Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 457

Episode 457 We will be blessed like that (3)

“We will probably be blocked in the sky.”

I stopped fiddling with my ears, which were ringing due to the change in air pressure, and turned my head.


“Isn’t it natural that there will be a barrier?”

Why are you saying that now that you’re flying high?

I looked at her, unable to hide my bewildered feelings. Then Gye-myung’s long, straight eyelashes fluttered like butterflies.

“If the hero’s device touches the barrier and shatters, use divine power to create a foothold. “I heard it was done before, so it shouldn’t be difficult.”

“That uh yep!”

“And you lift the barrier as scheduled.”

That uh. Was it because there was a solution? But wouldn’t it have been better if you had told me before riding it? It’s an element that will make your heart pound too much to say it’s a waste of time.

“…I get it.”

I reluctantly agreed, covered my ears and swallowed. The discomfort caused by the change in pressure when ejected and when rising did not go away easily, so there was nothing I could do. My ears really hurt.


“Oh what. “My ears hurt so bad?”

No, they said they had cast a spell to prepare for this… but is the production time an issue? They said they couldn’t even operate the prototype properly and started manufacturing the main body right away… That’s right. At this level, he might be considered a nobleman.

“Hey, is this correct?”


“Don’t your ears hurt?”

“Oh, it hurts, but…”

Anyway, it seems I’m not the only one having a hard time with this dumbness. Sir Zrya and Crusher, who were in the back, complained of particularly severe pain.

“It’s because of the difference in air pressure. “If you swallow your saliva, you’ll feel better.”

“saliva? Hmm… oh it’s definitely better. But what is the difference in air pressure?”

“Well… the pressure of the air changes depending on the height, so that’s what I’m talking about.”

“What is pressure? “Maybe it’s because he’s a wizard, but he says things I’ve never heard before.”

“…I’m not a wizard.”

In the first place, it wasn’t knowledge I knew because of magic.

“Are the others okay?”

Well, air pressure and pressure are more fascinating knowledge to know in this day and age. Crusher doesn’t seem to want to hear any more explanation.

So, after correcting the misunderstanding that they were wizards, I took care of the rest. Normally, I wouldn’t have to worry about it, but since I was about to enter a dungeon, I had to take care of my physical condition.

“It is not a body that will collapse to this extent. “Don’t worry.”

“ah! it’s okay! “My eardrums didn’t burst!”

But Berserk is so sturdy. The Inquisitor made a subtle remark. Your eardrums didn’t burst?

“…Could my eardrums burst?”

Before I could even think about those words, Sir Sapphire, who was frowning at the unfamiliar sensation, opened his mouth. Lord Zrya also seemed to be frightened by the Inquisitor’s words as he stiffened his body.

“Oh yeah! “When I was fighting Moby Dick, I went up into the sky like this and my eardrums exploded!”

“Wait a minute, your eardrums burst?”

“Oh yeah!”

“I haven’t heard anything like that.”

“Oh, I guess that’s why I repair my eardrums immediately every time they burst because I’m afraid my sense of balance will be affected!”


“…don’t say things like that so brightly.”

There was no bleeding from my ears, and I had no idea that there was something wrong with my ears because I didn’t tell them.

Anyway, people who commit suicide like this are always a problem. Even if you get a wound, it heals on its own, so you get over it without showing any signs of it.

I was a little upset when I remembered the Inquisitor who went into the fight without showing any signs of anger. I couldn’t help it. I was worried because I got hurt in front of everyone, but the Inquisitor didn’t even get that. She, like me, has had a tough fight.

‘Now that I think about it, I only had to kill the enemy, but the Inquisitor had to clean up after himself… There were times when I got feverish due to excessive use of sacred power, but I recovered from physical injuries in a timely manner, so I never really had to worry about that…’

「 …Huh.”

Damn it, I’m just realizing this now. I’m such a stupid sea cucumber sea anemone…!

I was saddened by my own miserable intelligence. In the process, Faust made a sound as if he had something to say, but then closed his mouth again.

‘why. ‘Do you have anything to say?’


I think it’s not there.

I was silent for a moment, observing the boy’s attitude as if he had something to say, but then gave up listening.

At first glance, I don’t think it’s a serious topic, and if I want to talk about it, I’ll say it vaguely. Well, it was that kind of mindset.

‘If there’s anything you want to say, say it anytime. ‘I’ll listen.’


I said and ended the conversation with the boy. If I had known what the boy wanted to say was ‘Isn’t that what Gretchen would say?’, I would have reacted a little differently.

“Oh, something is approaching!”

“…Is it already?”

Regardless, our peace ended quickly. The enemy approached from above.

“It looks like—”

“It’s not a sword, it’s a blue-black bird and a huge dragon…!

Those guys aren’t just mobs, they look like field bosses or something.

* * *

Deathbringer glanced at the White Crow recruits who had been transferred to the wizards and saw the presence of the Great Evil. Damn it, that was the place he searched in the beginning.

“There is no need to take any more. “Because I can see it too.”

“You can see it?”

It clearly wasn’t there when we first searched, so why is it visible now?

With that question in mind, Deathbringer held out the unclean sword in his hand to the commander and temple representative. The person who frowned at the unclean energy slowly caught it.


“It was made from the remnants of fallen, ancient beasts. “Maybe that’s why when you hold it, you can see something hidden.”

“Such an amazing item…”

After speaking and holding the unclean sword, the Heretic Questioner seemed to see something as well. He swallowed for a moment, then lowered his head.

“At least that thing is not the right being. good night. “Now that it has been confirmed, we can move forward leaving the risk factors behind.”

“If it is a risk factor….”

“There is no way that someone who once confided in the devil will not do it again.”

I guess so too. Deathbringer agreed to the commander’s judgment, but hesitated for a moment because of the question that could not be resolved if White Crow was left out.

Since his position in the ranks was not exactly determined anyway, the commander did not make a big deal of it.


“Do you have any more questions?”

“When I searched this place a long time ago, there was nothing like that. What is it?”


At his words, the white crow tilted its bruised face to the side. Even on the way there, the number of wounds has increased compared to the last time I checked to see if I had been beaten by soldiers or inquisitors.

“What do you mean by something like that?”

“It’s like that eerie fog.”

“…Hmm, could you possibly— No, not really. “I don’t think it’s that important now.”

Despite this, the white crow did not feel the slightest bit intimidated. On the contrary, they just maintain the same composure as when they first met.

“Anyway, when was the search date?”

“Eleven days ago.”

“Then you don’t know. It wasn’t long before they moved here. “It was originally in a different area.”

Meanwhile, the white crow revealed the location of the residences where the great demons had moved, one by one, and the content was truly astonishing.


How could it be so completely different from the search order? Now that it has been confirmed that the Unholy Sword can see through that thing, if I was lucky, I would have been able to find it first in the past as well.

Deathbringer lamented his terrible bad luck. It was a really gross feeling.

“How about taking a sword instead?”


But soon he couldn’t even feel that way.

“I think Sloth noticed.”


As soon as Deathbringer heard the white crow’s words, he turned his head and saw that.

[An insignificant human being.]

The pitch-black fog that had gathered underground to the size of a room was rising to the ground.

[Are you fooling me again?]

And as soon as the fog touched the ground, it started sweeping the streets like a tsunami.

[You won’t be able to escape this time. Because I will kill that soul as well.]


The Deathbringer’s hand reflexively grabbed the arm of the woman hovering near him. The world has turned upside down.

* * *

“…When it comes to birds and dragons, it probably refers to Eve and Cain.”

If it’s Eve and Cain… are they the Four Heavenly Kings? At the point where they said it was a bird and a dragon, I wondered if they had really appeared. Especially at this timing!

“…He is a direct descendant of Oman. “I don’t know if I can handle it.”

Of course, this machine was manufactured with the assumption of dealing with flying enemies. So, it has the ability to intercept airborne enemies. Although the shell load is not large due to volume and weight limitations.

“No matter how much I think about it, it seems impossible…!”

However, no matter how many shells I have accumulated, I wonder if it has any meaning in the current situation. After all, they are Oman’s direct descendants, so no matter how you look at them, they are opponents that you have to fight against.

“Everyone wears walkie-talkies. “How long until the Inquisitor crashes?”

“I don’t know! A sense of distance…!”

Damn it, was it a bad choice to put the Inquisitor in the first row? The moment I thought that, a bright scarlet color flashed past the transparent lid. The wind pressure was enough to make the airship we were on tremble.


No, the air current surrounding us actually shook. I urgently fixed my gaze on the ceiling as I felt the aircraft, which had been gently heading upward, suddenly begin to tumble downward. It was to at least figure out the identity of the red light that passed us by.

[hey! The time was right!]


Fortunately among misfortunes, the red light was our ally. The movement of Eve, a dark blue bird aiming at us, was stopped by Suzaku.

“Hey hey, it looks like we’re falling, is this correct?!”

“Well, as long as you land well, you’ll be fine, so don’t worry.”

“What are you talking about!”


“I can do it somehow…!”

But the fact that we have begun our fall and that the dragon remains is not yet gone. In an instant, the inside of the airship became noisy, and Kyeomyeong, who was sitting next to me, put his hand on his temple.



Crusher and Berserk are in close contact with each other. The two knights are astonished at the level of common sense. The Inquisitor is mentally exhausted and shouts for something to be done.

In the meantime, I quietly took the stick and calmly drew a magic circle. Falling from a height of hundreds of meters broke my spirit, but after thinking about it carefully, I realized that it wasn’t something I was going crazy about again.

Looking back, aerial dives without safety devices occurred in most of the raids I did. In other words, there is no reason to panic anymore.


So, I calmly drew the magic circle I had memorized and it was activated just like that.

Pow! An explosion occurred directly below our airship. The explosion was enough to send the falling airship bouncing back upward.



This is why I asked for a seatbelt. I quietly covered my mouth as I watched the fuselage flip over and over instead of flying stably like before. I felt like I was going to throw up.

“Why don’t you use the second spell…”



Oh right. I had severe body sickness.

As I was being flipped over and over again, I had a pale complexion due to the rising nausea. As if the clever commandment had not expected this much, her gaze turned into something indescribable.

“…I can’t help but be amazed.”

Okay, I know you’re being sarcastic, so can you take a look? I’m not doing this because I want to be like this too, right?


In the end, I failed to perform the second spell and the commandment hit the underside of the chair. The button for escape in case of emergency was also pressed.

“It will be ejected in 10 seconds. Everyone, take your radios and parachutes and hang on to the barrier on your own.”


“Ho, just in case, I’ll make a scaffold!!”

“We are the ones who decide to land briefly—!”

“Gasp! Dragon!”


Before the emergency escape bomb could activate, the dragon’s jaw chewed on the airship.

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