Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 733 Return To Southern Continent

Chapter 733  Return To Southern Continent

"Why did you tell your sister about our relationship?" Xia Tian asked Sheng Ling as soon as he came out of Sun Qingxue's house.

Sheng Ling hugged his arm and explained it to him. "After all, my mother is a free woman now, and she deserves to be happy. Sooner or later, Mei'er will also find out about the relationship between the two of you, and I think it would be better if she found out sooner, or she would feel betrayed."

"Can she accept our relationship?" Xia Tian asked again as he led her to meet Tian Qilian and her daughter.

"Not yet." Sheng Ling answered by shaking her head. "However, Mei'er loves our mother very much, so you don't need to think about her, and she definitely doesn't want to take away her happiness. Perhaps she can't accept your relationship now, but I'm sure she will definitely accept it later."

After they arrived at his house, Xia Tian immediately carried his daughter and called several of his women, and he immediately took them away to the Xia Residence on the Southern Continent.


Hearing that, Leng Youxin immediately turned to look at them, and she smiled widely after she saw Xia Qilian. She immediately went over to them and took her great-granddaughter from her father, and she teased her happily. "Why did you come here suddenly, Little Tian?"

"Where's grandpa?"

"He's currently at Vemilion Palace, but I think he'll be back soon." Leng Youxin then glanced at Sheng Ling. "Is she your new wife?"

"Yes, Grandma. My name is Sheng Ling, and I come from the Holy Central Continent." Although Leng Youxin was much younger than her, she was Xia Tian's grandma, so Sheng Ling also respected her.

"I see." Leng Youxin nodded in understanding. "You are truly a beautiful woman, Ling'er. My grandson is truly lucky to have a woman as beautiful as you as his wife."

Sheng Ling smiled at that. "Grandma, I was the lucky one to have Tian as my husband. If he hadn't come to my continent, I might never have felt this feeling, and I might still be living in solitude."

"So why did you come home suddenly?" Leng Youxin asked her grandson again.

Xia Tian sighed softly and answered her. "Grandma, I know that you and grandpa don't want to leave this planet, but there is a serious problem threatening this world, so I hope you two are willing to come with us to the higher realms."

"What do you mean by that?" Leng Youxin asked, looking at her grandson with a frown.

Even though his soul was Long Tian, the current him was Xia Tian, and he couldn't possibly leave his grandparents in the Seven Star World, especially since there were dangerous people who would come to their world soon, so he directly explained the situation to him.

Leng Youxin's expression became ugly after she heard everything, but she still found it hard to leave the Seven Star World. "Your grandfather must be busy right now, so you can go see Shui Lihao and Feiyan first. After all, they are your in-laws, so you should also inform them about this matter."

"I know; that's why I brought them home this time." Xia Tian replied as he pointed at the other three women.

However, two women suddenly appeared in front of them, and Nalan Qing immediately hugged Xia Tian. "I missed you, husband."

"I missed you too, Qing'er." Xia Tian then introduced Sheng Ling to them, and he spoke to them afterwards. "Anyway, we will leave this world soon, for Xie Yuwen and Qian Du will soon come to this planet."

"Eh?" They were surprised to hear that, and Ran Qing asked him. "Why did that Thousand Poison Immortal suddenly come to this lower realm, Brother?"

"Long story." Xia Tian immediately told them about Jian Wuqing's action of destroying Xie Yuwen's avatar and some other things, causing their expressions to become complicated.

Ran Qing sighed heavily. "I agree with you, brother. Our best option is to leave this planet as soon as possible, or else it will be dangerous for the people of this world."

"That's true." Nalan Qing nodded in agreement with her mother.

"In that case, I will take Mengxin, Yuexin, and Liuli to meet their families first, for I also have to discuss this matter with them." After he said that, Xia Tian immediately took the three women to leave the Xia Residence, and they went to the Vemilion Imperial Palace first.




The three women were in shock after hearing Xia Tian's story. "Xinruo, you should also leave this planet, or else Yuwen will definitely find out that you are hiding here, and he will definitely try to capture you."


"He is right, Xinruo." Qin Shuang interrupted Wang Xinruo directly. "I know you want to stay with us, but you also have to think about your safety and the safety of the people on this continent. If that person really comes here to capture you, no one will be able to stop him, and I'm sure there will be many casualties. So I think you should go with them for now, and you can come back to this planet again after everything calms down."

Wang Xinruo also understood the matter, and she then asked Xia Tian. "Brother Tian, how much time do we have before Yuwen and Qian Du arrive on this planet?"

"We don't have much time left, and they will arrive on this planet soon." Xia Tian replied as he shook his head. "That's why I plan to leave this planet in two days, or it will be too late for us and this world."

Shui Yan, who had been listening silently to them, finally spoke up. "Aunt Xinruo, you don't need to think about it any longer, and I'm sure my father won't mind if you go with them for a while. After all, we're not separated forever, and we can still meet again in the future. However, if that person really comes here, then we will all die in his hands, and it will be a waste if you insist on staying here."

"Sister Yan is right, Mom." Shui Liuli joined in persuading her mother. "Once things are completely safe, and if you want to stay on this planet again, Brother Tian will definitely bring you back here."

Hearing that, Wang Xinruo sighed in her heart and nodded in agreement with them, and she asked him. "What if they also come with us, Brother Tian?"

"No." Qin Shuang immediately rejected her idea. "The time is running out, and it's impossible for our husband to find a replacement in such a short time. As Yan'er and Liuli said before, we are not separated forever, so you don't need to think about us, and you can go with them."


"No buts." Qin Shuang directly interrupted and hugged Wang Xinruo. "It's fine; you can go with them, and we will meet again in the future."

Xia Tian finally spoke to her again. "Moreover, you must remember one thing, Xinruo. Tianyu and Jinshi are still being held captive in the Netherworld Realm, so we still have to release them in the future, and I will definitely need your help at that time."

Instantly, Wang Xinruo stiffened, and her face darkened after she heard that, for she had completely forgotten about the fate of her sister and brother-in-law. She then clenched her fists tightly and nodded at him. "You're right, Brother Tian. We still have to free them from Yuwen's custody, so I'll go with you to the higher realms to improve my cultivation. Once we've managed to free them, I'll come back here and live on this planet again."

After they discussed a few other matters, Xia Tian left Shui Liuli in the palace, and he brought the Murong Sisters to Red Cloud City to meet Murong Feiyan and Li Fei.





"Mom! Dad!" As soon as they exited the void, Murong Yuexin immediately called out and ran towards her parents, who were talking in the garden.

They turned to them and smiled at the sight of their two daughters. Murong Feiyan immediately stood up from his seat and carried his second daughter. "Haha! I missed you so much, Yuexin!"

"Haha." Murong Yuexin giggled and hugged her father's neck. "I missed you and my mother too, Dad."

Li Fei then said to her. "It seems that you have been cultivating diligently, and your cultivation has even reached the 1st Stage Soul Condensation Realm now, Yuexin."

"En." Murong Yuexin turned to her mother and nodded. "The Yin Energy in the Holy Central Continent is very strong and dense, plus the Yin Energy in Brother Tian's secret place is even stronger, so my cultivation can increase rapidly."

"Haha." Murong Feiyan laughed and rubbed her daughter's head. "I'm really proud of you; even though you couldn't cultivate before, you're strong enough now."

Li Fei then turned to her eldest daughter and Xia Tian. "Why did you guys suddenly come here?"

"Mom, we have a serious problem, so we came here to take you two away with us." Murong Mengxin replied as she sat in front of her mother.

Xia Tian also sat in front of Li Fei, and he directly explained the matter to her and Murong Feiyan, causing them to be extremely shocked.

Murong Mengxin then said to her father. "Father, you only need to bring the important things, for they won't be of much use to us in the higher realms, and you can hand over the Thousand Treasure Palace to my uncle."

"What do you think of that, wife?" Murong Feiyan asked his wife.

Li Fei nodded to her husband. "Since our daughters are going to higher realms, and I don't want to be separated from them, we will go with them. As Mengxin said, You can hand over the affairs of the Thousand Treasure Palace to my brother, and we can start a new life there later."

"All right, I also don't want to part with our daughters, so we will all go together." Murong Feiyan replied as he lowered her second daughter from his embrace. "In that case, I'll go see my brother-in-law right now."

After he left, Murong Mengxin spoke to Xia Tian. "Husband, you should finish your other business on this continent first."

- To Be Continued -

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