Lord of the Truth

Chapter 482 Emperor?

"W- WAIT!!" Caesar hurriedly gestured with both of his hands in front of Robin, "Aren't you going to say something to the soldiers? You are their Emperor! They are about to start a war that could last for years, how can you leave them like this?"

"Hmm..." Robin's legs fixed in place and he took a quick glance at the sea of men around him, then turned back to look at his generals, "Do I really have to say something? You do it or let Alexander do it."

Standing in front of millions to deliver a speech... Robin's heart started beating fast!

Since Robin was three years old, he was dragged to training and seclusion, then he was isolated in the cave for more than a hundred years, then all those problems and wars happened that made him focus on seclusion even more to develop himself, all of these things, in the end, made him an introvert.

Although his return to his position as a military commander and a researcher forced him to be the focus of the world's attention, he still definitely does not like to be put in situations like this, where he stands to speak to millions of people!

Even when he addressed all the people of the Ancestral Continent that day and announced the new era, he saw no one in front of him, he only spoke to himself while holding a voice talisman!

"What does Alexander have to do with it? Your Excellency is the Emperor. Everyone is here for you. I will move your army for you, but in the end, it is still your army." Alexander shook his head and spoke quickly to distance himself from this embarrassing situation

"This is… Argh, Alright." Robin rubbed his head a bit and then took a few steps towards the edge of the tent, and started to try his high-pitched voice that he hadn't used in a long time, "Ahem... Ahem, Ahem..."

Although Fugon did not understand a word of what he just heard, Robin's movement and his simple movements informed him and the rest of his entourage that he was about to give a speech to his soldiers, so they narrowed their eyes a little and focused intensely on every detail.

They may not understand anything Robin will say, but it doesn't matter... The soldiers' reactions and their gazes at him will tell them a lot about that person who appeared out of nowhere and decided to hire them as mercenaries.

They all waited for an enthusiastic shout from the soldiers as a reception for their leader's speech, but what met them was silence... Absolute silence.

A relatively narrow hill on which stood more than four million soldiers in full body armor, how noisy could a place like this be? No matter how they tried to stay quiet Their weapons and shields would emit some sounds from the friction, even their breaths and heartbeats would make a loud noise!

But after Robin took his steps, Fugon and the rest felt that even the sound of the soldiers' breaths had calmed down and their heartbeats had stopped. Focusing a bit, the sound of some small insects could be heard! But even those insects were quickly found by the soldiers and were stepped on with a light movement

Fogon was surprised by what is happening, 'Where is all the noise that was filling the hill just before? What about those drunks who... Eh?'

When Fugon looked towards the place where the Rune Masters and Divine Blacksmiths were partying, he didn't find a single person drinking or talking, No, He didn't find anyone there in the first place! After searching for a bit, he found all the drunkards wearing formal attire and standing in lines like the rest of the soldiers.

Then he gazed at those in the enormous kitchen, and, the soldiers of the Golden Battalion, who were playing chess a short while ago without the care of the whole world... He quickly found in their place nearly 50,000 real soldiers, all of them wearing their full-body golden armor proudly and silently as if nothing had happened.

'This...' Fugon could easily count around 15,000 Stage 3 Heavenly Laws users in the army in front of him, yet they are all lined up among the other soldiers that you can't tell them apart just by looking.

He himself has about a thousand sages in his army, but each one of them wears the clothes he wants and goes to the side he wants during the battle. He does not have any real power over them! But that he sees now, 'Are these Stage 3 Law users being treated like ordinary soldiers?'

And their eyes! Those eyes of theirs... Every one of the four million soldiers in front of him now looks at Robin not with excitement, respect, or even fear, but with light smiles and bright eyes.

When Fugon looked into those eyes for a moment, he knew the meaning of these gazes, that it was something they had missed for hundreds of thousands of years... It was a gaze of hope.

They now do not look to a military leader whom they fear, nor a ruler whom they respect... They look to their bright future.

Fugon moved his eye towards the crow and the hoopoe and found them looking at me with strange looks as well, clearly seeing what he was seeing... Robin had only said *Ahem* so far, but it had already affected their way of thinking.

This didn't take more than two seconds before he finally heard Robin's voice speaking in a foreign language, "...I, Emperor Robin Burton, The sole Ruler of Planet Jura!"

"Long live The Emperor!"

"Long live The Emperor!!"

Robin raised his hands smilingly to silence the crowd in front of him, "A strong title, huh? But you know… I don't think I deserve it. My first war was because I wanted to avenge my son, Caesar, While the second was because I wanted to protect my family, and even my war against the four empires was out of revenge and to stop any such future incidents. I was never the Emperor-Conqueror guy you imagine me to be, I have been led by circumstances all my life. I ruled the planet Jura not because I wanted to rule the world, but because I was afraid of being ruled by someone else..."

Everyone remained in great silence waiting for Robin to continue, and indeed: "Sons and daughters of Jura, I have been selfish and wanted direct the world according to my Vision. I am not an Emperor, I'm but just a man who does what he thinks is right, will you forgive me for my selfishness?"

*Bam Bam*


Not one of the soldiers said a word, but they raised their right foot and banged it into the ground with such force that the entire hill shook. The Northern Fury tribe's army sitting in front of the metal wall found themselves rising two feet mid-air before descending again on their butts!

Fugon was terrified for a moment by what was happening and thought he had activated the earthquake attack unknowingly, but he quickly controlled his nerve and noticed the features of the soldiers who looked a little angry and some of them were even in tears, obviously, this kick was some kind of objection.

Elizabeth and the rest of the generals started to look at each other apprehensively, perhaps pressuring Robin to give a speech today wasn't a good idea...

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