Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 456

Episode 456 You will be blessed like that (2)

“…Yes. yes.”

After a moment of reflection, I accepted the pain of my intestines being cut open.

Obviously you can’t take care of everything. You can’t save everyone. That was reality.

“So what can we do?”

But does that mean you have to give up everything? I don’t like that. There is still time and opportunity to try something, but I didn’t want to end up in despair. At least that was the case for me.

“Is there really no way to reduce the damage?”

So I pressed the commandments with a desperate gaze. Please tell me that Meister, Isarncol, and Frederick can live. The mineral’s eyes glanced behind me and then looked forward again.

“Kill that thing as quickly as possible.”

She gestured gracefully, and the object she was pointing to was clear. Boom boom. The approaching castle came into my sight again.

“As the entire castle moves, some of the built-in functions must have stopped. If you do that, from now on it will be a fight to see who gets what they want first.”

…Ok, fine. In the end, the only thing that has changed is the safety of this city and our entry time. Still, what we have to do is the same, right? Even since it became a time attack—someone else’s life was at stake—the difficulty of the dungeon itself was lowered a bit, right?

This is a balance patch that I didn’t even expect. It’s shit. At least give a notice for this patch. Don’t do it stealthily like a submarine.

“It’s a good thing you made an entry cannon.”

“…It’s truly amazing.”

Separately, I lamented the first time I flew away like an angry bird, but now I see it was really a prescient. Without that work, the only means of transportation left to us are riding a jujak or running on our feet.

And the former is impossible to perform because there is no main action, and the latter is somewhat inefficient as an entry method due to the muscle person holding the castle. The possibility is low.

“Go quickly.”


In other words, surprisingly, cannons are the best in this situation.

The feeling of confusion about the unexpected and foresight situation turned to something positive. After all, every object in the world becomes useful in its own way if you make it.


I hurried Gye-myeong and the two knights back to where the entry gate was. While I was away, I felt that the atmosphere of confusion had calmed down a bit, as if the situation had been sorted out quite a bit.

“…The commandment said that the damage could be reduced if we go inside right away and kill Oman.”

“I expected it, but is it still true?”

The Inquisitor, who continued glaring at the castle wall, probably hoping to block the advancing giant with divine power, answered with a calm face. If it was unexpected, it was surprising, and if it was new, it was a new reaction.

Normally, when faced with a hopeless situation, one would make a painful expression, but when the depth of despair exceeds a threshold, there are times when one becomes detached.

“…I’ll be sure. Would you rather go than stay here?”

“Arrogance’s move to move the castle may be to catch us off guard, but it may also be to induce division of forces. “The answer is fixed.”

“…All right.”

Are you saying that if we divide our forces for no reason to reduce casualties, we will all suffer in return? Damn it, the final fight is not easy. It would have been really nice if I had just accepted it.

“Then let me ask you the last question.”

One thing happened, and the Inquisitor looked back at us with a truly calm gaze.

“Is there anyone you want to leave? There is no one here to criticize you for running away, so don’t worry and make a choice you won’t regret. “Once you get in, you won’t be able to get out until you see the end.”

That was a phrase that reminded me of the phrase that appears when entering the final dungeon in the game.

I ended up laughing helplessly. I know this is the situation, but it made me laugh strangely and I couldn’t hold it back.

“I am your sword, so where can I go on such a topic?”

At the same time, my steps headed towards her side.

“If it has to break, it will break for you.”

Since Faust is there, I’ll try my best to survive… but honestly, if the Inquisitor is in danger, I think my body will move before my head.

‘sorry. Put others before yourself.’

“Gretchen has nothing to be sorry about. Rather… I would be honored if I could die for you.”

No, don’t say that! It stings even more!

I watched the choices of the remaining people, hoping that this fight would have a happy ending. My next hit was Berserk.

“This is a world where the bodies of family members will be buried. “I don’t want to leave dirty demons in that world.”

She came over here without any hesitation.

“More than anything, I never forget grace.”

In fact, his attitude was so firm that it was hard to say anything.

“I am also a person who hates seeing devils. “Staying here doesn’t increase your chances of survival.”

Also, Crusher had the same attitude. She shrugged as she crossed over to Berserk with almost no time difference.

“If I’m going to die anyway, I want to die looking at that proud devil lord’s face.”

I can’t say anything about why you’re talking about killing people because I’ve already made comments about breaking things and such. I took a deep breath and looked at the rest.

“That’s why I joined from the beginning. “There is nothing more to see.”

Then I saw Gye-myung walking gracefully towards me. Then he glanced in my direction, but I’m not sure why he was looking at me that way.

Now, are you giving me a hint to prepare to use the magic circle I memorized as a real rush?

“I don’t have time. egg plant.”

“We haven’t heard from you two yet—”

“It doesn’t matter to us either.”

“Because there is something more fearful than death.”

Anyway, even the two knights expressed their determination. Everyone except Mystiltein, who was absent, was in favor of entry.

“Then I will go without hesitation.”

Oh, by the way, I recruited Mystiltein, but I can’t take him with me.

Although I regretted his absence, I did not say anything about calling him. I didn’t know if he was in the first expansion district, but he was in the city, so there was nothing he could do. It was too late to bring him back.

“Hawkeye’s thoughts still haven’t changed, right?”

However, it is difficult to fill the remaining spot with Hawkeye, who happens to be here…

“I would rather stay here.”

Well, not only in terms of efficiency, but he also said he didn’t like it.

“Now that I think about it, Suzaku also didn’t finish joining.”

“What can I do?”

I exchanged words with Berserk and stood in front of the prepared cannon. Because the location of the device was on a well-built wall, the surrounding area was full of soldiers and wizards.


At the same time, in addition to the starting cannons, the bombardment devices provided endlessly fired fire under the instructions of the archmages. In some ways, it was a similar type of bombardment device to the one seen in Bemurchen.

“Arch Mage.”

“Inquisitor? Ah…”

Then the Inquisitor spoke to the Archmage. She seemed momentarily taken aback by the sudden call, but when she saw us lined up behind her, she quickly realized the true intention. A short sigh escaped her mouth.

“okay. Are you going?”

“yes. please.”


Both we and the Archmage know that there is no time. So instead of saying something, she tapped her wand on the machine provided.

“Now that the situation has changed, it has become impossible to accurately control the angle. Maybe the landing will have to be done on your own. “Is that okay?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

There is no human being who cannot land here without the help of a device. I’m a little worried about the two knights, but… they’re both knights, so I’m sure they’ll be able to do it as long as they don’t dive hundreds of meters quickly. Even if not, I think Berserk or Crusher will accept it.

“If you’re ready, sit down on the chair.”


The Archmage pointed to a cannonball that was structured like a roller coaster-like ride, with single chairs arranged in two rows and four rows. The word was a cannonball, but the overall shape was a somewhat round open car. It was very long… but somewhat smooth.

“I have something to say to you separately, so please sit down with me. And you, warrior, sit in the front.”

“…? “Sure.”

“All right.”

Just as we were all about to sit down, Keimyung led me to sit in the second row. The two knights were paired together, and Crusher and Berserk also happened to sit together, and the only one who sat alone was the Inquisitor. It was a moment when I once again felt sorry for Mystiltein’s empty seat.

“…Let everyone come back alive.”

“The Archmage must also be safe.”

“Crusher!! “You must come back!!”


It feels like I’m going through an 8-person dungeon with 7 people… no, that’s not important.

“…If I can’t tell you… please tell Kam that I am grateful for his health. “To the Baramson and others who are not present.”

“…I will definitely do that.”

“thank you.”

To save time, we condensed our goodbyes as much as possible and then looked ahead. Then, the seat belt that I requested for convenience was installed. A lid made of magical power is slowly forming on the ceiling where there was nothing. Although it was transparent, the ceiling was where our heads would touch when we lifted our buttocks off the chair.

“I’ll let you go.”

And finally, when all preparations were made, the Archmage a little away from the device activated the magic.


There is no turning back now. The shell carrying us was launched into the sky like a rocket.

* * *

“Now that you’ve figured it out, why don’t you go quickly?”

Deathbringer raised his eyebrows after hearing White Crow’s words. This is because the language that just penetrated my ears was very annoying.

“Did you ask me to go now? “What are you?”

But honestly, wouldn’t everyone be upset if a criminal said this? Anyway, since I saved the person who was supposed to be killed, I heard all kinds of noises—

“There’s no need to leave the other two archvillains unattended just because Arrogance comes in person, right?”

─What happens?

“…is this a funny bastard?”

There is no need to leave the other two archvillains unattended just because one archvillain is trotting this way. Yes, that is correct. In the end, not only do they all have to be caught and killed, but I also don’t know what tricks they might be planning.

“Are you betraying me again because you want to live?”

But a guy who was in cahoots with the devil says that? Anyone who hears this says, ‘Oh, kind of.’ It was a story about waving hands. Aside from being helpful, they say it causes physiological disgust.

No, in the first place, I couldn’t tell whether what this guy was saying was the truth or a trap.

“betrayal? That’s an interesting choice of words. “It may not be the correct use, though.”

However, White Crow was truly a crazy person who was unique among all the crazy people Deathbringer had seen. He laughed, showing subtle denial at what was clearly a betrayal.

“But that’s right. I have neither the inclination nor the time to compete over the exact meaning of words. Are you going or not?”

“Fuck, I don’t want to argue with you either? “I really want to kill you.”

In the end, the Deathbringer contemplated whether or not to tear off the bastard’s head, and the incident ended only after Skylar intervened.

“Did you put a shadow on the devil?”

“shadow…? Are you thinking that if you say a word differently, the weight it carries will change? “Really, Ellie, you’re still cute.”

“Shut up and only answer what is asked.”

Skyla, who came down the alley, urged White Crow in a trembling voice. Then the white crow giggled.

“yes. “Even though half my soul was burned in return.”

“…It burned my soul.”

“Isn’t it okay that I survived thanks to you?”

As soon as Deathbringer saw Skyla shaking at the white crow’s words, he stood between him and her.


This time, the unlucky branch manager also came together with one mind and stood as if to protect Skylar. Skylar’s thin body was covered by the branch manager’s sturdy body.

“So you know the locations of the two great devils?”

“yes. “The location is changing all the time, so if you give directions, you will have to do it one by one.”

Anyway, can I trust this kid? No, this kid himself has already lost trust. However, the value of his remarks was too great to ignore that fact.

The location of the two hidden great devils. That was information that you would never lose if you knew it separately from whether or not you had the ability to confront him.

“…That’s so fucking shit.”

Should we really trust and use the information of this son of a bitch who conspired with the devil, escaped from prison, and even supposedly ate dozens of people?

The commandment has the good character to tolerate evildoing and the confidence to not deny its own evil deeds, so it was at least acceptable to look at it. This bastard is devious from the very beginning?

“What do you think, branch manager?”

“What about the Malbon bird… ha, that’s it. I… I want to kill him, but rationally I think we should hire him. The soldiers will come soon anyway, and those guys who are so angry will definitely not miss you again. Also, in that situation, if you check his information and it turns out to be true….”

“It’s a huge benefit for this side, and if it’s false, you can just cut off his head right away. is it so. “I definitely think it would be better to keep him alive and use him as an informant.”


Deathbringer glanced at Skylar. She was able to maintain her composure until she caught the white crow, but she still couldn’t hide her complexion. Skylar was very unstable right now.

“Damn it.”

There’s no need to go far to find out why she is like that.

Deathbringer shamelessly kicked White Crow’s shin. “ah.” A soulless sound flowed from the white crow’s mouth.

“You don’t have good habits.”

“Damn. “I’m glad I didn’t get pricked.”

“Hmm. I think I did my best for humanity…”

“Eating dozens of humans?”

“But in return, you learned the locations of the two great devils, right? “If you think about the number of people those archdemons have killed and will kill, the seventeen people I used as an energy source are nothing.”

“Don’t be damned. “To them, you too are a devil.”

“It’s such a pity.”

The white crow chuckled and turned his head towards the alley from which he could hear the sound of footsteps.

“But it would be a shame to give up, right?”

In the alley in that direction, you can now see the Wind Hand leading the way and the guard wizard priest who followed him.

“In the end, even good and evil have no meaning before the name of the cause.”

It was time to kill the two great devils living in the city.

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