Lord of the Truth

Chapter 484 Farm

Chapter 484  Farm

Inside Robin's tent--

From the outside, the tent is an embodiment of the greatness of the Emperor of Planet Jura.

It has 6 solid walls inlaid with gold and energy stones, and a Sage wearing the distinctive golden full-body armor standing right in front of each of the walls of the tent to prevent the approach of any danger or even any disturbance, and at the same time, they stand at a distance of a few meters from the tent to prevent their breath from disturbing their Emperor.

On the inside, however, it is the complete opposite...

Because no one dares to enter to clean the tent without Robin's request, and because Robin himself is preoccupied with what he is doing and forgets to give orders to clean it, the tent remained filled with a few leftovers of food, shredded papers, and used energy stones and pearls. Only his desk, where he conducts his research, and his bed, which he spends most of his time on while activating the Soul Filling Technique, he keeps them clean by himself.

*Step... Step..*

Robin entered the tent jumping over the trash on the ground until he reached his desk, then he sat down and threw the rat on top of the desk, and returned to look at Moren standing in front of him, but he did not speak directly...

Rather, he went back to look at his desk first for about a minute, it was clear to both Moren and the rat that Robin was trying to control his breathing and his heartbeat, that's why neither of them said a word, then finally he went back to look at Moren and pulled the words out of his mouth with difficulty, "How is it... over there?"

"Better than expected." Moren smiled innocently, "Our females' reproductive rates have increased remarkably, in fact it can be said that they have never been higher in history, and the numbers of Powerhouses in our army are increasing with every minute. I assure you that you will not regret this decision, my lord."

"Keeehh!!!" The Fat Rat panicked and took two steps back until it almost fell off the desk. Moren's ~smile~ will be enough to give him nightmares for a few years!

Even Robin didn't seem too pleased with Moren's response, tapping on the desk and wagging his foot involuntarily for about another minute, "Are there any humans there?"

"No, my lord, there are only half-humans over there. And I do not mean with that branches that are close to humans like the Dwarves and Starlings, for example, but true half-humans far from the main branch, such as the creatures of the Rapetlians, the Naga, and the Draders." Moren explained, "They all carry the primitive blood lineage suitable to empower us because of their human half, I can't deny that, but in the end, they're just bloodthirsty creatures who live at each other's throat all the time, we're just a new species in the food chain there."

Robin nodded slightly upon hearing this, Raptilians are half humans and half lizards, Nagas are mythological creatures that are half humans and half snakes, while Draeders are half humans and half spiders.

These creatures exist on Planet Nihari as well, but they are considered at the rock bottom of intelligent beings. They tend more to live on the beast side of their bloodline, all of them are dangerous, and bloodthirsty Nihari Giants organize extermination campaigns for them from time to time that they are on the brink of extinction!

But Morin's description of the Demons as just a new race just like these things? This is laughable.

But Robin didn't stop at that point, he just looked into the eyes of the Demon King for a few seconds resolutely, "Moren, if you find any humans there...."

"Don't worry, my lord, we won't dare forget your orders. We will arrest them and then put them in safe camps until you issue your order on how to deal with them. But we really haven't found any human beings yet, most probably they have already been exterminated by the half-humans." Maureen shook his head gently

Robin finally seemed to give up, so he let out a long sigh and went back to rub his forehead, "...Sigh~ Alright, just keep me a few samples alive, I want to run a few tests on them to see what caused the human lineage to merge with all those beasts."

"Of course, of course, if you want we can bring you some captives here."

"..No need, I will go there myself."

"Maybe… That wouldn't be a very good idea, My lord."

When Robin heard this, he stopped massaging his forehead and looked at the Demon in front of him for a long time, His heartbeats which he barely controlled a minute ago, began to destabilize again.

On that day a few years ago when Robin renewed his contract with the All-Seeing God, he asked him for the coordinates of a few planets to train his army and get enough resources so that he would have enough strength to do something about the Nihari invasion, He said that it would also be an opportunity to see other cultivation systems and perhaps gather ideas on how to reach the third stage of the Master Truth Law

But the All-Seeing God strongly refused, saying that he would have to buy those coordinates with huge amounts of money from specialized authorities because Robin does not want just any random planet, but rather wants certain planets that will benefit him in terms of training and resources within a short period.

After a few rounds of bargaining, Robin was able to obtain the coordinates of two planets...

But the All-Seeing God stressed that one of the two would be for Humans and the other would be for the Demons.

One would be useful to train his troops and obtain resources suitable for his quest, and the other must be used as a farm.

Robin tried to protest, knowing very well what the Demons could do if he let them loose!

But the All-Seeing God convinced him that strengthening the Demons would be the most direct way to strengthen his army. He also told him that the planet dedicated to the Demons is a place full of evil creatures and that they deserve what will happen to them, saying that he will only bring justice to the world by cleaning it of those things...

Robin finally agreed, then he ordered to build a private gate for the Demons to be hidden in the largest forest in the Central continent.

But after Robin calmed down from the anger that was controlling him at that time, he began to question himself... No matter how evil the creatures on that planet are, is there not a rational man among them? Isn't there an innocent female or a child who just likes to play around? The fact that they are useful to Demons is enough to know that they are intelligent creatures!

He tried a lot to get those thoughts out of his head, especially after the Demons started to migrate to the space portal and he started the campaign, but... the feeling of Sin never left him.

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