Gate of Immortality

Chapter 156: Brutal little loli

Chapter 156: Brutal little loli

" This lady isn't simple at all. Although she said she was just a maid of the Second Prince, her strength is far from above. To able to carry dangerous missions of Second Prince." Yang Shi was thinking in his heart. Fortunately, Yang Shi had broken her Pure Yin Maiden Body the night before, letting her Jade Empyrean Heavenly Technique a breakthrough. Now, until she reached the minor completion stage. Before that, even an Origin Core Realm cultivator can't tell that she posses Nine Yin Heavenly Physique.

" Haha, Young Noble is very interesting. I know Highness Second Prince will appreciate your character." Shao Zhu smiled. " But Young Noble needs to be careful. Recently, Blood Moon Hall has become active and killing many talented individuals." her eyes narrowed slightly as she said. " Did she guess something?" Yang Shi's heart thumped as he controlled his expression. " Haha, Those fuckers. I am not afraid at all." Yang Shi laughed loudly as he grabbed his saber hilt on his back. " Noble Yang is filled with bravery. I hope to meet you in the capital." Shao Shi nodded as she stood up. " Now, allow this lady to leave. Sister Xia, I hope you entertain Noble Yang."

After she left, Yang Shi looked at Xia Rong and smirked, " I hope Yin Enchanting pill had brought you some fortune." Xia Rong laughed as she said, " Indeed, Due to the generosity of Young Noble, My humble abode has earned quite a bit of sum. Even the Sublime Yang Elixir has become popular among men." " Haha, To take out a pill recipe for Ruxue, I don't think it's a bad deal." Yang Shi smiled. " Us courtesans' lives are miserable. After all, we are just a bunch of pitiful ladies trying to live with meager of art. Not everyone has the luck of Sister Ruxue, having a master like you." Xia Rong sighed.

Yang Shi remained silent as he sipped a mouthful of tea. Bai Ruxue's body trembled slightly as she looked at Yang Shi's back. " So, I wonder about Lady Shao's true intentions. I hope Sister Xia can give me some clues." Yang Shi tapped his fingers on the table. " Let me ask Young Noble, Does Bai Ruxue really doesn't possess a Pure Yin Maiden body?" Xia Rong probed. " Sister Xia also thinks that? Hehe..." Yang Shi laughed mysteriously. " She indeed had much pure Yin qi in her body. I also thought she had Pure Yin Maiden Body. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a hoax." Yang Shi laughed bitterly. " Really?" Xia Rong raised her brows. " If not, Do you think I would be struck at the Seventh stage? With absorbing her Primal Yin qi, I would have broken through to the Ninth stage in one go." Yang Shi spat.

" I understand. Pardon me for my curiosity." Xia Rong nodded. " Sister Shao indeed came here for Pure Yin Body. It was the order of the Second Prince after all." "How Sister Shao got attached to Second Prince? I mean, wasn't she is the First Princess of Hundred Flower Pavilion?" Yang Shi asked. " Well, It's not a secret, but I can only tell you that- Second Prince once saved her from death. From that moment, Sister Shao chose to follow him till her death." Xia Rong sighed.

" Haha, I truly like her determination." Yang Shi smiled. " If there is nothing, shall we go back?" Yang Shi looked back at Bai Ruxue. " Ahaha, I apologize Young Noble, for wasting your precious time." Xia Rong stood up. " Who said my time got wasted? It's very rare to see both Beauty Princess of Hundred Flower Pavilion." Yang Shi chuckled. " Aiiz, only if it was night. Sister Xia and I can spend the whole night, discussing the Four Arts and the mysteries of life."

" Haha, Young Noble is too humble. This lady doesn't dare to compare her meager knowledge before Young Noble Yang." Xia Rong declined politely. " Well, That's it. Bai Ruxue, Let's return." Yang Shi stood up and cupped his fist. After they left, a black shadow also left quietly. Yang Shi looked back at the mansion of the Hundred Flower Pavilion. A trace of ridicule could be found on his face. He could sense that a person was lurking while he was talking with Xia Rong. She was none other than Shao Zhu.

" What a cunning lady." Yang Shi snorted as he continued walking. He wrapped his arms around Bai Ruxue's waist as he walked like he knows nothing. Bai Ruxue blushed as she muttered, " Young Master, everyone is watching." " So what? You are my woman, Ruxue. Don't care about people." Yang Shi chuckled. Bai Ruxue smiled as she gave a pinch on Yang Shi's arm. As they were strolling down on the street, Yang Shi heard a group of people talking. 

" My God! That's so vicious!" Someone exclaimed. " Well, That's true. Purple Banner gang leader got his lower body destroyed brutally. Even all of his subordinates got killed last night. They say it was again the girl with the golden pupil." Someone lowered his voice. Yang Shi suddenly stopped as he listened more. The more he heard, the stranger his expression grew. They were talking about a little girl, around eight years old, with unusual golden eyes. She appeared a few days ago, roaming on the streets. She went to a restaurant to eat food, but she doesn't have any money.

Dou Ye (Ik its a strange name, but it's just a npc), who was an infamous lustful bastard, paid money on behalf of the girl and took her with him, as he was helping her to find her parents. Everyone knows what he gonna do with the girl, but due to fear, the onlooker said nothing. A day later, people saw a Dou Ye's corpse hanging in the middle of the market, naked and with the bloodied crotch. The people felt someone with righteous intent finally decided to punish Dou Ye.

But in a few days, three of such gangs and people got brutally killed, who are notorious for torturing girls, forcing them to be their slaves. And another common thing, there is always the girl with golden pupil on the scene. Yang Shi wiped his sweat as he cursed in his mind, "Fuck! How can I forget about her?" As he guessed, the little girl was Jin Yu. " Hahaha, Fuck you, You bloody pedos. Who asked you to covet that little divine beast?" Yang Shi laughed inside. That little girl got tricked by some bad uncles, but the ending was pretty different. In the end, those bad uncles are the ones who got rekt.

Suddenly, Yang Shi felt the golden egg inside his dantian moved. He looked around but found nothing out of ordinary. " Young Master, What happened?" Bai Ruxue asked. " Eh, follow me. We are going to meet someone." Yang Shi activated his Celestial View as he followed a particular trail. After a while, they reached a restaurant. Yang Shi became speechless as he entered along with Bai Ruxue. He saw Jin Yu eating calmly, with loads of dishes in front of her. Yang Shi sat on the chair beside her and took a bite.

Suddenly, Jin Yu slapped Yang Shi's palm like swatting away a fly as she coldly said, " Don't touch my food." " Tsk tsk, Little Yu, aren't going to give a little to your master?" Yang Shi teased. " No." Jin Yu replied sternly. Yang Shi could only sigh after hearing Jin Yu. After all, even he doesn't dare to mess with this little loli. Jin Yu looked at Bai Ruxue as she was standing in front of her. " So you are Bai Ruxue?" She chuckled. Bai Ruxue was startled as she never met Jin Yu before. " Ahaha, Ruxue, she is Jin Yu. Uhh...My cousin." Yang hi laughed dryly. Jin Yu couldn't help but scoff.

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