Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1050 The Emperor

Chapter 1050 The Emperor

Lyon's lips curled into an amused smile as he crossed his arms casually, the ropes that once bound him now hanging loosely from one of his arms. Alaric's raised eyebrows betrayed his surprise and wariness, his eyes narrowing as he realized that Lyon was no longer restrained.

A tense silence settled between them, broken only by the rhythmic sounds of the horse's hooves. Alaric's hand instinctively moved toward the hilt of his sword, his fingers wrapping around the handle as he prepared himself for any sudden movements from Lyon.

Lyon's gaze remained steady, his demeanor relaxed despite the situation. "You seemed a bit too preoccupied with my ears there, Captain," he remarked, his tone laced with playful sarcasm. "Didn't even notice when I slipped out of those ropes."

Alaric rested his brows, "It seems like this is not your first time."

"I can't put the exact numbers on it, but," Lyon shrugged. "Care to explain what's really going on here?" Lyon's voice was tinged with challenge, his eyes gleaming with a glint of mischief.

"First a few questions," Alaric said, "What's your situation."

"I just arrived here," said Lyon. "In this first depth of hell."

"Arrived? What do you mean?" asked Alaric.

"Do you know a place called the Mortal World?"

Alaric shook his head, "Don't lie to me."

"There is no reason for me to lie to you," said Lyon. "But I'm not going to try to assure you either."

"You're telling me that you are coming from the gate?" asked Alaric with skepticism in his tone.

"The gate?" Lyon raised his brows. "Oh, no, it's more unconventional than you think, but at the same level of belief."

"Hmph, fine," Alaric leaned back. "I will give you the benefit of the doubt and it's a huge doubt."

"Better than nothing, I suppose," said Lyon before he smirked, "Considering our flow of conversation, we are not going to the kingdom, are we?"

"That would be a really bad idea," said Alaric. "I can send you to one of the human camps."

"Camping? Why not live inside your kingdom? Surely better than clapping annoying mosquitoes at night."

"Are you serious...?"

"What's wrong?"

Alaric sighed, "I can't really tell if you're acting or not, but Felidora is not really kind to us humans. We are discriminated against due to our... lack of body parts, no humans lived a pleasant life there."

"I see that you're not?" asked Lyon after he snorted. "You looked fed enough."

"You think I like putting cat ears, and cat tails on me? It's like a joke," said Alaric.

"But you held on to it," said Lyon.

"Easy for you to say."

"It's really easy, you're just afraid of the consequences," said Lyon.

"Bravery and foolishness shared the same bed," said Alaric. "I don't want to be foolish."

"In the absence of fear, there is no bravery, basic stuff," said Lyon.

"I will not going to live on the street for pride, I will not bring myself down to— Ugh, why am I talking about this to you?"

Lyon shrugged, "Hey, I'm just responding to you."

Alaric let out a sigh, "We have a grove where we live, we just called it a camp."

"A grove... do you have any physician with life or light attributes?" asked Lyon.

"I'm afraid not, those with the ability to heal are sought everywhere," Alaric shook his head. "But you'll be safe there, they have ample food and water."

"A groove?" Lyon furrowed his brows. "Is the swamp a nice place?"

"Better than camping by the fire," said Alaric. "With dangers about, I wouldn't risk it if I were you."

Lyon smirked, "Thanks for the offer, Alaric, but I need to find a physician to heal my very good friend, otherwise, it will be all for naught."

"I'm afraid it will be hard to have a physician in Felidora that suits your taste," said Alaric.

"Hm?" Lyon raised his brows.

The sudden jolt of the wagon coming to a halt sent both Lyon and Alaric off balance. Lyon braced himself against the side of the wagon, his muscles tensed and ready for whatever might come next. Alaric's hand tightened around the hilt of his sword as he shifted into a defensive stance, his gaze scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger.

"Well, well, well, talk about an opportune time, where is my good friend Alaric!"

The atmosphere crackled with tension as the raucous voice cut through the air, followed by the earth-shaking thud of the massive sword being driven into the ground. His scarred visage and the presence of the bandits behind him made it clear that he was no stranger to conflict.

Beside Lyon, Alaric's grip on his sword tightened as he stepped out of the wagon, his cat ears perked up in a mix of curiosity and wariness. He regarded the half-beast with a guarded expression, his gaze measuring and assessing the newcomer.

(It moved?) thought Lyon as he was left astonished.

Alaric's voice carried a mix of caution and resolve as he spoke, "Bahnci, I see you haven't changed much since our last encounter."

Bahnci's laughter rumbled like distant thunder, "Oh, Alaric, my old friend, you scarred me well, but I survived. And now, I've come to settle the debt."

Alaric's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on his sword's hilt, "You know I won't back down, Bahnci. But this is neither the time nor the place."

Bahnci's grin turned more malevolent, "Time and place? Those are just excuses for cowards, Alaric. Or are you afraid you'll finally meet your match?"

"Afraid?" Alaric frowned, "In case your blind, you have a whole camp behind you."

The other half-beast bandits grinned with malicious smiles.

"These guys? Don't worry, they know the code well—I will cut down those who interfere with my duel."

"Yes, boss!" said the bandits with trailing waves of laughter.

"Heard that?" Bahnci smirked as he raised his chin.

Alaric frowned, "You two don't interfere."

"But captain?!" the two knights were in disbelief.

"We are outnumbered, this is our best chance," said Alaric as he stepped forward, "Make sure to get the criminals to Felidora."

"Criminals? Oi oi oi, hahaha, so you are bringing a criminal inside those wagons?" Bahnci laughed as he reached his greatsword and pulled it out with one hand. "So you give me new recruits as your parting gifts, how nice of you."

Bahnci released his divine sense before his brows furrowed, "Hmm, one of them is useful, but the rest seemed to be so weak that in itself is a criminal," he murmured before smirking, "But no matter, an increase in quantity is not a bad thing."

Lyon peeked through the other end of the wagon. ( Hmm, he has a scar on his face, so they don't have the one I'm looking for, too bad, looks like the fastest way is indeed to go to Felidora, though, it's not the safest, I hope Cecile won't give me an earful later ).

Bahnci's muscles tensed as he launched his attack, his massive sword cleaving through the air with deadly intent. Alaric's instincts kicked in, and he swiftly moved to parry the blow, the clash of metal ringing out like thunder. The force of Bahnci's strike was immense, sending a shockwave through the ground beneath them.

However, just as Alaric began to regain his footing, a surge of energy rippled from behind Bahnci's bandits. Arcane symbols glowed in the air, their sinister magic taking effect. Alaric's eyes widened as he felt his feet being rooted to the ground, an invisible force holding him in place.

"Captain!" said the both of them but the bandits swiftly intervened before they could make one more step.

His heart raced as he struggled against the magical bindings, his movements hindered. Bahnci's grin widened, a twisted satisfaction gleaming in his eyes as he saw his opponent's predicament.

"Looks like your little tricks won't save you this time, Alaric," Bahnci taunted, his greatsword bearing down on Alaric once more.

Alaric's grip on his rapier tightened, his muscles straining against the magical restraint. With a fierce determination, he managed to lift his weapon just in time, intercepting Bahnci's strike. The impact sent a shockwave through Alaric's arms, his body quivering from the force.

"What workmanship," praised Bahnci as his face leaned down. "But it's useless... It's already checkmate."

(Is this how it will end... the grove).

"C'mon, why not make this a little more fun for me?" an aloof voice made Bahnci look up before a blade casually penetrated his forehead. His pupils shrunk as he saw a human give him a smirk.

The atmosphere froze as Alaric's eyes widened. Blood slowly coursed down before crashing against his face like a droplet. He gradually felt the weight on his rapier turn lighter but Bahnci's body slowly slumped on him as Lyon pulled out Scarlet out of his brain.

The bandits and two knights alike were stunned at the outcome.

"Kesya," Lyon spoke softly and immediately the curtain of the second wagon fluttered. A silhouette swiftly took the entire advantage of the shock and massacred the bandits before they could even think of fleeing.

The terror was silence and he was the epicenter of it all.

"W-Who... are you...?" asked Alaric.

"My name?" Lyon smirked, "Lyon Torga."

Alaric's pupils shrunk to a dot his eyes widened as his goosebumps rose. "The... Emperor..?"

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