Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8147: From now on it will be your magical power!

Chapter 8147: From now on it will be your magical power!

Chapter 8147 From now on, it will be your magical power!

All the demon power and even the entire demon body turned into blue-black countercurrents and were absorbed by the disaster water.

The momentum of the Nine Ridges Fish gradually weakened, and the disaster finally won a great victory.

Everything was within Huoshui's plan, and no accidents occurred.

The Fish of Nine Ridges has actually been its target for a long time, but it has never taken action.

The purpose is to guard against certain variables.

And immediately after the change occurred, its murderous intention was immediately moved, and it came directly to this sea area to kill the fish of Jiuling!



The misfortune water envelope carried the last ray of essence of the Nine Ridges Fish and poured it into the body, and the hundred-foot-long wound on the misfortune water demon's abdomen healed quickly.

This injury looked tragic, but in fact it had no effect on it.

How could a great demon who had experienced the prelude to eternal calamity be troubled by such an injury?

In fact, if it hadn't deliberately exposed its weakness, the Nine Ridges Fish would have had no chance of injuring it.

The hundred-foot-long wound was finally fully healed.

But in the last countercurrent that entered the body, there was an extremely inconspicuous bubble.

The air sea was also blue-black and less than half a foot in size.

Compared to Huoshui, this is really the difference between gravel and mountain peaks.

Even its entry into the body is not enough to cause any awareness or reaction from Huoshui, and it will soon become part of Huoshui's vast demonic power.

With it, enter eternity in the near future!


The troubled water shook Qianzhang's monster body, and he burped with satisfaction, then turned around without looking back, preparing to swim out of this dark sea.


A very slight abnormal sound suddenly came out.

This voice made Huoshui stunned for a moment!

Where did such a slight noise come from?

It seems like...it comes from its body?

Huoshui was a little surprised!

With its huge monster body that is thousands of feet long, such a slight noise would not be noticed at all. Even if it is ten or a hundred times larger, it may not be able to be heard through the thick monster body.

But it heard the sound clearly.

So, where did this sound come from?

Huoshui's huge spiritual mind immediately looked back at himself, and then saw a small "bubble" above the newly healed wound.

It was only half a foot in size, but at this moment it began to stretch and lengthen, turning into a strip-shaped bubble.

But in the bubble, there stood a thin figure!

It was a woman from the sea tribe, with a thin body and extremely ordinary clothes - only a robe woven from seaweed.

Among the Sea Clan, only people at the bottom of the family dress like this.

The Sea Clan woman was wrapped in the sea of air, her face expressionless, but her eyes showed infinite chill.

That chill made Huoshui's heart tremble, and he secretly cried out!

This is a variable, a completely unexpected variable, a variable that was never thought of.

Now that it has really happened in its body, how will it evolve next?

The disaster is unpredictable, but it immediately uses the "disaster" magical power to surround it with disaster water, hoping to erase this variable.

At this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded!

"From now on, it will be your magical power!"


An indescribable gloomy aura instantly filled the air and enveloped the monster body.

The power that the troubled water demon was so proud of was instantly imprisoned, and even its "disastered water" innate magical power could no longer be mobilized.

At the same time as the sound sounded, there was a mysterious force that forcibly integrated the invisible and colorless "disaster water" into the body of the Sea Tribe woman.


! .

The Sea Clan woman let out a shrill scream, and her already thin body instantly became riddled with holes.

There were countless lines of blood splitting her body surface, which were injuries caused by the forced penetration of the evil water.

At the same time, there was another force that helped her heal these wounds.

However, under the impact of the "disaster", the two forces repeatedly saw each other, and no one could completely gain the upper hand.

The Sea Clan woman was originally a maid in a merchant house, and she was the lowest level of the Sea Clan people in a certain interface.

His talent is mediocre, his qualifications are extremely poor, and he has no potential to practice.

She should have lived in that city for the rest of her life. Perhaps after her youth passed away, she would have been dismissed by the trading company because of her clumsiness.

But because of a chance reception and a special encounter, the gears of fate changed in ways that shouldn't have happened.

And just when she thought it was just a small accident and no longer relevant to her destined ordinary life, a tragic experience happened.

The biggest support in her heart, her weak and pitiful parents, withered at the same time in one day!

She has worked hard!

She tried her best to work in the business house, and in order to get a little more money from the not-so-lucrative salary, she often waited before others to greet customers.

All her efforts are to relieve her mother's pain and make her family live a better life.

She didn't even think about reversing her destiny or completely changing her miserable life.

But even such a humble wish has lost the possibility of being realized.

Her parents died, and her sky suddenly collapsed!

But by chance, the bad fate that she had harshly rejected and snuffed out suddenly took over everything in her.

Infinitely magnified in her heart and mind!

So beside the deep pool, she said - I want you to help me practice!

She also said - I want to be the strongest person in this world!

However, how can an ordinary person like her become the strongest without going through terrible trials?

At this moment, she was undergoing such a test.

Blood and fire, life and death, intertwined crazily on her body, eroding every inch of her muscles, blood, and bones.

Shattered and recast, resurrected from life and death, reborn from the ashes!


The evil water was carried by the power of the hoarse voice and poured into her body, causing her whole body to undergo an incredible transformation.

Her aura began to rise, her strength began to surge, and her cultivation level broke through at an unstoppable speed!

From a woman at the bottom of the sea tribe, she has gone all the way through a realm that would take others dozens, hundreds or even thousands of years to reach, and reached the peak of the origin realm in an instant!

"I...I've become stronger?!"

Yu Xiaozao seemed to wake up from the most terrifying nightmare, but what he awakened was the most powerful power.

"Far from enough," said the hoarse voice.

"After all, your foundation is too poor and your source of energy is insufficient, so you still need to supplement it."

"How to take supplements?" Yu Xiaozao asked.

At this time, her temperament had undergone a huge change.

No longer timid, no longer weak, no longer cautious, he already has the demeanor of a strong man.

His face is resolute, his eyes are no longer confused, and his temperament is no less than any peerless talent!

"This big demon has passed through the prelude to eternal calamity, and now you are the best nourishment!"


The strange sound started again, and the thousand-foot demon body seemed to collapse instantly. The terrifying power mixed with the majestic body was crushing towards Yu Xiaozao.

It was as if the infinite weight of this thousand-foot monster body was being pressed into her body!

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