Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 729 Sun Qingxue's Decision

Chapter 729  Sun Qingxue's Decision

After her business at the Sheng Imperial Sect was finished, Zheng Mo went straight back to the Xia Mansion, and she said to Jian Wuqing. "Senior, everything is done, so I can come with you now."

"En." Jian Wuqing nodded to her and turned to her two good friends, and she warned Xia Tian again. "After their business is settled, you should immediately take them off this planet, and we will meet again in the higher realms."

"I know." Xia Tian nodded understandingly at him. "Don't worry, we will definitely meet again there."

Before Jian Wuqing left, she took out several small swords from her storage ring. She then injected her Qi into them and spread them all over the continent, and she immediately took Zheng Mo away with her afterwards.

Han Shuo laughed after they disappeared. "Wuqing is always cold, but she is actually very kind; she even prepared protections for the people on this planet."

"That's true." Xia Tian answered with a soft sigh.



Meanwhile, after they discussed it with the ancestors of the Sheng Imperial Sect, Sun Qingxue brought her two daughters back to the Sheng Imperial Palace, where she immediately gathered the Sheng Empire officials.

However, those people were shocked when they saw Sheng Jiang's condition, and they almost couldn't even recognize him, but Sun Qingxue's words made them even more shocked.

"I know this matter will create chaos on this continent, but I have no other choice. I want you to announce to them that Sheng Jiang has conspired with the demons from the north, and he also has darkness energy in his body." They were really shocked to hear that, but Sun Qingxue didn't stop there. "Besides, he is the person who has slaughtered my entire family, and he has also violated Elder Zheng Mo by force."

"Is that true, Empress Sun?" they asked with looks of shock.

Sun Qingxue nodded to them. "The other ancestors also knew everything, and we decided to make this matter public. Even though Sheng Jiang is the Emperor of this continent and he is also my husband, I will still publicly execute him."

"But will people believe it, Empress Sun?"

Shen Ling then told them. "You don't need to think about that. Before we sentence this bastard to death, I have a way to get him to confess all his evil deeds to the public, so people won't doubt us."

Sheng Mei and Sun Qingxue turned to her in surprise when they heard that, and Sheng Ling informed them via voice transmission, especially given that only her family was aware of her relationship with Xia Tian. 'I've discussed this matter with Tian, and he has the Truth Pill. If we give the pill to this bastard, then he will confess all his actions so far, and I'm sure the public will definitely be enraged after hearing everything.'

'I see.' Sun Qingxue nodded in understanding, but Sheng Mei seemed doubtful about it, especially since she didn't know anything about her brother-in-law. "You guys can leave this place now and do my bidding, and a few of you can take Sheng Jiang to the prison for now."

"Yes, Empress Sun!"

After they all left, Sheng Mei asked her mother. "Are you really handing over this Sheng Empire to someone else, Mother?"

"Hey, Mei'er! Tian will take us to the higher realms, so we don't have to think about this continent anymore." Sheng Ling said to her little sister as she shook her head.


Sheng Ling directly interrupted her. "I know how you feel, Mei'er. Even though we were born and grew up on this planet, I don't want to continue living here. Since I have the opportunity to explore this universe, I will take that opportunity. Besides, we can also become stronger if we go to higher realms, so I really can't wait for that."

"Your sister is right, Mei'er." Sun Qingxue also spoke to her second daughter. "Although I also find it hard to leave this planet, we are all cultivators, and we cultivate to achieve the unfathomable, so I also want to go explore this universe. Moreover, we can return to this planet in the future, so you don't need to think too much about it."

Sheng Mei sighed softly after hearing that, but she herself had to admit that she was interested in it too. She then asked her mother again. "So who will you choose to handle this empire?"

"Hmm?" Sun Qingxue thought for a moment before she answered her. "I think it would be best if this empire were merged with the Sheng Imperial Sect, so there would no longer be a monarchy on this continent, and people would no longer have to fight over power."

Sheng Ling and Sheng Mei were really surprised to hear their mother's decision, but they also thought that it was the best way, especially since the people in the sect would be the strongest after they left.



Meanwhile, Bai Yinyue was standing on a hill; she then looked up to the sky and asked. "How long will you two continue hiding there? I've known about your presence for a long time, you know?"

Soon, two men appeared in front of Bai Yinyue as they laughed out loud, and they immediately knelt in front of her. "Master."

"En." Bai Yinyue nodded to them. "What about the tasks that my father gave you two, Tian Longma and Shi Weishou?"

Tian Longma told her directly. "Master, Weishou and I have already gone to that place, and the Vermilion Bird was there, but she was very stubborn and didn't want to follow us here."

"I think only Brother Tian can persuade her, Master." Shi Weishou also answered her.

Bai Yinyue nodded in understanding. "Then what about the Black Tortoise? Did you manage to find him?"

Hearing that, their expressions became a little complicated, and Shi Weishou sighed softly before answering him. "We already went to the Black Tortoise's location, but he had disappeared when we got there, and we don't know where he is now."

"Hmm?" Bai Yinyue raised her eyebrows upon hearing that, and she fell into deep thought. "It's fine. Sooner or later, the Black Tortoise will surface again, and Tian will definitely meet him in the higher realms. Anyway, did you guys meet my father before coming here?"

"No." The two men shook their heads at her, and Tian Longma explained it to her. "The Oracle won't let us in, and he asked us to go to your side directly."

"I see." Bai Yinyue wasn't surprised to hear that, and she then told them. "Anyway, Qian Du and Xi Yuwen will be coming to this planet soon."

"Eh?" They were surprised to hear that, and Shi Weishou asked her. "Why did they suddenly come here? Did they already know about Brother Tian?"

"No." Bai Yinyue shook her head at them. "Currently, they don't know about Tian yet, but they already know about the Golden Dragon and the Lightning Qilin, and Qian Du came here wanting to capture them. That's why I need your help to do something about it, or else he will wipe out this planet."

"I see." They nodded in understanding, and Tian Longma said to her. "Master, you don't need to worry about that, and we will definitely help you deal with Qian Du."

Shi Weishou nodded in agreement. "Although our strength is below that of Qian Du, if we join forces, he still won't be able to beat us, unless he comes together with people of that race."

"Fortunately, Qian Du was too arrogant, so he only came here together with Xie Yuwen." Bai Yinyue replied as she smiled faintly, and the two men breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that. "Anyway, Tian and I will be leaving this planet in a few days, and we plan to go to the Holy Sacred Realm."

The two men were stunned for a moment before they burst into laughter, and Tian Longma said to her. "Master, if the twins knew that the current Xia Tian was Brother Tian, I'm sure they would definitely not be willing to accept you in their realm."

"Hahaha! I still clearly remember how Brother Tian toyed with them in the past, and they must still be annoyed with him." Shi Weishou said as he laughed heartily.

Bai Yinyue shook her head, seeing them like that. "Sigh, those twins are actually good people, but they are a bit eccentric and hot-headed. Let's go back to my palace for now, and I still want to discuss some other things with you guys."

"Yes, Master." Instantly, the three of them disappeared from the hill.




On the other hand, Jian Wuqing had already arrived in front of Senior? Why do you suddenly want to take me away? Moreover, that thing is still in my soul, and that person will definitely be able Sapphira, and she immediately said to her. "You'd better go with me right now."

"Huh?" Sapphira was surprised to hear that. "What happened, Senior? Why do you suddenly want to take me away? Moreover, that thing is still in my soul, and that person will definitely be able to track me down."

"You don't need to worry about him." Jian Wuqing replied with a shake of her head. "Although Qian Du can track you down, he won't dare to set foot in my realm, so you will be safe with me."

After thinking for some time, Sapphira nodded in agreement with her. "All right, I will go with you, Senior."

After that, Jian Wuqing took Sapphira onto her flying artifact, and she took the two women to leave the Seven Star World directly.

- To Be Continued -

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