Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8148: Reverse Five Elements Heavy Water

Chapter 8148: Reverse Five Elements Heavy Water

Yu Xiaozao felt scared, but she immediately woke up and told herself in the most determined voice that no matter what happened, she should not be afraid!

No matter how big the change is, we must face it head-on.

Otherwise, you cannot be a strong person!

As a result, the essence of the evil power of the Great Demon of Disaster, which had experienced the prelude to eternal calamity, was extracted by some mysterious power, and all of it was transferred into Yu Xiaozao's body.


The demonic body of the Great Troublewater Demon was plundered by the terrifying power to a range of less than a hundred feet, forming a huge ball of flesh and bones.

And when all the essence of this ball of flesh and bone was lost, it turned into a lifeless, shriveled thing!

Yu Xiaozao, who had many years of experience in the trading business, could tell at a glance that the thing squeezing her was not even the lowest level of monster material.

Already worthless scraps and dead things!


With a thought in Yu Xiaozao's mind, huge power spread outwards, and the mass of waste exploded into nothingness.

From now on, there will be no more troublesome monsters in the world!

But a new peerless powerhouse was bornYu Xiaozao!

"Thank you!" she said.

"It's not over yet." The hoarse voice laughed, "Next, you and I, we will step into eternity together!"

! .


At this moment, terrifying waves rolled up in the deep sea, and huge waves rushed out of the sea and hit the sky!

The eternal movement followed, and the terrifying power spread crazily between the sea and the sky.

In an instant, the colors of the world changed, and the thunder raged violently!

The power of Yu Xiaozao is undergoing a rapid transformation, integrating the power of heaven and earth, and the power of gathering water, in the deep sea of the Ten Thousand Reef Realm, to achieve eternity!

"Eternal disaster!"

! .

"Which great master is breaking through such a huge calamity?"

"That's where the deep sea is, and it's probably a terrifying monster!"

"Big demon? Could it be..."

Some people think of the great demon, the old enemy of the Lanhai Sect who has been fighting for thousands of years.

But this eternal calamity does not seem to contain a strong aura of monsters.

It's really puzzling.

On the side of Lan Hai Sect, the warriors who had just returned to the mountain gate in the sea whale boat turned around and looked in the distance, and they were all shocked!

"Eternal disaster!"

"Could it be that the Great Disaster Demon has broken through?"

"If it really enters eternity, how will we deal with it in the future?"

Everyone was shocked and had different thoughts.

The red-armed elder of Lanhai Sect and a dozen of his colleagues rose into the air at this moment, wanting to take a more detailed look.

Unexpectedly, just as he rose into the air, he was knocked down by the terrifying pressure that swept across the world.

"Not it!"

"This smell is wrong!"

"This seems to be a sea clan powerful man breaking through!"

The elders tried their best to analyze and guess.

But that aura did not belong to any strong person from the Sea Tribe that they were familiar with or knew.

This is strange!

The existence of the Eternal Realm is limited in number in the Ten Thousand Reefs Realm.

Existences that can impact the eternal realm are also concerned by all forces.

Who is the Sea Clan's pressure energy that is advancing at this moment?

"What do you think, Brother Jiang?"

Huang Jutao touched Jiang Tian with his arm.

"It's a little weird," Jiang Tian squinted his eyes and said, "It seems familiar."

"Sounds familiar?" Huang Jutao was a little surprised, "Is it really a great evil monster?"

"Probably not." Jiang Tian shook his head and said.

He could still tell whether it was a water-disaster monster or not.

The big demon had his bloodline essence devoured twice, and its strength was greatly depleted. It was absolutely impossible for him to challenge the eternal calamity at this time.

His thoughts were the same as those of the elders of the Lanhai Sect, and he believed that this was a strong man from the Hai Clan.

But who could it be?

When he first came to the Water Planet Domain, he had not come into contact with many powerful people from the Sea Tribe.

Among them, even fewer have the chance to enter the eternal realm, and those who have the deepest impression are standing behind him.

Who else could it be?

Jiang Tian's thoughts were rolling, and it must be difficult to come to a conclusion.

But it has to be said that it is also a rare opportunity for him to witness the grand breakthrough of an eternal realm power.

"Eternal Realm!"

Jiang Tian silently clenched his fists.

Some people have entered eternity, but he is still in the middle stage of the original realm.

The total amount of bloodline far exceeds that of ordinary people, and also makes him face unimaginable resource demands.

If he wants to advance, he needs more accumulation.

But this hunting operation gave him a direction.

Jiang Tian's thoughts suddenly became clear - there are so many monsters in the deep sea!

"Everyone!" The red-armed elder always felt a little uneasy.

But as the leader of this operation, he still has to complete his mission.

Everyone's eyes fell on him again.

"Although this operation is not a success, everyone has made great efforts. The rewards promised by this sect will be paid in full, and an additional 10% will be added!"

"In addition, Fellow Daoist Jiang who performed most outstandingly in this operation will receive the highest rewardchoose one from the three expected rewards!"

In addition to basic rewards, there are three default rewards:

One: Three drops of the essence of Lanhai;

The second one: water-moving holy elixir, one piece;

Third: The most precious and precious weapon refining materials in the water planet domain!

This was originally set up for the group of people who performed the most outstandingly after the operation was successful. Now that the operation failed, naturally no one is eligible to receive it.

But Jiang Tian single-handedly chased the trouble into the deep sea, and his performance was undisputed.

Choosing one of the three great rewards can be regarded as the reward that Lan Hai Sect deserves.

"The Essence of the Waves, the Holy Water-moving Pill, and the most precious and precious weapon-refining materials, it's really hard to choose between them!"

"If it were me, I would definitely choose the Essence of Lanhai to help me develop my water-based cultivation!"

"If you are me, I will definitely choose the water-moving holy elixir to increase the chance of breaking through the eternal realm!"

"No matter how high the value of these two is, there is a limit. It is not as good as that kind of material..."

There was a lot of noise in front of the mountain gate. Everyone was speculating on Jiang Tian's choice. Envy, jealousy, and entangled emotions filled almost everyone's hearts.

Jiang Tian didn't have so many distracting thoughts.

This operation was clearly a ploy to send blood to Huoshui under the guise, and Lan Haizong would certainly not let it succeed.

But to him, that is no longer important.

It is no longer important to the surviving warriors.

"I dare to ask the elder, what is the third reward?"

There is actually no need to ask this question.

What else could be the most precious weapon refining material in the water planet domain?

Of course...the red-armed elder's response interrupted everyone's logical speculation.

"This material was secretly refined for me, Lan Hai Sect, at a huge cost - Heavy Water Against the Five Elements!"


"Reverse the Five Elements and Heavy Water!"


As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was in an uproar!

Jiang Tian's face changed slightly!

This is not what he wants, not the Great Five Elements Xinmu Refining Essence!


If I had known this, I should have asked clearly from the beginning.

Now that the answer was revealed, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

He said in a deep voice: "Isn't it the essence of the Great Five Elements Xinmu?!" "Who told Taoist friends what kind of material it is?" The red-armed old man raised his eyebrows and spread his hands and said: "The heavy water against the Five Elements is the water of our Lanhai Sect. A unique material refined from the water will of the planetary realm combined with the original power of the Reef Realm. It is a priceless treasure. If others want it, we wont give it to them!

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