Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 314: More Spirit Kings (II)

Chapter 314: More Spirit Kings (II)

Abbotess Liang seemed surprised for a moment but considered the Eastern Light Clans leader. She then smiled in a sickeningly sweet way, putting her charming face back on in place of her ugly one.

Now heres a real man who knows his priorities. She almost purred. "Well met, Immortal Light of Daybreak Ming Mu."

She gave an elegant bow while showcasing her figure and her cleavage.

It was fascinating how quickly she changed from a screeching demoness back into a well-behaved, beautiful woman, full of feminine wiles. Those that could be affected by her aura once again fell under her spell.

Clan Head Ming Mu wasnt a fool but he chose to put on an act. His real target was House Master Tian Yong, who he hated. It was a conflict that started from the very beginning.

The Eastern Light Clan was not a part of the Immortal Association but merely affiliated with them. It was the first endemic sect, started in the subcontinent, to develop into a powerhouse Spirit King sect. It took them over two thousand years to do so and when they thought they would have the subcontinent to themselves, it took only a few hundred years for the House of Armament to appear.

The Eastern Light Clan wanted to prevent their rise and wipe out the competition. However, they were prevented from doing so by the Immortal Association. Instead of hating the association, which was a futile endeavor, they continued to hate the House of Armament and sought to defeat them through countless other means over the years to no avail.

Brother Tian, Ming Mu spoke, Youve never been one to pay attention to the larger situation so I will inform you, as it is only right. Do you know what kind of status the Sororal Order of Endless Love holds with the Immortal Association?

Tian Yong scowled but did not reply. It wasnt clear if he didnt know or if he simply refused to argue with his rival.

Ming Mu laughed mockingly, This King shall inform everyone clearly. Although the Sororal Order cannot be counted as one of the founding powers, it holds great influence. It has a seat in the Association Steering Council, the body of one hundred and eight members who guide the future of the human race in this world which has countless dangers and races seeking to destroy us!

His voice rose to a peak and nobody dared to utter a sound. Few understood what the Association Steering Council was but it certainly sounded impressive. Even Chen Wentian had only recently learned about this council. He was still a lowly Spirit Lord and the Eastern Sanmu Subcontinent was a frontier territory of little importance.

Tian Yong expression got even more ugly but he didnt seem like he wanted to back down. Nobody wanted to be insulted for being ignorant, nobody wanted to lose face like this, especially a Spirit King.

Ming Mu ignored the obstinate man and turned to Chen Wentian, Young Chen, you have only recently ascended to the immortal world so your lack of knowledge can be forgiven. However, further impudence will be met with an adequate response

The threat fell on deaf ears as Chen Wentian merely leaned down to whisper sweet nothings to Long Yifei.

Ming Mus spiritual energy spiked a little but he remained calm, I implore you, listen to this elders advice. It is not your place to fight against the Sororal Order. Having such a power be interested in your disciple is simply a privilege beyond privileges. If you dont fight any longer and give your disciple up, I can assure you that youll be a friend of the Eastern Light Clan. I can also say that it would be wise to be on the Sororal Orders good side. Theres still time for that.

Chen Wentian looked up and stared hard at Ming Mu, Clan Head Ming, in your words, you are saying that I should be thankful that this disciple kidnapper doesnt kill me and that I should grovel at her feet like a dog?

Hahaha! You certainly have a way with words! Ming Mu replied, I am not telling you anything, merely stating some facts. If you accept, you will be greatly rewarded with prestige and respect from all in the subcontinent. If you refuse, you will still lose her and you may lose your worthless little life.

Oh, so its a threat now? Chen Wentian retorted.

It was always a threat; you were just too stubborn or stupid to accept the fact so I had to tell you clearly. Also, do not think the House of Armaments can help you. They cannot stand up to the Sororal Order. How can they? They cant even solve a simple serial killer case in the Old District. Because of their bumbling, its recently even claimed one of their Spirit Lords!

There was a reaction now. The gathered crowd gasped in astonishment while Tian Yong finally blew up.

Surnamed Ming! Fuck your mother! How did you find out? I am going to find the spies youve put in my sect and chop them into pieces! He bellowed, deafening those nearby.

His spiritual surged out once again, a solid wall of phantasmal spears like a vast army formation. This time, Ming Mu didnt hold back and a blinding array of blue light erupted against it.


An explosion of blue and gray spiritual energy ripped apart the ground, creating a deep chasm between them. A few mortals that were unfortunate to be standing too close were vaporized. Many in the crowd finally gave up and started pushing and shoving amounts themselves to get away. The carnage, the danger, was too much. Even if they wanted to stay for Long Yifei, they knew that they no longer had a chance.

All the immortals present ignored the fleeing ants and remained focused on each other.

Enough of this! Tian Yong roared, Your mere words are not the law in the Eastern Sanmu Subcontinent! There are four kings, four kings that rule this land at the behest of the Immortal Association. In case you havent gone senile, I am one of the four kings and I refuse to let this daylight robbery happen!

He pointed to Chen Wentian without looking, Young Chen, dont give up yet. I will uphold righteousness. Long Yifei cant be taken by anyone without your approval!

Chen Wentian made a very elaborate bow, Thank you, House Master Tian, you are a true titan amongst lesser men.

At the same time, he whispered to Long Yifei, Dont get your hopes up for this guy. He doesnt really care about you or me. Those two hate each other and Tian Yong is merely using this as an opportunity to fight. Immortals are people too and some like a good tussle now and then.

Indeed, even Abbotess Liang had taken several steps back. It was only Ming Mu and Tian Yong who stood facing each other in a wide, now almost empty, plaza. Spiritual energy sizzled and ground together as they both readied another devastating attack.

Stop! A stern, aged voice came from the sky.

A golden aura surrounded both men, pushing them back.

You two you two rascals always cause me problems!


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