Lord of the Truth

Chapter 483 War Declaration

*Step Step*


From among the shocked protesting army a man in golden-colored full body armor advanced, took off his helmet revealing his scarred face, then knelt on one foot, with one hand embracing the helmet and a hand touching the ground, then spoke in a loud voice, "Your Excellency, your words are a heavenly law for us, But not this time. We asked us to forgive YOU. A few years ago I was a useless person loitering in the alley bars of Faizi City in the Flame Continent to waste time until death remembered me. I had no purpose in life and nothing to be proud of except that I am a high-leveled saint. Today I am A Sage-level soldier fighting on another planet while wielding equipment my ancestors never dreamed they would touch, while my son back home is studying at an academy with the goal to become a famous Divine Blacksmith. You have brought us honor, strength, hope, unity, and a path, for what shall we forgive you exactly?"

"Huh-huh!!" The four million soldiers struck their weapons on their shields, declaring their agreement with the words of that sage

"Your Majesty, if you united Planet Jura because you wanted power then we support you, if you united Planet Jura for revenge then we are on your side, and if you unite it because you were just bored then we hope you enjoyed it!" That sage continued, then stopped for a moment and a few drops of tears began to fall from his eyes, "But... But if you are saying this to step down from your position and leave us alone after you have brought us to this position, then we really will not forgive you and we will not accept anyone else. You are THE Eternal Emperor of Planet Jura."

From start to finish, Robin did not take his eyes off the person kneeling in front of him, but at that moment he looked around and lazily asked, "Do you all feel the same way?"

"Huh huh huh!!!"

"ARGHH!!" The cheering of the soldiers this time was so loud that Fugon had to raise both his hands and put them to his ear, he had no idea what was being said, but damn it was that loud!!

"THEN MAKE ME AN ACTUAL F*CKING EMPEROR!" Robin raised his voice loudly, covering everyone, "You say there is nothing to forgive me for? Alright then, but that doesn't negate the fact that I really didn't choose any of my battles in Planet Jura, all of them were defensive or preventive, and you are all not, in my view, slaves of war, but part of a larger family. This is why I'm trying to gather you around me and make you stronger. Doesn't that make me something like a chief of a big tribe at most?"

He then pointed under his feet and continued, "But this place is different... I chose this planet, I chose to conquer it, and I decided that it would be Jura's first backyard, here will be the first real launch of The True Beginning Empire! Only by ruling Greenland will I become an Emperor."


Robin then opened his hands wide and shouted loudly, "Sons of Planet Jura, I hereby declare war over planet Greenland with the intent to conquer it. Will you give me this planet? Would you make me a True Emperor?"

*Clank Clank Clank*

This time there was no cheering in response, the four million soldiers all contented themselves with tapping their shields with their weapons without saying a word.

Fugon and the rest of the Sages in his entourage involuntarily moved their hands toward their weapons as they were sweating… The sheer amount of killing intent of the four million Law-users seemed to change the laws around them, a sense of extreme danger gripped their hearts and made them take a step back even though it was not directed against them. After the day's meetings were over, Fugon would come out to his army in front of the wall, only to find that more than half of them passed out.

"Long live the real beginning empire!" Jabba stepped forward and exclaimed loudly to lighten the atmosphere a bit, "Long live the Emperor!"

"Long live the True Beginning Empire!"

"Long live the True Beginning Empire!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

Rubin nodded a few times and then raised his hands and motioned calmly to them, before looking at the gathering of generals behind him and speaking audibly, "Find a way to calculate the contributions of all the participants in the next war. The level and position a soldier serves must be taken into account as well."

Then he turned back to look at the crowd in front of him, "You all know that the lands of Planet Jura have been divided among noble families for tens of thousands of years. It is difficult for me to find land to distribute even to my closest followers, but here the situation is different. This is a new Planet at least twice as large as Jura that awaits its new owners. Sons and Daughters of Jura, Shine here and take over your lands, here where you can make a future for your own dynasty that will last thousands of years. The incoming war will be difficult, but I trust in your abilities... Make me an Emperor and I will make the worthy among you nobles!"

"Long live the True Beginning Empire!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

The cheering this time was not only with the intent of killing and firmness but hope and happiness was apparent in the voices... 

Calculating contributions was a common thing in battles, where a few individuals were appointed to monitor important events, strong individual decisions, and immense individual killing numbers. 

The purpose of this is to choose the officers who will be promoted after the battle to replenish those who are dead and perhaps to monitor the best soldiers who specialize in killing in order to form special units... That's all.

But out of all that Robin said just now, everyone focused on one phrase which is: 'The level and position a soldier serves must be taken into account'... This wouldn't be the usual contribution calculation!

He also spoke of the lands...? Contributions will not only be exchanged for promotions but for privately owned plots of land?! This is a pipe dream for most of those out there today!

If contributions were to be counted by the number of killings then no one would be so happy, only Sages would control the list, but now the Rune Masters, Divine Blacksmiths, ordinary soldiers, and even the logistics officials would have a share of the contributions if they excelled at their job. 

This made even the dwarves and starlings coming from Nihari jump in celebration too! Who would refuse a piece of fertile land on another planet but a madman?!

Robin didn't add another word, just looking around for a few seconds, looking at the product of his handiwork over the past decades... 

Then he gave a satisfied smile and moved towards his tent, holding the Fat Rat in his hand, with Moren walking behind him.

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