Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1051 It Cannot be!?

Chapter 1051 It Cannot be!?

Alaric's breath came in ragged gasps as he staggered to his feet, his face a mask of shock and disbelief. His body ached from the intensity of the battle, and his mind struggled to process the turn of events.

Before him, stood Lyon, his expression calm and composed despite the chaos that had just unfolded. The magical bindings that had ensnared Alaric were now shattered, their remnants dissipating in the air. Lyon's eyes held a flicker of something enigmatic, a hint of power that seemed to defy explanation.

Alaric's voice was a mixture of astonishment and confusion as he stammered. He saw those who proved to be a challenge and ended near, dead with their blood smeared all over the crossroads. The incredible power brought him and his two knights to a shiver.

"What's the matter, you look quite stunned," said Lyon with a smirk.

"Well, what do you think would happen, you and Kesya just razed a group of menacing bandits," said Cecile as she stepped out of the wagon, dutily followed by the others.

"Hahaha!" His laughter echoed despite the massacre he had just done.

"W-What did you say your name was?" asked Alaric.

"Huh? My name is Lyon Torga," Lyon proudly said.

The words echoed through Alaric's mind like a haunting refrain, each syllable resonating with an uncanny weight. The name Lyon, once a mere assortment of letters, had now become a bridge between the present and a distant past. It was a connection that defied mere coincidence, a link that beckoned to be explored, dissected, and understood.

As he observed Lyon, his mind couldn't help but draw parallels between the two. Could it be that Lyon was somehow connected to the legacy of the Lost Emperor? Was there a hidden thread that linked them across the ages? The very thought sent shivers down Alaric's spine, a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

"You... share the same name..." said Alaric.

"Share the same name?" Lyon furrowed his brows.

Alaric shook his head but his eyes were clearly in the mix of wanting-to-believe and doubt. His eyes filled with hope of a fable, a fantasy, a great lost legend. "No, he... he's gone eons ago."

"What are you talking about?" asked Lyon.

"Hey, he's right here," said Kesya.

Cecile furrowed her brows. Her keen eyes scanned the slightest hint as she asked, "It seems like you know who my husband is."

"Husband... L-Lady," Alaric gulped, "What is your name, if I may ask."

"Cecile Torga," Cecile then pointed at Selena, "She is Selena Torga."

Alaric's pupils shrunk as he gulped. He looked at the three of them as the air was filled with trepidation. "I-It cannot be... can it?"

"Looks like you know our identity," said Cecile before she smirked.

"But it's impossible... they died... the War Maiden, Cecile Torga... The Sword Maiden, Selena Torga. Then..." his eyes looked up at Lyon. The seemingly aloof bearing that Lyon naturally exuded evolved regally. His robe vanished as he revealed his iron body. Earrings on both sides of his ears and a smirk smile that was beloved by his empire. "The Emperor..."

Karina was at a loss as she saw the reaction from Alaric. She darted her glance to Lyon, the young man she once knew, she once taught. His identity slowly but surely unraveled. It was hinted from a time, yet she didn't know the extent. Now, she caught a glimpse of it. A reign of a human that extended to hell itself.

A hand extended and grabbed Alaric's shoulder. The latter returned before he realized that Lyon was sighing right in front of him.

"Alaric, you almost passed out," said Lyon before he looked at the other two knights that he brought, "Kesya, can you pull their ears, for me."

"Wha? Ahh!" The knights screamed in agony as Kesya casually pulled the two of them.

"Oh, they're real," Kesya murmured.

"Ah, hahaha, sorry," said Lyon before he darted his glance back toward Alaric, "I suppose that you now have a general idea of what's going on."

"Y-Yes," said Alaric. "W-We need to get to the grove, quick!"

"But there is no physician that could help my friend there," said Lyon.

"P-Please, you need to see the elder," said Alaric.

Lyon looked over at Cecile and Selena for opinions, but both of them nodded for the rarity of it. "Heh, fine, take me there, but how do you deal with the two knights?"

"D-Don't worry, they are pro-human," said Alaric.

Lyon glanced over at the two knights who were at the mercy of Kesya, then darted back, "Lead the way."

Alaric nodded before he turned around. Lyon frowned, noticing his stiff shoulders, he slapped his back.

Alaric squealed as he was pushed, as he heard, "Calm down."

"T-Thank you..." the captain nodded. He then assumed his bearing as he looked at the two knights, "I need you two to help me clean this mess, Tell them that I need to recuperate for a while, and I fought this Bahnci, don't mention him and the others."

"Yes, captain!" said the two knights.

Alaric nodded, "I owe you two." he turned and said, "I'll be your driver, please, hop on one of the wagons."

"One adventure, to the next!" Kesya leaped into the wagon.

"I swear she never aged," Cecile shook her head as she walked toward the wagon.

"There is nothing like the smell of adventure," Lyon proudly grinned.

"Darling, we finally meet the ones that remember you," said Selena as she hopped on his arm with hers. "The time is nigh."

"Indeed... and once we come and get Maria, I shall open the door, it's high time that the world remembers who I am," Lyon's eyes sharpened. "When that time comes, help me."

"I will, we all will," said Selena as they both stepped into the wagon.

Alaric nodded at the two knights as his hand already held the reign. The horse galloped in a different direction off the road and into the forest.

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