Gate of Immortality

Chapter 157: Paltry Tricks

Chapter 157: Paltry Tricks

" Ah, so you are Young Master's cousin." Bai Ruxue nodded. " But, have we met before?" She wondered. " Yes, It's just that you haven't seen me that time." Jin Yu chuckled slightly. Yang Shi wiped his sweat as he thanked Jin Yu for leaving him for the time being. If she stayed inside of her golden egg, she might have seen all the deeds that he and Ruxue did that night.

" It seems you have made quite a ruckus." Yang Shi laughed slightly. " You mean those pathetic bastards. Hmph! If not by accident, I would never know the dark side of humanity." Jin Yu snickered. She was, after all a newborn Demonic beast. After she saw what happens to the girls in various underground gangs, she felt utterly disgusted. With a wave of her hand, she used her skill Rays of Golden Dawn. It's a skill imbued with her cultivation of Violet Palace Expansion realm and Metal qi. All of those people felt getting cut by a thousand knives. Wherever the golden rays passed, people felt their skin, flesh is slicing apart.

Yang Shi only clicked his tongue as he heard Jin Yu's narrative. However, he didn't have the slightest pity for those who have died. Those people are truly the scum of society. " Anyway, so how is Firmament City? Food is good?" Yang Shi asked. He knows that Jin Yu is a foodie. " Ahem, I have eaten in around fifteen restaurants. Only five of them are passable. Oh yes, I was eating in the Gold and Jade Inn for the past few days. So, all the bills are on your tab." Jin Yu coughed awkwardly.

" Tell me the truth, is it only Gold and Jade Inn or all other restaurants?" Yang Shi's face turned dark. " Only five of them. I paid every other with the money I got after killing those bastards." Jin Yu stuck out her tongue. Yang Shi sighed after he heard Jin Yu. He asked the waiter how much it was, and it turned about 5000 gold coins. " These meager dishes and you asking 5000?" Yang Shi jumped in rage. " Sir, This lady has already eaten every single dish on the menu. It's natural for the bill of 5000 gold coins." The waiter hurriedly said. Yang Shi grumbled as he paid the money.

Even though he is filthy rich now, he is still acting miserly everywhere. Bai Ruxue couldn't help but laugh after looking at Yang Shi's stinginess. " Here, Take these 50,000 gold coins and pay all the debts. After that, come to Mo Clan manor. We are going to leave for the capital shortly." Yang Shi said seriously. He doesn't want to run every corner of the Firmament City, just to pay Jin Yu's debt.

" You-" Jin Yu got angry but Yang Shi already grabbed Bai Ruxue's arm as he left quickly. " Haha, Young Master, Why you are so miser?" Bai Ruxue teased Yang Shi. " You know, when I first came to Firmament City, I didn't have a single bit of money. The food was so expensive that I chose to stay hungry." Yang Shi's expression became sad. " I worked hard. I hammered metal, smelted them, hammered again. Those days, with ire and sweat and blood-covered palm..." Yang  Shi sighed. If Jin Yu was here, she would have kicked Yang Shi out of the world.

Lacking money? Since when Blacksmiths and Asassissns are lacking money? While it was true that Yang Shi had much less money than now, but he was never been poor to remain hungry. But, his acting was enough to move Bai Ruxue. Bai Ruxue was moved by his words as she came closer to him. Yang Shi saw there is no one around so he grabbed Bai Ruxue. His hands roamed over her body, making Bai Ruxue's breathing hot. " Young Master, Stop1 What if someone sees us." Bai Ruxue panicked as she looked around.

" Keke, Lady, no one is here. You can't escape from me now." Yang Shi was about to kiss her, when, " Really?" A voice sounded on her back. Hearing it, Yang Shi's body jolted. Bai Ruxue's face turned hot as her body trembled. She pushed away Yang Shi as she dashed off out of embarrassment. Yang Shi saw Jin Yu stood behind him calmly, with her arm clasped. " You...You have cleared all of the debts?" Yang Shi asked after a slight cough. " Yes." Jin Yu nodded. Yang Shi sighed. How can he forget that she is a Violet Palace Realm cultivator, moreover she is a roc. Her speed is unparalleled under this kingdom.

" Are you going to walk or come back to the golden egg?" Yang Shi asked. " Meh, I am already tired. I should go and rest." Jin Yu laughed as she became a golden ray of light and entered his dantian. Yang Shi laughed helplessly as he chased after Bai Ruxue. " Hmm, Since Ruxue ascended to the Primordial Spirit realm, I should teach her an agility technique." Yang Shi thought. As he reached Mo Clan's manor, he saw everyone gathered in the courtyard. Mo Yi and Liu Hie stood in the center. They seem to bicker about something. But their affection seems to be deepened. Yang Shi entered the courtyard as he saw Mo Xian saw him. He could see a cunning smile on his face as he looked at him.

" That brat must be planning something. Heh, if he dares to do anything serious, he would face consequences." Yang Shi sneered in his mind. " Everyone! Our Ten year Family gathering is going to happen in a week. We will now go to the Royal Captial. Are all the Silver Winged Falcons are ready?" Mo Shan shouted.

" Lord! There is a problem." A servant came running. Mo Shan's face twitched as he asked, " What happened?" " Lord, Two of the Silver Wing Falcons had gone ill." The servant hurriedly said. " What? Are you kidding me?" Mo Shan asked darkly. For real? Demonic Beasts getting sick out of nowhere. "It's true, My Lord. Two the Silver Winged Falcon are vomiting from the morning and refused to move even an inch. Moreover, their wings are swollen. They can't fly for a longer period." 

" Damn! All are idiots." Mo Shan cursed. There are only 5 Silver Wing Falcons are remaining. Only fifteen people can go to Captial now. After a little calculation, Yang Shi, Bai Ruxue, and another disciple of the Mo clan remained. Mo Xian came and said, " Sister Ruxue, You can come along with me. I still have some space on my falcon." Mo Xiang smiled. " Scram!" Liu Hie shouted. " Brother Mo Yi, go to another steed. Sister Ruxue shall come with me." Liu Jie said. " I understand, but, Why me?" Mo Yi vexed. Mo Xiang scowled but didn't say anything. " Heh, come brat! Come with your old man." Mo Shan chuckled as she called Mo Yi. " Who wants to travel with an old guy?" Mo Yi muttered. He thought he will spend some romantic time with Liu Jie, but now, it's all gone.

The Mo clan disciple could read the situation as he refused to come with them. The only person who remained is Yang Shi. " Brother Yang..." Mo Yi felt rage as he saw Yang  Shi may not come along with them. " Damn those fucking birds. I swear I will roast them and eat with seasonings." Mo Yi cursed.

He thought two of them will flip the Captial. But since Yang Shi might not get the Silver Wing Falcon, Reaching the Captial will take more than a month for him.

Yang Shi chuckled as he looked at Mo Xiang, as he understood it was all of his doing. But still, he smiled at him, as if he never lose anything in the first place. Mo Xiang felt something was off as he saw Yang Shi smiling at him.

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