Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 735 Before Leaving

Chapter 735  Before Leaving

After he picked up Xia Wu, Xia Tian went straight back to River Cloud City, and he brought the Murong family to the Xia Residence.

Not only was Xia Ling waiting for them, but even Shi Lihao and his family members were also there, for they wanted to see Wang Xinruo and Shui Liuli off, especially since they didn't know when they would be able to see them again.

At first, Shui Lihao really wanted to go to the higher realms with them, but he chose to stay and take care of the Southern Continent. Moreover, he had long known that Wang Xinruo would sooner or later leave Seven Star World and return to her realm to save her big sister and brother-in-law, so he decided to let her go for now.

Xia Ling and Leng Youxin were really surprised to see Xia Wu still wearing her wedding dress, and Xia Tian immediately explained everything to them.

"I see." Leng Youxin then pulled Xia Wu close and rubbed her head. "I know that you are a filial daughter, but your father never thought about your happiness, and he only thought about himself, so I'm glad you decided to be with Tian, Wu'er."

"Yes, Grandma Youxin." Xia Wu replied as she nodded. "Even though I had to disappoint my father, I have loved Cousin Tian since long ago, and I decided to go with him after thinking things over carefully."

Leng Youxin smiled at that. "Don't worry, you will be happy with your decision."

"Little Tian, is it true that we will be leaving this planet soon?" Xia Ling asked his grandson.

"Yes, Grandpa." Xia Tian answered with a soft sigh. "Those people are too strong, and Qian Du has a unique ability that might be able to track me and those close to me, so I won't leave you two on this planet."

Xia Ling sighed softly after hearing that, especially since he never intended to leave the Seven Star World, but he could also understand Xia Tian's worries. "All right, your grandmother and I will go with you for now, but if possible, we would like to return to this planet again in the future."

"All right." Xia Tian nodded at him.


"Xinruo, we have already discussed this matter before, so you don't need to say anything else." Shui Lihao immediately interrupted his concubine and pulled her into his arms. "For now, you should focus on increasing your strength to save your sister and brother-in-law, and the best option for you is to go to the higher realm together with Xia Tian. Moreover, this separation is not forever, and I will also focus on improving my cultivation so I can live longer to wait for you to return."

"Husband." Wang Xinruo called softly as she hugged him back. "Don't worry, I won't let you wait too long, and I will definitely return to your side again after I free them from the hands of that traitor."

"En, I will always wait for you." Shui Lihao then let go of his concubine and pulled his second daughter closer. "Even though I also find it hard to part with you, Xia Tian is your future husband, so you must stay by his side. Just like your mother, I will wait for you to visit me, and I hope you will bring many grandchildren by then."

Shui Liuli's face turned bright red after hearing that, and she then hugged her father tightly. "I can't promise you anything about grandchildren, but I promise I will return to this planet again in the future."

"I hope you keep your promise." Shui Lihao then turned to Xia Tian. "Please take care of Liuli and Xinruo."

"Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of them." Xia Tian replied with a nod of approval.

After they talked about some other things, Xia Tian immediately asked them to go to the Fortress via the mini-teleportation formation, and he immediately removed the formation.

After that, Ran Qing removed the formation protecting the residence, especially since Xia Tian did not want Qian Du to find traces of him on the southern continent.

"Shall we go to the Holy Central Continent right now, Brother?" Ran Qing asked him.

Nalan Qing also asked him. "Aren't you going to go meet the Yan Sisters first, Husband?"

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded. "We'll go meet them first, and we'll go straight to the Holy Central Continent after I talk to them."

The two women nodded in agreement, and Xia Tian directly led them to the Yan Sisters' place.



Yan Qiangyin smiled when she saw Xia Tian's arrival. "It's been a long time since I saw you, Master. Why did you suddenly come here?"

On the other hand, Yan Chenyu pouted her lips after seeing him, especially since Xia Tian always kept her and her big sister aside, and he hadn't come to see them in the past few months.

Xia Tian sighed softly and told Yan Qiangyin everything, and he then asked her. "Do you two want to come with us?"

Yan Chenyu answered him without hesitation. "Even though you always push me aside, I will come with you, Master."

"All right." Xia Tian nodded to her and asked Yan Qiangyin again. "How about you?"

"Big Sis! You always hoped to be with him, right? The opportunity is before your eyes now, so why should you think about it anymore?" Yan Chenyu impatiently said to her.

Yan Qiangyin sighed softly and nodded to them. "All right, I will also go with you, Master."

After that, the Yan Sisters immediately went to meet their sect members, and they immediately left for the Holy Central Continent.

Since Ran Qing and Nalan Qing were with them and their speed was also very fast, it didn't take long for them to arrive at the Fortress. After Xia Tian sent the four women in, he immediately returned to the Xia Mansion on the Holy Central Continent, and Han Shuo was already waiting for him there.

Han Shuo passed a device to him, and Xia Tian injected his golden dragon energy into it, but he immediately returned it to his best friend.

"I hope this device can really trick Qian Du." After he said that, Han Shuo immediately flew high into space, and he immediately threw it with all his might before returning before Xia Tian again. "Done."

"Now that everything is ready, I just have to go see Xiao Yuxi and Xiao Chen, and we will leave in two days." Xia Tian immediately disappeared from Han Shuo's sight.

However, three people suddenly appeared before Han Shuo, and he smiled when he saw them. "Tian Longma! Shi Weishou! Hahaha! I didn't expect you two to have arrived on this planet, and I didn't even notice the presence of you two."

"Hahaha!" Shi Weishou laughed at his words. "Since the Oracle has sealed his realm, people who want to meet him will definitely look for us, so we deliberately hide our presence."

"That's true." Tian Longma then asked him. "Does Brother Tian intend to trick Qian Du using that device you made?"

"Yes." Han Shuo nodded to him. "However, I'm not sure if Qian Du will take the bait, and he might still come to this planet."

"Just let him come to this planet, and the two of us will kick him out of here." Tian Longma and Shi Weishou replied to him with confident looks.

Bai Yinyue then asked him. "Is my husband going to see Yuxi and Chen'er?"

"Yes, Sister-in-law." However, Han Shuo suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked her. "Why do I feel that your energy is so chaotic? Does that mean your second seal is almost unlocked?"

Bai Yinyue nodded to him. "You're right about that, but I have to find the second key first, and it's at our next destination."

"Huh?" Han Shuo was surprised to hear that. "Your second key is in the Sacred Realm?"

"Yes." Bai Yinyue sighed softly before telling him. "If my vision is correct, the second key of my seal should be in the Sacred Realm, but I still can't pinpoint its exact location."

"I see." Han Shuo muttered softly. "In that case, I will go to meet the twins later, and I will help you to look for the second key there, but they will definitely make things difficult if they meet Old Tian."

"That's true." Bai Yinyue then said to him. "To find my second key, I can only rely on you, Brother Han."

Han Shuo nodded in understanding. "Don't worry. If the twins dare to make things difficult for me, I will make things difficult for them back."




"Did you come here to remove your slave mark from my soul?" Xiao Yuxi asked Xia Tian, who had just appeared behind her.

Xia Tian sighed softly and asked her back. "Do you want to come with us?"

"Hmm?" Xiao Yuxi turned to him with a surprised look after she heard that. "Why are you suddenly asking that?"

"Just answer my question." Xia Tian replied as he shook his head.

Instead, Xiao Yuxi asked him again. "Didn't you already know my answer?"

"If you don't want to answer my question, then I will leave this place right now, and I won't come a second time." Xia Tian said as he turned around.

Seeing him like that, Xiao Yuxi gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly, but she immediately ran over to Xia Tian and hugged him from behind. "I'll go with you!"

- To Be Continued -

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