Lord of the Truth

Chapter 485 Secrets of the Blood

Chapter 485  Secrets of the Blood

Robin remained silent for a few more seconds, there was no need for him to ask Moren to explain his words either as it was too clear, He's telling him not to go, so he won't back down from his decision to turn that planet into a farm...

But this left Robin with a much worse imagination than the one he had in his headو The situation there is so bloody that he shouldn't even see it?

"…The Rune Masters and Divine Blacksmiths who went with you to build the space portal on the Farm Planet, did they see something they shouldn't have seen?" Robin sighed and finally asked, Moren's words just now were more than enough to describe the horrors that are happening there, revealing that secret to the humans on Planet Jura would have dire effects.

"Don't worry, my lord, right after we arrived at the farm planet, we heavily guarded the location for miles around the Rune Masters and the Divine Blacksmiths until they finished the space portal, and then we immediately sent them back to the Ancestral Continent of Planet Jura. Although they tried a lot to go around and explore the farm, we took many precautions to keep them oblivious. They had their doubts, but they haven't seen or felt anything."

Robin nodded a few times and was silent for a few seconds, eventually just saying, "...Good, keep on with your... good work there."

"Naturally." Moren bowed completely and then turned back to ask, "Is there something specific you want from me, My lord? His Highness Caesar sent to us that you want to meet one of the Demon Kings..."

"Yeah, eat that." With a light movement of Robin's hand, Morin found a dead body lying in front of him

The Demons got down on one knee and began examining the corpse... a humanoid-looking corpse, extremely white in color with green hair, there was also green blood on the corner of its mouth. He soon found that although that corpse looked very much like humans, it was far from that

But since he had his orders, he anyway extended his hand to the belly of the corpse in front of him and searched until he found an organ resembling a liver, then he lifted it up to him and took a bite.


Robin looked to his right and chuckled softly, the swallowing sound that resounded in the tent was not that of Moren, but of the fat rat that swallowed its saliva while twitching as it involuntarily approached Robin

Robin shook his head when he saw this scene and then turned back to the Demon King, "So? Do you feel something?"

The Demon's silence lasted for a few more seconds before he got up and stood in front of Robin again with his hand behind his back, "Delicious. Worth another bite."

Morin shook his head, "It's just some kind of a plant full of energy, while we get stronger by feeding on intelligent beings of the "Delicious? Is that it?" Robin raised his eyebrows

"Yeah, that is it, this meat doesn't affect me in any other way. it's like eating a beast or some fruits, it keeps us alive and our billy full, but it will never satisfy our hunger nor will it increase our strength." The Demon responded quickly, already knowing what Robin wanted to ask about

"Hah, interesting… We have a lot of these corpses now, I thought it would be of use to you." Robin looked back at the bud

Morin shook his head, "It's just some kind of a plant full of energy, while we get stronger by feeding on intelligent beings of the Ancient Bloodline, how can these corpses help us? But if you want to put them to good use, I think they will be perfect as a meal for your Draco Beast Corps. This corpse, for example, contains energy equivalent to a five-colored sunflower herb."

"Oh? How could I not have thought of this…" Robin grabbed a piece of paper in front of him and started writing a few things quickly excitedly, "We have a few million of these corpses and it is guaranteed that their numbers will increase even more in the coming period, just as the entire Draco Corps came today. If we focus on breeding them for the next few years, their numbers will boom and their strength will increase greatly, this way my Draco fleet will really be a force to fear, and we will save a large number of resources that we would have used to trade with Nihari! …No, this is a very limited look, every corpse is worth a high-energy ancient herb, what can I do with such an unlimited supply…?"

But he suddenly let go of the pen and looked at Moren, "Wait a minute… your race can eat high-level beasts and plants to stay alive, but your strength will only increase by eating a person of an intelligent race related to some kind of ancient bloodline like the humans, right? What I heard about you all when I first saw Amon is that your race was cursed and your strength and numbers can only increase by eating intelligent beings of that ancient bloodline, I thought you can only level up by eating Nihari aboriginals, but this is long proven wrong after you increased your strength from eating Jura's humans and Farm planet's hybrid creatures. I thought to myself maybe an intelligent soul is what makes you stronger, after all, this is The main difference between intelligent beings and beasts, but this bud has the soul of a human named Amai Soi with a high level of intelligence, and yet his flesh does not affect you! Tell me, What exactly makes you stronger?!"

"…I don't know about the matter of the curse, my lord, but I feel that it has something to do with the blood of the intelligent beings." Maureen hesitated a bit

"The blood itself?" Robin furrowed his eyebrows slightly

"Yeah, The blood… Blood…" Morin hesitated slightly as his killing intent increased frighteningly

"KEEEHH!!!" The rat let out a shriek and then jumped up to hide in Robin's sleeve

"Alright, let's change the subject." Robin motioned the Demon to calm down, "This matter deserves further research, I want you to collect the dead bodies of your kind for me starting today, perhaps I will know what is going on after the autopsy."

"But... But we have to honor the dead by eating them!" Moren was visibly moved, this is one of the greatest traditions

"..Eating them? I will hand them over to you after I finish the autopsy, and I also don't want much, just fifty corpses will suffice. Try to get me the corpses of individuals of different levels of strength as well."

"..Yes, my lord." Moren hesitated for a moment and then nodded

"Good, you can go back now." Robin shifted from his seat to face the desk and motioned for Maureen to exit

But the Demon didn't come out immediately, "My lord, We have a small request..."

"Hmm?" Robin looked back at him

"Can we bring our families from Planet Nihari? ...Please." Moren bowed completely

Robin frowned at the question... When the war on Planet Jura began a few years ago, Robin brought tens of thousands of Demons with him, all of them with at least a knight's strength and all of them were real warriors, and then the standoff occurred with Nihari Union Sect, and the Demons were unable to return nor were they able summon their families, They remained in their places and started forming new families, and within a few years the tens of thousands turned into more than half a million.

It was enough that the Demons remained silent and had never opened up about such a sensitive topic before, but now that trade with the Nihari Union Sect has resumed and the portal in Hope City can be used without many issues, it is natural for the Demons to want to see their families!

But… the idea of bringing more Demons to the Central Continent sent chills down his spine, had it not been for the fact that they had a Farm Planet now that can feed them, he would have rejected the idea immediately.

As for now, Robin waited for several seconds and then nodded twice, "Talk to the Sages of the Burton families who are in charge of trading with the Nihari Union Sect. They will arrange it for you."

"Thank you, my lord!!" Moren yelled and then hurried out of the tent, excited to bring the news back...

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