Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 734 Meeting Xia Wu Again

Chapter 734  Meeting Xia Wu Again

"Hmm?" Xia Tian raised his eyebrows after hearing that. "What do you mean by that?"

"Yan Qiangyin and Yan Chenyu are Estella's slaves, so I think you should go see them." Xia Tian sighed softly after hearing those two names, for he had actually forgotten about them, and Murong Mengxin continued. "Besides, I heard from Ling Chen and Su Fei that there is another woman who likes you on this continent, so you should also go see her."

Xia Tian naturally knew the woman's identity. "All right, you two can wait here, and I will go to Star Moon Sect right now."

After Xia Tian disappeared from their sight, Li Fei asked her eldest daughter. "Who is that woman?"

"She is Xia Wu, Mom." Murong Yuexin answered her.

Li Fei sighed softly when she heard the name. "I'm not sure Xia Luo will let his daughter go with Xia Tian, especially since he hated him so much, even more so after they were banished from Zhu Kingdom."

"You're right, Mom." Murong Mengxin nodded in agreement with her mother. "However, Xia Luo won't be able to prevent Tian from taking Xia Wu away, but everything depends on her decision, and I don't know whether she will choose her love or family."

"If Xia Wu prefers her family, then she is really stupid, for she will never be able to find another man like Brother Tian." Murong Yuexin said while shaking her head.



Meanwhile, Xia Tian had arrived at the Star Moon Sect, and he went straight to the Dual Cultivation Chamber without the sect's people knowing. After that, he took a small piece of the vitality root that had grown large in the Ancient Sacred Realm and planted it there.

[Hehe, I originally thought you wouldn't return the vitality root to this place, Master.]

'Of course not, Alice.' Xia Tian answered with a soft sigh. 'After all, I took it from this place, and it has grown very big now, so I won't forget this place.'

After he finished planting the vitality root in the chamber, Xia Tian immediately looked for Xia Wu in the sect, but he couldn't find her. 'So she's with her family, huh?'

Without wasting any time, Xia Tian immediately disappeared from the chamber, and he went straight to Xia Wu's location.

However, Xia Tian frowned when he arrived at Xia Wu's residence, especially since the place was already filled with people and wedding decorations.

Moreover, Xia Tian saw Xia Luo and Xia Sheng welcoming the guests, so he could confirm that Xia Wu was the one who was getting married.

Seeing Xia Tian looking doubtful, Alice asked him. [Aren't you going to see Xia Wu, Master? I know for sure that she loves you very much, so I'm not sure that she will fall for another man, and she might get married today because of her father's insistence.]

'You are right, Alice.'




Xia Wu, who was sitting in front of the dressing table, was shocked when she saw Xia Tian in the mirror. She immediately stood up and faced him, and her eyes trembled at the sight of the man she missed so much. "Cousin."

Hearing that, Xia Tian immediately moved in front of Xia Wu and rubbed her cheek, and he gently asked her. "Are you really going to marry that man, Wu'er?"

"Cousin, I-" Xia Wu did not continue her words and lowered her head, for she felt in a dilemma about answering.

In fact, Xia Wu didn't like the man who was going to marry her, and she was also aware that her father wanted to use her to improve their declining status after they were expelled from Zhu Kingdom.

Xia Tian lifted Xia Wu's chin and looked at her deeply. "Wu'er, I plan to leave this planet in two days, and I want to take you with me, so I want to hear your answer based on your feelings. Do you want to go with me, or do you want to marry that man?"

"Are you leaving this planet forever, Cousin? Aren't you coming back here again?" Xia Wu asked him back, and Xia Tian could feel that her body was shaking.

"This planet is not my place, and I will return to where I belong." Xia Wu's body trembled even more intensely after hearing that, and Xia Tian continued. "If you want to go with me, then I will take you away right now. However, you probably won't meet your parents again after today, for I won't take them with us."

Hearing that, Xia Wu's feelings became even more complicated, and she felt confused about whether to choose to be with Xia Tian or stay with her family.

On the one hand, Xia Wu wants to go with Xia Tian because she really loves him. But on the other hand, even though she knows that her father only wants to take advantage of her, he is still her parent, and she will do anything for the future of her family.

Xia Tian sighed in his heart, seeing Xia Wu's expression. "It's okay if you want to stay, but this will be our last meeting, and we will never meet again."

"Cousin." Xia Wu immediately hugged Xia Tian and sobbed. "I-"


Before Xia Wu finished speaking, her bedroom door was suddenly opened from the outside, and they saw Xia Luo standing frozen in front of the door.

However, Xia Luo's face immediately darkened, and he released his cultivation as he moved towards them. "Bastard! Let go of my daughter!"

"What an ignorant ant!" Xia Tian said as he waved his hand, and Xia Luo was instantly sent flying backwards and hit the wall hard.


"Cough… Cough…" Xia Luo coughed loudly after he fell to the floor, and he looked at Xia Tian in disbelief.

Tian immediately grabbed her hand, and she turned to him. "Cousin-"

"Father!" Xia Wu shouted and wanted to help her father, but Xia Tian immediately grabbed her hand, and she turned to him. "Cousin-"

"I don't have much time, so you can decide now, Wu'er." Xia Tian interrupted Xia Wu decisively. "If you want to stay, I will let you go now, but if you want to be with me, I will take you away right now."

Hearing that, Xia Luo shouted to his daughter. "Wu'er! Don't go with that bastard! Our family's condition will become even worse if you leave us!"

"Did you hear that?" Xia Tian asked her. "He may be your father, but he never considers your feelings, and he only thinks about his status."

Listening to Xia Luo's screams, several people immediately ran to Xia Wu's room, and Xia Sheng was really shocked to see Xia Tian's presence.

Before he shouted at him, the man in wedding clothes shouted at him. "Hey, Bastard! Let go of my future wife! Or we'll all beat you up together!"

"Ho? It's been a while since anyone dared to threaten me." Xia Tian said as he released his cultivation, and he immediately suppressed them.

"Gah!" Not only Xia Wu's future husband but everyone else instantly fell to the floor, and they couldn't move their fingers an inch.

'Fuck! How did he become this strong?' Xia Luo and Xia Sheng muttered with shock in their hearts.

Xia Wu's future husband broke out in a cold sweat, feeling Xia Tian's strong pressure. 'Shit! Who is this young man? How can he pressure us this hard?'

Xia Tian looked at them one by one and coldly spoke to them. "Didn't you all want to beat me up together? Why are you all lying on the floor now?"

"Ugh!" They became increasingly pressured as Xia Tian increased the intensity of his pressure, and the floor beneath them also started to crack because of it.

Seeing them like that, Xia Wu immediately turned to Xia Tian and held his hand firmly, and she said to him. "Cousin, I'm begging you; please spare them."

"All right." Xia Tian nodded to her and withdrew his aura.

Sensing that, Xia Wu's future husband immediately got up from the floor and ran away from the residence like a frightened rabbit, and his entire family also followed suit, causing the people present at the scene to feel confused by their behavior.

As for Xia Luo and Xia Sheng, they stood frozen in place as they continued to stare at Xia Wu, and their hands clenched tightly into fists, waiting for her decision.

'Fuck! Why did he have to appear now? He has ruined my family's chance to rise again!' Xia Luo muttered angrily in his heart.

Xia Sheng is also not much different from his father. Although he wanted to beat Xia Tian up, he realized that he was no longer his opponent. 'Damn it! How could I lose to someone from a branch family like him?'

Xia Tian then asked her again. "So what's your decision, Wu'er? Are you coming with me?"

Xia Wu did not directly answer Xia Tian's question and turned to her father and big brother, and they persuaded her not to go with him through voice transmission.

However, Xia Wu suddenly heard another voice in her mind. 'I know that you care a lot about your family, but they only see you as their tool. So in my opinion, you should think about your own feelings and go with him, or else you won't have a second chance.'

'Who are you?' However, the person did not answer her, and Xia Wu turned to Xia Tian. "Please, take me away with you, Cousin."

- To Be Continued -

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