Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 455

Episode 455 You will be blessed like that (1)

“What the fuck!?”



The Deathbringer desperately grabbed the head, which was still alive even though it had been separated from the body. After a quick understanding, it turned out that while this bastard had no hostility toward them, he also seemed to know the cause of this vibration.

“Tell me before I crush your head, you bastard. “What have you done?”

“Do you think I caused this earthquake? That’s an undeserved assessment. “I don’t have the time, materials or knowledge to create this level of magic.”

“Then who did it?”

“Of course that’s the Great Devil, right?”

The head held in the Deathbringer’s hand chuckled.

“Would you mind attaching a head to the body instead? I feel like I’m about to die. “I no longer have a spare body to carry my soul, so if I die this time, I will really die.”

“Ha, you want me to live? why me?”

“That’s because I have no intention of harming you and I am fully capable of helping you. “I’m sure you’ve already noticed, right?”

“…Fuck really.”

The consequences of each choice are heavy, but there is no time to worry. Deathbringer cursed and thought of dozens of thoughts about this damn situation, then erased them.

It would be better if someone chose it for me.

“What are you doing, kill me!”

“help me.”

At that moment, two voices pierced his ears. The former was the branch manager’s and the latter was Skyla’s. Deathbringer gritted his teeth.

“Fuck you. Even the slightest hint of abnormality will cause your skull to split into pieces. Did you understand?”

“What are you saying? In fact, life doesn’t matter that much now.”

Deathbringer felt a little annoyed seeing the smooth smiling head, but still returned it to its place. Then, the broken section stuck together on its own and was completely restored. It was a truly disgusting vitality. Are all life-type wizards like this?

“Ah, my magic power has run out. Well, it doesn’t matter.”

“Quickly, tell me what’s going on.”

“hmm? Didn’t we already say this? The Great Evil… Oman himself came.”


Anyway, Deathbringer grabbed the body of the now healthy man and led him up to the basement. Perhaps because Skylar told him to save her, the branch manager who had shouted at her to kill him followed without another word.

“Tell me exactly!”

“This is so… I have to spoon-feed you everything from one to ten.”

“Oh, so you want to die?”

By the way, the last words were not said by Deathbringer. That’s what the branch leader with prominent veins said while aiming at the guy’s neck.

“Hmm. It’s not that I have any regrets about life, but I do feel sad about giving up my long-awaited joy. So yes. This vibration is the result of arrogance directly leading to sex. “If I say this, you will understand, right?”

“You’re bringing the castle… yourself?”

“If you don’t believe me, look over there. “I don’t have the confidence to explain further here, even with my brain.”

The white crow, led by the Deathbringer’s hand and dragged out of the building, gestured with his straight-cut hair fluttering. Skyla, who was already outside before them, was located on the roof of the building.


It’s hard to see because of the building. However, you can’t leave the white crow and go up to the roof.


While the Deathbringer was struggling, the branch leader who followed Skyla up to the roof called out to her. However, she just stares in one direction endlessly, as if time has stopped. The branch manager’s gaze followed her and turned to one side.

“…What is that.”

The person who finally realized what was happening let out a sound that was close to a scream.

* * *

I jumped upright, feeling the ground shaking for the first time. Not only was the intensity of the shaking unusual, but I also knew what it meant for the ground to tremble at this point.


But what is that?

I swallowed my saliva as I looked at the Devil’s Castle hanging over the distant horizon. The huge bone structure that hung over the castle… was literally rising.

[Ah, arrogance is moving.]


Two people’s voices rang in my head. But I couldn’t respond other than swallowing my saliva.

Anyway, in that overwhelming sight, there was nothing a human like me could do other than check the sanchi. In the first place, I wasn’t sure what I could do or what I should do.


While I was dazed, the bone made a thunderous noise and created a cloud of dust on the ground. In the process, the hand made of bone is somehow trying to lift the castle stuck in the ground.

It was truly a sight that was astounding and stuffy just to look at.

Kung kung kung.

Of course, it was made only of bones and could not lift the heavy castle. Rather than finding it funny, I felt relieved.


No, relief was too early.

New threads came out from the organs embedded in the castle and stuck to the bones. They were threads that wrapped and covered the bones like muscles.


In the end, the bone became a huge human being whose skin was only peeled off by the thread, and it succeeded in lifting the castle.

It was a sight that made it very easy to imagine what would happen next.

“Really crazy…!”

My hands were tearing out my hair as I couldn’t handle the reality.

Clink ding ding ding!

For your information, I wasn’t the only one who witnessed this situation—quite naturally. The emergency bell rang violently, as if representing the frightened feelings of the guards, and the expanded district instantly became noisy.

Only then did my spirit wake up.


The first thing I did was find the Archmage and another Archmage. It was judged that they would be able to respond appropriately to this situation.


But it seems like they couldn’t have expected a situation like this. The three great wizards, who remained calm among the frantic wizards, each chewed their lips.

“Is there anything I can do?”

“First of all… there is nothing to do on your part. “There’s nothing to do on this street.”

“I never expected this as it was an attack from the Demon King itself. “I don’t know if the wall will hold up.”

“It’s all like a fucking operation. Let’s first raise the barrier and fire a barrage.”

Still, they soon listed and gave instructions step by step on what could be done now. Those around me who were at a loss as to what to do finally calmed down and started moving.

“…I’m just wondering if you don’t know, but I’m sure it’s not a bombardment that blows away, right?”

“Hey, do you think I’m that crazy?”

No, the first thing that came to mind was the cannons that would blow us away if they fired… I smiled faintly, using the leisure I had regained with a little joke.

“That’s a good thing. “They gathered most of them under the pretext of a party.”

“That too. “I was really lucky with this.”

At the same time, I looked beyond the wizards at the Inquisitors preparing for battle and Crusher Berserk Daniel Maxi Hawkeye.

Although they said they had come for a party, considering the situation, they did not put down their arms even for a moment. Thanks to this, most of them are fully prepared for battle even in unexpected situations.

“Anyway, you should prepare too, because there is a high possibility that you will not be able to stop its approach.”


“Ah, if you meet Meister… tell him to go to the rear. “Tell Timanyuk to come here immediately.”


However, there are a few items that I couldn’t take, and as the Archmage said, the Meister must be sent to the back. The same goes for Isarkol.

Taking that into consideration, I searched for the most urgent call first. Since it was next to Berserk, there was no need to go far.


“Lord Job.”

“What are the commandments?”

“As soon as I sensed the vibrations, I returned to my quarters with the message to prepare for battle. He said he had something to bring. “The two knights also went with us.”


After checking the position of the invisible face, I made eye contact with Berserk. There is a small isarn call hanging from her leg.

“Send the Berserk child to the rear. “It will be safe if we send him aboard Frederick.”


“Great Great Warrior!”

Isarncol was startled and called out to Berserk, then quickly pursed his lips. It was a hesitation that came from knowing that he couldn’t be stubborn here.

“…Everyone must be safe.”


Anyway, the items are in the lodgings, and the stable where Frederick is kept is nearby. The Meister is probably in the dorm as well.

So I picked up Isarncol and gave a glance to the others.

“Is there anything else I should bring?”

“does not exist.”

“doesn’t exist.”

“I’m fine. “All preparations have been completed.”


In the case of Daniel and Maxie, there is no need to ask since they probably didn’t have anything in the magic tower in the first place, and the same goes for Hawkeye. After making my decision, I hurriedly ran to the stable holding Isarncol.

“job! “The vibration just happened!”

“Fuck. Hey, what happened!?”

In the process, I also encountered two weak wizards. It was a good thing.

“Archmage Timanuk is looking for you. Go near the watchtower. And Meister, you go to the rear with Isarncol.”


Timanuk’s eyes widened at my sudden words, but Meister understood immediately and frowned.

“Please take care of Isarncol and Frederick.”

“You’re probably asking Frederick to come out and help the kid.”

That’s not wrong either. After confirming that Timanuk was rushing out, I dragged them to the stable. Frederick noticed my presence and made a noise.

“Frederick, give these two a ride.”


“It is an urgent situation. request.”

I lightly placed my face on the bridge of Frederick’s nose and then patted his neck.

“I didn’t want to say hello like this… but thank you so much and don’t miss me.”

Also, as I say those words, my gaze is not only directed at Frederick, but also at those who are preparing to ride on his back.


“…Yes, you too.”

“…You must be healthy!”


After helping them both ride, I let go of Frederick’s reins. Then, chewing his lips, Meister lightly kicked Frederick in the stomach.

Frederick, losing his temper, left the stable and headed towards the wall connected to the rear. It was a breakup. It will probably be the last time.

“…Can I see you again?”

“…sorry. “I’m not sure either…”

“I didn’t ask because I wanted to know the answer. are you okay.”

Because there is no one here who can give the answer anyway.

I shook off my slightly stuffy stomach and walked towards my dorm.

“It was a good thing I organized it in advance…”

I took out a few items that were in my inventory for the party and stuffed the items I had already packed in the room into my inventory.


In the process, the mouth of the candy bag came loose and a few candies rolled out… but there was no time to clean it up. I left my tent, ignoring the scattered candies.


Surprisingly, there were commandments and two knights outside. It seemed like he had noticed my presence and was waiting.

“Are you ready?”


I think my personal preparations were over when I packed up all my belongings… but what about from an abstract perspective rather than a material perspective? Have I completed my resolution?



“I really wanted to leave everything out and say this from person to person.”

This is the end. If it weren’t for a special miracle, I shook everything out, saying the last words I could’ve said to the person who would have killed me.

“…It’s out of the blue. “If you’re ready, follow me.”


No, actually, not everything was revealed. As with all breakups, there are many lingering regrets. I kept pace with the commandments, remembering the party I couldn’t hold.

Lord Sapphire and Lord Zrya followed behind us as if they were guarding us or watching us.

“I told you in advance, so give up your life.”


“…Wait a minute.”

“If Oman decides to move the entire palace, this number of people and this level of preparation cannot compete against that. “Everyone here will die.”

“…Are you telling me that only now?”

If you knew it wouldn’t work for a while, you should have told me in advance! That way, we can evacuate at least a little…!

“It will arrive faster than these people can retreat to the city. Also, even if you retreat to the city, being swept away by disaster will not be much different. “On the contrary, the fever will dissipate and you will die without even being able to resist.”


“Shut up, newbie.”

Before I could even speak, Kye-gi answered as if he had read my inner thoughts. The dry voice makes it feel like her judgment is truly objective and realistic.

In fact, the content is something that should never become reality.

“If you do this, it would be a more meaningful death to accept it with enthusiasm.”

I took a moment to catch my breath at the words of the commandment. I could feel that the two drivers behind me were also quite shocked by this statement and fell silent. Although one of them probably would have yelled a lot if the other hadn’t stopped him.

“…is there nothing else but death?”

Is there really no other way? Is it true that these people have no future left but death?

“If there is something to be gained, there must also be something to give.”

But, to my horror, I understood the words of the commandment.

Yes, he must have lost something when Oman moved the castle himself. For example, the enormous amount of energy required to move that heavy castle. Because I was busy preparing the magic to move that castle, I couldn’t make any other preparations.

But, the cost of losing the expansion district and the city is—

“Keep your cool. “A battlefield is a place where you cannot unilaterally force a choice.”

Oh really. The fight that would be the last was harsh from the beginning.

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