Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 315: More Spirit Kings (III)

Chapter 315: More Spirit Kings (III)

Immortal Solemn Duke Huang Wuji descended from the clouds.

He wore a golden armored robe that seemed oversized for his small, frail body. His head had no hair, only thin white eyebrows and a few strands on his chin that formed a narrow goatee. His skin was like a dried plum. His eyes were open but cloudy like he could barely see.

Huang Wuji was old and he looked old. The lifespan of an immortal at the Spirit King Realm was long but still finite. The limit for most was around seven hundred or eight hundred while rare cases might live slightly longer. Some kings made desperate, last-ditch attempts are prolonging their lives, delving deep into the wilderness in search of various treasures. Others secluded themselves in meditation and cultivation, hoping against hope that they could achieve some sort of enlightenment and breakthrough at the last moment.

Huang Wuji was none of these. He was close to death but he continued to perform his duty as one of the four kings in charge of the Eastern Sanmu Subcontinent.

When he spoke, his voice was soft and decrepit but everyone listened. King Ming, King Tian, think clearly about what where you are fighting. This is the Sky District of the Eastern Sanmu Metropolis. This is a city of human cultivators that we have built. If you want to exchange pointers, take it to some barren place.

Immortal Grand Spear Tian Yong managed to look sheepish and gave a respectful bow, I dare not, Venerable King Huang.

Immortal Light of Daybreak Ming Mu also bowed, Venerable King Huang, I apologize for disturbing your rest.

Although Abbotess Liang didnt bow or show respect, she also did not try to antagonize the newcomer. She was not dumb and could sense when to hold back.

Huang Wuji was someone who naturally garnered respect from those around him. It took a rare type of immortal to be able to do so. He was one that managed to live hundreds of years with a clean reputation. There was nothing others could fault him for. He was boring and by-the-book. He was almost the perfect representative of the ideals that the Immortal Association stood for. And for this, he was admired and respected by other immortals as well as millions of mortals under his rule.

Then, I hope you all will give me face. He said, Lets resolve this issue without any more bloodshed. Queen Gong, please come down.

His spiritual energy carried his voice up the Lotus Tower. Immortal Gentle Lotus Gong Liyun, the last of the four Spirit Kings, had been hiding since the start of the incident. Since she had played such a big role, it was not possible to hide forever.

She soon emerged and flew down level with Huang Wuji. Her red dress was much more conservative than usual. It covered up the bits she usually liked to show to everyone. It was a peculiar shade of crimson and a very similar design to the one worn by Abbotess Liang but with fewer decorations and frills.

Her attire did not go unnoticed by the others.

What in the demigods are you wearing? Tian Yong asked the obvious question.

Smelly boy, how can you ask a beautiful lady something like that? Gong Liyun retorted.

Huang Wuji shot her a warning look and she gave an embarrassed cough.

Can you explain simply? He asked.

Fine! Since you all have met Abbotess Liang, theres no point keeping it a secret, She said, I used to be a member of the Sororal Order of Endless Love but I was kicked out a long time ago. Something about not following the orders mandates. It was all very unfair

Tian Yong managed to look astonished while Ming Mu held most of his surprise in. Huang Wujis wrinkly face changed into a frown and he looked more disappointed than anything. Chen Wentian, on the other hand, already suspected something like this so he barely reacted.

Feier, I bet you a million gold taels she slept with too many men or something. He whispered in his disciples ear.

Abbotess Liang chimed in, Specifically, Sister Gong was expelled for taking in unsanctioned male acolytes as well as forming excessive emotional attachments to them. But thats all in the past. She was able to make a name for herself in the world with her own Dao. The Order respects women like that.

Ha! I was right! Chen Wentian whispered, How are you going to repay me?

This earned him an annoyed pinch from Long Yifei.

Meanwhile, the conversation between the Spirit Kings continued as they all ignored Chen Wentian and Long Yifei. In their eyes, the master and disciple pair had no right to speak even though it was Long Yifeis fate they were discussing.

Huang Wuji sighed in annoyance, Despite whatever relationship you may or may not still have with the Order, you should not have allowed them to come to this subcontinent and you should not have let them impose their will like this.

I didnt do anything! Gong Liyun protested, Abbotess Liang arrived by chance. How could I foresee that Long Yifei would catch her eye? Its a heavy honor to be desired by an abbotess of the order. I dont see why it's not a good thing! Additionally, shes is my respected guest and also a guest of the city. And yet weve treated her to continuous scenes of repugnance including

She waved her hand around the blood-soaked plaza, This nonsensical farce

Chen Wentian had enough and cut her off, Hey! A disciples future is the responsibility of their master. I was merely seeking the best possible candidate


Ming Mu was the one who spoke but three sets of spiritual energies suppressed Chen Wentians voice. They came from Ming Mu, Abbotess Liang, as well as Gong Liyun.

Huang Wuji sighed again and shook his head, Regardless, stealing another immortals disciple is still wrong, even if he is a brand-new Spirit Lord. This has been established law within the Immortal Association for as long as the history of the association itself. Therefore, I am against Long Yife being forcibly taken away!

His voice was firm but it did not have the intended effect. All the Spirit Kings present had already decided on their course of action and did not change their minds. Tang Yong was defending Long Yifei to protect the honor of his prized descendant. Ming Mu was against Tang Yong. The two women were in cahoots from the beginning and nothing changed about that.

Huang Wujis golden spiritual energy expanded as he moved deliberately. Gong Liyun matched his movements, which caused the six people in the plaza to enter into a strange stalemate.

Chen Wentian and Long Yifei stood on the ground facing Abbotess Liang. Between them, Ming Mu and Tang Yong confronted each other at close range. Above them all were Huang Wuji and Gong Liyun, both warily eyeing each other. The four kings of the subcontinent formed a fragile wall that prevented the abbotess from reaching her goal.

A long tense period of silence passed before Abbotess Liang spoke, Huang Wuji, do you really intend to stop me?

I must do what I must to uphold the dignity of the Immortal Association and as well as my own dignity as a Spirit King the Eastern Sanmu Subcontinent. He replied.

She scoffed, Dont be pretentious. Youre old. You might just die if you fight with these uneven odds.

Hmm, yes. I might. He looked neither disappointed nor afraid.

Are you willing to let this city be destroyed in the process? She asked.

Perhaps, Abbotess Liang will be willing to accompany this old one to the gates of death at another location, one with fewer bystanders? He asked.

She gave a harsh laugh, No chance! I am staying right here and not leaving until I have Long Yifei!

Huang Wuji lost some of his composure and seemed hesitant for the first time. He was a representative of the Immortal Association but he was still an individual with his own motivations. He had the dignity of the association and the subcontinent to consider as well as his own life. He had to decide if it was worth it laying it all on the line for one mortal woman who wasnt even related to him or a part of his sect.

He was still human and the more he thought about it, the more hesitant he became. He wasnt an altruist or a self-sacrificing hero. His stellar reputation was something he carefully cultivated over the years. Everyone feared death and they feared a worthless death even more. An acceptable death for a Spirit King was a glorious battle against the enemies of the human race, not a minor squabble amongst their own kind.

He looked at Chen Wentian and then at Abbotess Liang. He looked at the other Spirit Kings and then back at Abbotess Liang. He remained silent but his spiritual aura was less combative than before. His thoughts spun toward an inevitable decision that was best for himself but not necessarily good for others.

Chen Wentian recognized where the situation was going and silently activated a message talisman. He had placed a tiny bit of hope on Huang Wuji to do the right thing but had been disappointed in the end. It was impossible for a Spirit King to fight to the death for a single mortal.

Since he was left with no other choice, it was finally time to show all of his cards and chase this abbotess out of the subcontinent.


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