Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1052 Are You Really Him?

Chapter 1052 Are You Really Him?

The grove was a breathtaking tapestry of nature's finest hues and textures. Sunlight filtered through the thick canopy of ancient trees, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow on the ground below. The air was scented with the delicate perfume of blooming flowers and the earthy fragrance of moss-covered rocks.

Tall, elegant trees with leaves of various shades of green reached skyward, their branches interweaving to create a living cathedral of nature. Beneath their sheltering embrace, the ground was blanketed in a lush carpet of emerald grass, interspersed with patches of wildflowers that painted the landscape with vibrant splashes of color.

Crystal-clear streams meandered through the grove, their gentle babbling a soothing melody that harmonized with the rustling of leaves in the breeze. The sunlight danced on the surface of these streams, creating glimmers of gold and silver that seemed to flow with the water.

Majestic birds flitted from branch to branch, their melodious songs adding to the symphony of nature. Butterflies danced in the air, their delicate wings a living mosaic of iridescent patterns. Even the smallest details, like the intricate patterns of ferns and the textured bark of ancient trees, were a testament to the grove's enchanting beauty.

It was a place that seemed untouched by time, a sanctuary where the rhythms of nature unfolded in harmony. The grove was a living work of art, a haven of serenity that left all who beheld it in awe of the world's wonders.

The wagon trundled along a worn path that meandered through the dense forest, its wheels rolling smoothly over the soft earth. As the trees gradually parted, the world outside suddenly transformed into a realm of enchantment. The wagon entered the grove with a gentle creak of its wooden frame, and the scene that unfolded before them was nothing short of mesmerizing.

"Here we are," Alaric's voice broke through the enchanting scene, drawing Lyon's attention to their surroundings. The wagon gradually came to a stop, its wheels settling into the soft ground with a gentle sigh. Lyon's gaze swept across the grove, taking in the breathtaking beauty that surrounded them. It was a place untouched by the passage of time, a haven of tranquility nestled within the heart of the forest.

The joyous laughter of children filled the air, their voices carrying an infectious energy that could lift anyone's spirits. Lyon turned his attention towards the source of the commotion and watched as a group of human kids came rushing towards them, their faces lit up with excitement. Their footsteps were like music, a melody of youthful exuberance that resonated through the grove.

"Alaric! Alaric!" they called out, their voices ringing with familiarity and fondness. Lyon couldn't help but smile as he witnessed the heartwarming scene. These children held a special place in Alaric's heart, and it was clear that the feeling was mutual.

As the kids reached Alaric, their boundless energy seemed to wrap around him like a warm embrace. They surrounded him, their faces beaming with happiness as they chatted animatedly, sharing stories and updates from their lives. Alaric's own expression softened, and Lyon could see the genuine affection he held for these children.

An elderly figure moved with a deliberate and steady pace, his steps guided by the wisdom of years gone by. His eyes, though barely visible, held a depth of experience that spoke of a lifetime's worth of memories. As he approached Alaric, he greeted him with a weathered yet warm smile.

"Well, well, if it isn't our Alaric, returning to us," the elder's voice carried a sense of familiarity, tinged with the surprise of unexpected company.

Alaric returned the greeting with a respectful nod. "Greetings, Elder Garin."

"Alright children, give Alaric some space and play elsewhere," said Elder Garin before seeing the children playfully make their way into the deeper region of the groove.

Alaric smiled seeing the children wander in.

"I thought that the next ration would be in another two weeks," said Elder Garin before his voice turned angsty, "I-is something the matter?"

Alaric nodded with his eyes shaped like blades. "Elder Garin, do you remember the story that you told me, about the emperor."

Elder Garin nodded, "Absolutely, one cannot forget such a tale so easily, heh, I can remember that tale more than my deceased parents if I have to say."

"Well," Alaric gestured for the elder to look at the group of figures that were appreciating the grove with their senses.

"And who do we have here? Outsiders in our sacred grove?" The elder's voice held a distant tremble, almost as if he was caught between the present and a distant past.

As his gaze swept through the group, his sight stuck on Lyon's face. His eyebrows softened as his pupils dilated. His dry lips gaped as a breeze of wind fluttered his aged hair.

"What... resemblance..." he murmured in battered breath.

Lyon could sense the elder's inner turmoil, his shock at the sight before him. "Hm? What's wrong old man?"

Alaric was at a loss at how Lyon greeted the elder.

Elder Garin gulped, "What is your name, young man?"

"Lyon Torga," Lyon smiled before the elder's pupils trembled. The latter's stick fell from his hand.

"E-Elder Garin?!" but Alaric's call fell on deaf ears, and he knew the elder's hearing was fine.

The elder approached Lyon like a baby learning how to walk, gradually, but precise. His weary eyes were glistening and visible.

"I... have read over a thousand scriptures about you..." said Elder Garin as he approached him. "I have heard... unwavering tales, indomitable, permeable, and straight unbelievable, yet... my father always told your feats with tears in his eyes in my sleep... Are you really him? Your face... It's just like the drawings... the paintings..."

Karina was puzzled. She looked over to see the others didn't share the same expression as her. Then, her glance landed on Lyon.

His arms crossed, and he smirked before the elder paused. Lyon closed his eyes as he nodded before returning his glance, but the elder had disappeared from his sight.

"Elder Garin..." Alaric muttered.

Lyon glanced a bit down and saw the figure that was more bone than muscle, kneeling like a knight to his ruler.

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