in the middle of the road after hearing the terrible news that the tenth legion had been destroyed and that everyone had to stop in their places and wait for More commands

A few minutes passed after that message, but it seemed like a few months for those high-level officers... Those are the officers and advisers Jabba selected personally and gathered around him over the course of four years and yet they can't even control their breathing, and the reason?

This was because their legion, the Sixth Legion... was currently closest to the ill-fated Tenth Legion.

The paths of the legions were not distributed according to their numbers, the numbers were chosen according to the position of the general in the Empire of True Beginning... For example, the Five Continental Elders took the first five numbers, then Robin's only disciple came, then his adopted sons, and so on.

But after that, each general chose the path he would take according to several factors, and luck dropped Jabba and his soldiers in the southern region next to the Tenth Legion.

"...Has anyone noticed that the color of the sky has changed slightly? The usual light green has become lighter, it is a bit of a mixture of green and gray now… The natural energy in the atmosphere has become noticeably lighter as well." It seemed as if Jabba could not hear anything around him as he looked toward the horizon

"What?!" All the officers around Jabba started to look around and try to activate the Absolute Atmosphere Energy Cultivation Technique, soon they all found that he was right.

"Does this have anything to do with the destruction of the Tenth Legion?! Oh, my heavens…"

"What do we do now? What do we do now?!"

"General, give orders to retreat! We have to leave immediately!!"

"...Heh~ Unfotently we can't." Jabba shook his head and finally took his eyes off the horizon and turned back to look at his officers, "The Headquarters has given orders to the rest of the other legions to withdraw immediately, but we have different orders... We will remain where we are and strengthen our defenses."

Silence returned to everyone again, but this time not because they were waiting for their general's words, but because of the shock...

"What?! What the hell can we do to stand up to something that crushed the Tenth Legion in a few minutes? Is this a fucking joke?!"

"What's going on? Are those at headquarters sitting on their heads instead of on their butts? That's not a force we can withstand, it somehow changed the damn world!!"

Jabba raised both hands to calm everyone down, "The Tenth Legion was not annihilated as you think. Reports say that when the battle began, a huge creature appeared out of nowhere, that creature ignored the attacks of the Sages and started running around the formation, killing whoever found it in its path until it completely destroyed the formation within a few minutes, when general Richarlison realized the strength of the legion is useless against that thing he ordered everyone to flee indiscriminately in all directions while the Sages stayed behind to buy time by attacking the huge creature indiscriminately, it is said that General Richarlison himself was badly wounded..."

Jabba took a deep breath and then slowly continued, "The soldiers fled in all directions made the giant lose its target and stopped attacking them himself, but the tenth legion found itself in another fight against an army of buds, and that chaotic battle against the buds is still going on until this moment."

"Chaotic battle? The men in the Tenth Legion are fighting these crazed things now without a plan or leader?!"

All the officers were shocked to hear those words... Human soldiers, no matter how strong they are, are still human beings in the end. They need food, rest, support, coordination, and so on. This is the main key to victory, This is the main key to survive!

A chaotic battle against millions of buds means certain annihilation of the Tenth Legion if no miracle happens...

"The 10th Legion has fallen into a trap like this and they are being killed like sheep as we speak and the headquarters has given orders to everyone to retreat? While we hold our ground? What exactly is going on?"

"Yeah, we have to go support the Tenth Legion!"

"Shut up! We go and die with them?!"

"...they are our brothers."


"Quiet!" Jabba suddenly shouted, silenced everyone, and then continued without waiting for anyone to reply, "...The soldiers of the Tenth Legion told headquarters that they saw that giant creature coming towards us with a large number of buds, so we have to stay and prepare, if we try to flee now, the Tree Father will know our exact location and we will be attacked from behind, if that thing really came and attacked us unprepared, we will be exterminated, and if we try to disperse, we will fall into the chaotic battle trap and our soldiers will be hunted down and exterminated..."

Then, as he looked at the 370,000 soldiers that he was in charge of, and continued, "And you don't need to worry about the fate of the Tenth Legion, After that huge creature left and took half of the bud troops with it, the pressure on them became significantly less. the Second Legion commanded by General Elizabeth is on their way to support them now, as soon as the Second Legion arrives at the battlefield, they will save whoever is left of them... You have to worry about Just yourselves now, that giant will be here in two hours, whoever has a suggestion about getting ready to say it, and doesn't have a suggestion then shut the hell up."

A few officers unconsciously took a step back, fear evident in their eyes…

Suggestion... Suggestion to do what? If they stood still, the giant would tear them apart, and if they ran away randomly, they would fall into a trap no less dangerous.

"...Calm down everyone, I'm here!" Jabba shouted again when he saw the spirits crashing to the ground, then took out a huge golden hammer from his Space Ring, "I swear to you, I will die first before I allow that thing to get past me! Secondly... His Excellency is coming towards us as we speak."

All the officers opened their eyes a little upon hearing this, and some of them gasped with a smile! ...but they soon looked down at the ground again and shook their heads... Were their General's words supposed to reassure them in some way?

Jabba may be strong but he is still just a Sage, and His Excellency is not even a Sage!!


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