Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 316: Red and White (I)

Chapter 316: Red and White (I)

The five Spirit Kings ignored Chen Wentian and conversed among themselves. He could tell that they were talking silently through spiritual voice but there was no way for him to find out what they were saying.

From their expressions, it wasnt difficult to guess what was happening.

The big weapon master immortal changed from combative to amicable as a dumb smile returned to his face. The light-wielding immortal relaxed his stance and shot weirdly suggestive looks at Abbotess Liang like he was infatuated with her. Gong Liyun once again started throwing winks and kisses in Chen Wentians direction while Huang Wujis energy levels dipped and he looked like he had fallen asleep. Only Abbotess Liang stayed the course, staring at Long Yifei with an unwavering desire that bordered on creepiness.

Alright Huang Wujis voice came out even though his mouth barely moved, We have decided. The four kings of the Eastern Sanmu Subcontinent, for peace and prosperity of our lands for years to come, have come to an agreement

Chen Wentian scowled.

Long Yifei pinched him harder than ever, almost losing her composure. He held her tighter and let blazing blue flames surround them both.

But as he did that, Abbotess Liangs spiritual aura shot out and formed a dome above his head like a prison. Her purple Dao had a strong element of feminine yin and it was oppressive.

The other four did nothing to interfere.

Immortal Blue Dragon Chen Wentian Huang Wuji said, Do what you will. Life or death we will not do anything. But as an immortal of the subcontinent, we all implore you to stop resisting against the inevitable and give in. There is still time to give in

All the while, purple energy pressed down on Chen Wentian, getting closer and closer, ripping away his protective shield of spiritual energy bit by bit.

His blue dragon flames exploded out with even more intensity, turning the ground around him into a pool of molten lava.

Abbotess Liang sneered at him, This is your last chance. This is your last breath before death!

If you want her, come and get her! Chen Wentian beckoned with one hand as if taunting a disobedient child.

You! Fine!

Her robes expanded in size, billowing out around her like a flower in the wind. It transformed in color and turned from red to light purple. True to her name, her Dao turned her fluttering gown into a weapon.

The other four kings retreated and opened a path.

She leaped into the air with an elegant pirouette, her clothes forming several twirling trails of purple after her. Her clothes morphed rapidly, faster than the eye could follow.

It was easy to see the benefits of such a secret art, turning their own clothes into a weapon. It was flexible, it was adaptable. It seemed perfect for a beautiful woman.

Abbotess Liang descended slowly and two pillars of purple fabric extended outward like oversized hands. The wide smile on her face showed that she wasnt worried at all. She believed that there was no chance of Chen Wentian getting out of this alive.

None of the other four Spirit Kings thought so either. It was unfortunate but they could not help a stubborn mule. Even Gong Liyun chose to ignore the impending conclusion and turned away. She was resigned to the fact that her favorite boy toy would be gone. For the rest, the loss of a Spirit Lord would hurt but not a lot. One Spirit Lord was not enough to change the balance of power or affect matters at a large scale. It was unfortunate but just a part of the cultivation world.

Abbotess Liangs two giant purple hands dismantled Chen Wentians wall of flames. Her gown seemed resistant to fire and could not be burned. It tore through blue flame like it was something annoying, swatting it away left and right.

Chen Wentian summoned more spiritual energy from within and held firm. Even though it was a losing battle, he had to keep going. Even if he was able to keep a single Spirit King at bay temporarily, the other four would not let him leave. He had to fight on.

His flames diminished steadily, meter by meter.

Abbotess Liangs smile grew wider and wider.

There was only a thin layer of flames left and his defeat seemed inevitable

Ping! Ping! Ping!

A series of sharp metallic sounds echoed across the plaza.

Abbotess Liang recoiled, her purple arms of cloth shredded and broken. Embedded into the ground were a handful of silver needles, thin as a hair.

Who dares! She shouted to the sky.

The four kings also looked up in alarm. Huang Wuji opened both eyes and gaped.

Several people appeared, four women to be exact. They floated down in formation, two in front, two behind. They wore pure white robes, so pure that they seemed to be made out of the clouds themselves. Their features were stunning, each more beautiful than the next. Their combined aura was indescribably stirring. It was a perfect amalgamation of feminine qualities that were capable of defeating the hearts of any man.

Immortal Light of Daybreak Ming Mu and Immortal Grand Spear Tiang Yong were dumbfounded. They were Spirit Kings but they werent that experienced, having developed in a lowly subcontinent. They had never seen brilliant beauty on display like this. Not even Abbotess Liang or Long Yifei could compare. Even Huang Wuji was visibly shaking, his eyes so wide open that he looked like a fish.

On the contrary, Gong Liyuns serious frown turned her wrinkles into canyons. As for Abbotess Liang, she was trembling, not from excitement but from pure rage.

You! She spat.

Me A soft voice answered, like the lyrics of a song.

The four immortals came to a stop above Chen Wentian, hovering over him and Long Yifei protectively. The two in the front were Spirit Kings while the two behind were Spirit Lords.

He didnt need to look up to know that they were his backup. They had taken their sweet time. He almost thought they werent coming but perhaps they just wanted to make a dramatic entrance. Women were petty like that against their enemies.

You can relax. He whispered to Long Yifei, They are from a female order that is enemies with Abbotess Liang. They are on our side.

Long Yifei turned to him and spoke up for the first time, hope and uncertainty clear in her face.


Yeah. Just watch. He rubbed her back, using Benevolent Hands to calm her.

She let out a shuddering sigh of relief.

The situation had been incredibly tough for her but she had persevered through it with a brave face. He was proud of her and he was glad he went through so much trouble to save her.

Immortals, may we know your names and why you have come? Ming Mu was the first to break the silence.

A female Spirit King with an oversized brush in her hand let out a playful giggle.

Sacred Daughter of the Virtuous Order of Chunzhen, Abbotess of the Order for the Martial Brilliance Continent, Immortal Painter of Rivers Jian Ying greets the four kings of the Eastern Sanmu Subcontinent and a wayward pig!

Bitch! Say that to my face! Abbotess Liang shouted.

Jian Ying smiled and ignored the outburst. The one beside her shook her head and gave her greetings as well.

Sacred Daughter of the Virtuous Order of Chunzhen, Abbotess of the Order for the Martial Brilliance Continent, Immortal Dawn Euphony Li Shishi greets all gathered immortals as well as our friends, Immortal Blue Dragon Chen Wentian and his disciple, Snow Fairy Long Yifei.

Her words sent out a shockwave as everyone realized what was happening.

The Virtuous Order of Chunzhen was here to help Chen Wentian!


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