Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8146: Fish of Jiuling

Chapter 8146: Fish of Jiuling

As the sea whale boat left, the sea in the southern part of the Ten Thousand Reefs Realm gradually became calmer.

But in the deep sea below the calm sea, there was a giant tailless whale swimming slowly.

The battle we just experienced was thought to end in a complete crushing victory like before.

Unexpectedly, the warriors who came to besiege it this time were far beyond imagination and once forced it into a desperate situation!

For a great demon like it that has experienced the prelude to eternal calamity, its physical body and huge demon body are its advantages.

In particular, the more than one hundred tail tentacles were obtained by devouring a half-step eternity-level octopus monster in its early years.

Integrate into yourself through special bloodline talents and become a killer move!

This makes its already unparalleled physical defense even more impregnable, giving it a huge advantage in close combat.

No opponent with a clear mind would be willing to fight with him in close combat.

But that strong human race in the middle stage of the Origin Realm was an unprecedented exception!

That man not only possesses various powerful methods, but also has the ability to suppress his soul and bloodline, making his demon power and various killing methods useless.

Just now in that dark sea area, he was almost terminated.

If the Lanhai Sect warriors had not reached the siege in time, it would have died!


The troubled water poured out the suffocation in its heart, and huge bubbles of water spurted out from its wide mouth, rolling to the surface of the sea and setting off huge waves.

As a great demon that has survived the eternal calamity, its spiritual intelligence is by no means weaker than that of any human or sea warrior.

As the protector spirit beast secretly raised by Lan Hai Sect, it can enjoy such blood food every once in a while.

The Lanhai Sect's actions may be hunting, treasure hunting, or exploring secrets... It has changed in various ways over thousands of years, providing it with countless blood meals.

And it will also abide by the contract that was imprinted on the soul, and after entering the eternal realm, it will become the sect-suppressing spirit beast of Lan Hai Sect!

The existence of the eternal realm cannot be driven by others forever, not even the number one sect in the interface like Lan Hai Sect.

The great water-disaster demon that has entered the eternal realm cannot be restricted by the contract forever, and will always be forced to live in the small "pond" in the realm of ten thousand reefs, driven by others.

Therefore, its contract with Lan Hai Sect also has a term of one thousand years!

Now is the critical moment for it to enter eternity.

Originally, if everything went well and it swallowed all the blood food, it would be possible to push its power to the limit and prepare to impact the real eternal disaster.

But because of the existence of that strong human race, the plan was disrupted and its progress was delayed.

Of course there is hatred, and it is extremely intense.

But for a big demon like it, whose every move attracts attention from all parties, how can it openly seek revenge on the other party?

If it really jumps out of the deep sea and lands on land, the most likely outcome is that the entire interface will join forces to strangle it!

The water element interface also has the rules of the water element interface. It does not mean that in the water element interface, these beings born from the power of water element can be unscrupulous and do whatever they want.

Therefore, it will have to suppress its temper and lie dormant for a while.

The top priority is to enter the eternal realm as soon as possible. By then, revenge will be just a piece of cake.


A roar came from the front, and the misfortune swam into the territory of a large fish demon.

The ridge fish is so named because its back is ridged, like a mountain ridge.

This mountain fish is said to have been cultivating here for thousands of years. Although its strength has not improved too quickly, it has always been the overlord of this area.

The strength of the ridge fish can be distinguished from the ridges on its back.

There is a ridge for those who are slightly weaker.

The strongest person has nine ridges!

This ridge fish roared and swam out from the depths of its territory. There were nine ridges on its back, but the last one was slightly lower than the other eight and the color was not deep enough. It was obvious that it was born not too long ago.

Its cultivation level is almost the same as that of the Great Water Disaster Demon, and it is currently preparing to challenge the prelude to eternal calamity.

Facing the disaster that invaded its territory, it rushed forward without hesitation, hoping to use the body of Jiuling to drive away the disaster.

However, instead of retreating, the disaster faced him with gleaming eyes.

A huge water bubble spurted out, covering the Nine Ridges Fish, then opened its huge mouth, and bit off the highest one among the Nine Ridges!


Terrible roars resounded throughout the sea area, and the highest mountain ridge of the Nine Ridges Fish was actually bitten off by the disaster water.

But this mountain fish is not a weakling. The moment the mountain on its back broke, its body sank suddenly, and then suddenly charged up!

The huge demonic body was like a terrifying guillotine, slamming into Huoshui's lower abdomen with extreme madness!



Huoshui received this blow, and a horizontal gap nearly a hundred feet long opened in his huge abdomen.

The demon body was almost cut off with one blow!

Suffering such a severe injury, demon blood gushed out, and a large number of flesh and blood fragments also spattered out, being swept away by the turbulent undercurrent.

The long and narrow demonic body of the Nine Ridges Fish was deeply "embedded" in the lower abdomen of Huoshui. It vibrated violently and tried to pull away before delivering another blow.

But Hushui launched its truly fatal offensive!


From the belly of Huoshui, a colorless stream surged out, instantly covering the demonic body of the Nine Ridges Fish.


The demonic body of the Nine Ridges Fish, which is known for its solidity and tyranny, began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into blue and black countercurrents, using the hundred-foot-long wound as a channel, pouring back into the body of the Great Disaster Demon!


The Nine Ridges Fish realized that it had been fooled, and it roared in fear.

The monster's body, like a giant guillotine, twists and shakes crazily, trying to inflict greater damage to Huoshui, forcing the other party to be cautious, thus giving him a chance to escape.

It already understood that this was actually a trap deliberately set by the Great Demon of Disaster. It exposed its weakness and allowed it to open the abdominal wound with its body of nine ridges.

Then it took advantage of the situation to show its true talent and magical power - disaster water!

The power of disaster can invade everything!

The body, which was as strong as a fish from the Nine Ridges, collapsed and disintegrated in the face of the disaster, making it vulnerable to a single blow.

This is also a disaster, and it is about to challenge the greatest reliance on eternity.

In this encounter, the disaster was actually well-prepared, and he ordered the fish from the Nine Ridges to replenish his body to make up for the blood essence lost in the previous battle and the damage to his tail.

As long as it swallows the Nine Ridges Fish, it will be able to complete its replenishment, heal its injuries, and move one step closer to the eternal realm.

If we had better luck, it might not be impossible to directly launch the eternal catastrophe!


The huge body of the Nine Ridges Fish twisted crazily and trembled violently, like a giant guillotine cutting wildly.

But this kind of struggle is becoming less of a threat to disaster. Because under the penetration of the "disaster water", all its nine ridges collapsed, and the demon body began to melt.

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