Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 728 Xiao Clan

Chapter 728  Xiao Clan

"Yuxi?" Xiao Hao was surprised when he saw his daughter enter their clan, and he immediately moved towards her and hugged her. "It's been a long time since you came back here, so I'm really glad you're finally back."

"I remembered that tomorrow is your birthday, so I purposely returned to this continent, Father." Xiao Yuxi answered quietly as she hugged her father back. "How are you and the others doing?"

"We are all fine." Xiao Hao then released his daughter from his arms. "What happened to you? I contacted Mei Yin before, but she said that you left the sect, and she doesn't know where you are."

"Oh." Xiao Yuxi smiled and answered her father. "I did leave the sect to look for something, and I didn't tell Mei Yin beforehand. Moreover, after I got what I was looking for, I immediately returned to this continent, so it's only natural that she wouldn't know about my whereabouts."

"Is that true?" Xiao Hao asked in disbelief.

Xiao Yuxi nodded to him. "I am a member of this clan, so who would dare to do bad things to me?"

Xiao Hao sighed softly. "Anyway, how long are you going to stay on this continent? Are you coming back to the southern continent again in the future?"

"Hmm?" Xiao Yuxi thought for a moment. "I won't be staying on this continent for long, and I want to travel to other continents to find something."

"What do you want to find? You can tell me, and I will definitely help you find it, so you don't have to leave this continent again."

Xiao Yuxi shook her head at him. "Father, you can't help me look for it, and only I can find it myself."

Xiao Hao raised his eyebrows upon hearing that, but he then turned towards the exit and smiled at the arrival of his granddaughter. "Chen'er! When did you come back? Did you come back together with your master?"

Xiao Chen glanced at his aunt for a moment, but Xiao Yuxi shook her head at her. She then approached her grandfather and hugged him briefly. "Honestly, I arrived in town with my master a long time ago, but we had important business to attend to, so I just returned here now. Anyway, my master is in seclusion right now, so she won't be attending your birthday banquet."

"I see." Xiao Hao nodded in understanding. "How was your training with your master? After all, Elder Zhongying is one of the continent's top talents, and her swordsmanship is also very formidable."

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly after hearing his question. "Grandpa, I always feel that my talent is very good, and my master also often praises me. However, I met a woman who is more talented than me, and I still can't beat her."

"Oh? Who is that woman?" Xiao Hao curiously asked.

"Her name is Ling Chen, and I've lost to her many times." Xiao Chen replied with a heavy sigh.

"Ling surname?" Xiao Hao raised his eyebrows upon hearing that. "Is she from another continent? As I recall, there is no surename Ling on this continent."

"Yes." Xiao Chen nodded to him. "Ling Chen came from the southern continent, and she is really strong."

Hearing that, Xiao Hao turned to her daughter, but Xiao Yuxi shook her head at him. "Ling Chen is not a disciple of my sect, Father. In fact, she is a former disciple of a dual cultivation sect, but she has a formidable swordmaster as her master, so it's only natural that my niece can't beat her."

Xiao Hao nodded repeatedly and rubbed his beard. "After all, this world is vast; there are many dragons and phoenixes hiding in this world. I've even met an astonishing young man, and I couldn't even detect his cultivation despite his young age."

Xiao Yuxi and Xiao Chen could only sigh in their hearts, for they knew for sure that the man Xiao Hong was referring to was Xia Tian, but they couldn't tell him the truth.

Xiao Yuxi couldn't tell him because of Xia Tian's slave mark in her soul, and Xiao Chen couldn't tell her grandfather because Bai Zhongying had strictly forbidden her from telling anyone about him.

*Tap... Tap...*

The three of them suddenly looked outside and saw Xiao Bai running over in a hurry, causing the two women to shake their heads at his figure, especially since his stomach kept moving up and down as he ran.

Behind him, there was a couple casually walking side by side, and they were Xiao Bai's parents, Xiao Long and Fu Lingshan.

When he arrived in front of them, Xiao Bai wanted to hug his aunt, but Xiao Yuxi immediately restricted his movements and scolded him. "Bai'er! You are really embarrassing! Look at you! I haven't seen you for a long time, but your body is getting fatter and fatter, and you look like a pig now."

"Pfft!" Xiao Chen laughed out loud at her aunt's words. "Hey, cousin! If your body continues to swell like this, no decent woman will want to marry you, and you can only continue playing with those loathsome women."

"You two have been gone for a very long time, and I miss you both, but instead you scold and mock me." Xiao Bai complained s he tried to break free from his aunt's restraint, but he certainly couldn't do it, especially since Xiao Yuxi's cultivation was far above his.

Xiao Long and Fu Lingshan only smiled while listening to them, but they had no intention of helping their son, and they hugged the two women in turn.

Xiao Long then asked his sister. "How are you, Yuxi? Are you comfortable living on the southern continent?"

Xiao Yuxi nodded to him. "The people of Twin Star Sword Sect are very kind, and I feel comfortable living with them."

"Have you found your future husband on the continent, Yuxi?" Fu Lingshan asked her sister-in-law.

Hearing that, Xiao Yuxi's expression became sad, confusing everyone, including Xiao Chen, who still didn't know about the matter between her aunt and Xia Tian.

Fu Lingshan embraced Xiao Yuxi's shoulder. "Why are you being sad like this?"

"Honestly, I've found a man that I like, but he never likes me, and he also always ignores me." Xiao Yuxi replied in a sad tone.

Xiao Hao then asked her. "Who is that man? How dare he ignore my daughter! Tell me his identity; I will definitely go up to him and bring him here, and he should be proud that you like him!"

Xiao Yuxi shook her head at her father. "I'm sorry, Father. I can't tell you his identity, and you won't be able to do anything to him."

"What do you mean by that?" Xiao Hao asked with a frown; even Xiao Long and Fu Lingshan felt confused by Xiao Yuxi's words, especially since their father was quite strong and his cultivation level was almost on par with Sheng Jiang.

Unlike them, Xiao Bai's expression became ugly upon hearing that, and he cursed in his heart. 'Who is that bastard that dared to seduce my aunt? If I meet him, I will definitely kill him!'

On the other hand, Xiao Chen fell pensive as she glanced at her aunt, and she had her own suspicions. 'Could Aunt Yuxi fall in love with Xia Tian? Otherwise, she can't possibly live with him, right?'

Xiao Yuxi sighed and explained it to them. "I have never underestimated you, Father. However, that man is not an ordinary man, and he has wiped out several great families on the southern continent, including his own grandmother's family."

"What?" They screamed in shock after hearing that, and Xiao Long asked her. "Isn't that man so vicious? How could you fall in love with such a man? He even wiped out his own grandmother's family."

"Brother, you don't understand their situation." Xiao Yuxi replied as she shook her head, and she told them about the matter between Xia Tian and the Leng family.

After hearing that, they all frowned, and they felt that the family was really messed up, especially since they hurt each other even though they were a family.

Xiao Yuxi then continued. "Besides, you guys have probably heard about the war that happened on the southern continent before; he was the one who devised all the plans to help Zhu Yuhe overthrow Hong Chen."

"Huh? Is that true?"

Xiao Yuxi just nodded to them, and Xiao Hao then said. "I met Hong Chen once, and he was indeed a tyrannical Emperor, so many residents of the southern continent disliked him. However, I didn't expect that Zhu Yuhe would be able to overthrow him and take over his power, but I only heard it today that there was a man helping her from behind ."

"He doesn't like appearing in public, so it's only natural that people from other continents don't know about his identity." Xiao Yuxi replied as she sighed softly.


Suddenly, another couple had already arrived at their clan, and Xiao Chen immediately ran over and hugged them. "Father! Mother! I missed you so much!"

"We missed you too, Chen'er." Jing Ming and Xiao Qiu replied as they hugged their daughter back, and they then turned to Xiao Yuxi in surprise.

Xiao Qiu then asked him. "When did you come back here, Yuxi?"

"I just arrived, Big Sis." Xiao Yuxi replied with a faint smile.

Xiao Hong then said to them. "Let's go inside first, and we'll talk while we eat."

- To Be Continued -

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