Gate of Immortality

Chapter 158: Bad Memory

Chapter 158: Bad Memory

Yang Shi was frwoning a minute ago. He truly felt Mo Xiang's plan was ingenious. While he didn't try anything to harm him, he managed to delay him for a long time. " Fuck, you played well. Just wait till I make mince out of you." Yang Shi cursed in his heart. " Hey! Jin Yu! Aren't you a divine roc? Can you transform so I can reach the capital in a second?" Yang Shi asked greedily. " Fuck off." Jin Yu spat. " Where did you learned the curse words?" Yang Shi's face darkened. "Hehe, when I was strolling in the city, I saw many men saying that." Jin Yu said.

" Anyway, I can't transform just to carry you somewhere. I am not your steed. Moreover, If I try to transform into my beast form, my poison would flare again." Jin Yu scowled. " Damn, Do you have any better idea? Am I going to lose today?" Yang  Shi cursed. " It seems you are pretty stupid. Have you forgot that you actually have a steed?" Jin Yu laughed at Yang Shi's stupidity. " Eh? I have a steed?" Yang Shi became confused. " Have you forget that you have an egg of a Sword Feather Condor?" Jin Yu felt she was going crazy. Hell, Are you really a cultivator? You sure my master?

" Ah! Ahahaha. My bad, Truly, my bad." Yang Shi laughed as he slapped his thigh. Fuck, it seems his memory getting bad. " But, it hasn't hatched yet." Yang Shi frowned. " You are such a fool. Have you forgotten how much that strange energy you have injected into that egg? It was supposed to die, but that strange energy of yours gave it a tremendous boost, making its bloodline far pure. After a while, it stopped absorbing the energy as it went to hibernation. I feel it will hatch in a day or two." Jin Yu informed Yang Shi

" Haha! Little Jin, you have made my day." Yang Shi laughed in his mind. " Don't get too happy." Jin Yu's words are like a bucket of cold water, poured over Yang S hi's happiness. " You mustn't forget that the egg was somewhat damaged. Who knows, What's the cultivation of the newborn Sword Feather Condor would be?" " Hmm, that's indeed a problem. But, I have solutions for that. Don't forget, we have another dead egg of his species, the corpse, and the core of mature Sword Feather Condor. With these, he can climb up to the ranks like lightning." Yang Shi chuckled.

" Mo Xiang, oh Mo Xiang! Just wait. I am eager to see when you arrive in the Royal Captial and see me at the entrance." Yang Shi laughed as he looked at Mo Xiang. Mo Xiang's heart thumped as he saw Yang Shi's smile. Sure, he was smart enough to guess that Yang Shi already knew that he was the mastermind, yet he is still smiling? " Don't tell me he has another plan? No, That's impossible." Mo Xiang shook his head. He felt happy to put Yang Shi in such an awkward condition. Mo Yi looked at Yang Shi and then looked at Mo Xiang. He suddenly understood what happened as he glared at Mo Xiang. Mo Xiang snickered as he turned around. 

Mo Yi gave Yang Shi a look of embarrassment, but Yang Shi waved his hands, telling him to not get worried. " Little Yang, I am really sorry for such inconvenience." Mo Shan came to Yang Shi as he gave a wry smile. " It's alright uncle." Yang Shi smiled. " Don't worry. I have my Blood Fur horses. With them, it will take fifteen days at most to reach the capital." Mo Shan declared. " Haha, Uncle is sure generous." Yang Shi cupped his fist. " Haha, Brat, You are my son's sworn brother. I can at least do this for you." Mo Shan laughed as he patted Yang Shi. 

" You Master! If you are not going, then Bai Ruxue shall also stay here." Bai Ruxue said. " no, You should go with sister Liu. Don't worry, I will reach the capital soon. And yes, keep this storage pouch, There is a special gift for you." Yang Shi smiled. " B-but..." Bai Ruxue tried to protest, but Yang Shi didn't listen.

Within a few minutes, everyone boarded on the falcons as they flapped their wings. Yang Shi felt amazed that the wind current created by flapping their wing was like a small hurricane. Within a blink of an eye, with a booming sound, they left. Yang Shi felt the speed of the falcons is truly amazing. Their speed is like jets. Within a few seconds, Yang Shi could only see faint dots in the horizon.

" Let's wait for today. Since plans have changed, Where should I go? Well, I should go to the Golden Fire Tower. Time to practice forging." Yang Shi thought as he left Mo Clan manor. Firmament City was famous for three things. First- The Golden Fire Tower. It was the birthplace of all Blacksmiths and Alchemists of Azure Feather Ancient Kingdom. Second- Hundred Flower Pavilion. The second best gathering of beautiful courtesans, and of course, rich young masters. The three beautiful princesses of Hundred Flower Pavilion had occupied in top ten positions of the kingdom's beauty ranking.

And thirdly, the ancestral ground of Mo Clan. Firmament city was the place where the original Mo Clan was located. But after a time, they chose to make it a branch and migrate into the Capital. Nonetheless, it's still the sacred place of the Mo clan. But, The capital is still the capital. History says the progenitor of the Royal clan found an ancient ruin. So he chose to settle his clan there. That place became the Azure Wind City, the capital of Azure Feather Ancient Kingdom.

Yang Shi strolled aimlessly in the market. He still remembered when he first arrived in Firmament City. He saw vendors scamming rich young masters on the name of rare herbs. Even now, he still saw people shouting- A rare Three Leaf Golden Fruit, which can increase your cultivation and vitality. Only for 30,000 gold coins."

" An ancient cauldron from a mystical ruin. It has strange engraving, which seals a long lost alchemy technique. Only for a hundred thousand gold coins."

" A Mythic grade cultivation manual. If you can practice it to the pinnacle, you will be like carp leaping through dragon gate, becoming invincible among your peers."

Yang Shi couldn't help but smile as he heard these shouts. Sure, people aren't dumb enough to believe all this BS, but still, these shouts managed to plant a seed in their minds. They may not buy today, but what about tomorrow? Greed, lust, and anger are three unsatiable elements of the human heart. Even the people know that these things are fake, they will still buy them, nonetheless. Who can resist the allure of power?

Yang Shi didn't mind as he let a chuckle. But when he was going, his eyes suddenly fell on a herb, or say, a patch of grass. The shopkeeper was dozing as Yang Shi reached him. Feeling the aura, he opened his eyes as he looked at Yang Shi. " Is this Hazy Dream Grass?" Yang Shi asked.  The shopkeeper's eyes sparkled as he sat up. " Indeed, young noble's eyes are wise. This is indeed Hazy Dream Grass. Today, I am in a good mood, so I will sell this in 50,000 gold coins." The shopkeeper grinned.

" 15,000. Give or I will leave." Yang  Shi said.

" Young man, that's too little. How about 45,000..."


"Even 30,000 is ok..."

" 15,000."

The shopkeeper's face turned stiff as he saw Yang Shi's isn't budging. Yang Shi's price was reasonable. The true value of Hazy Dream Grass is 15,000 gold coins. " Fine, You win." The shopkeeper sighed as he handed that patch of grass.

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