Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 730 Before Execution

Chapter 730  Before Execution

Xiao Mei sat pensively by the river, especially after she met the women. Although she already knew that Xia Tian had many women, there were far more of them than she had imagined.

"Are you thinking about the master's wives?" Tang Qiu asked as she sat beside Xiao Mei.

Xiao Mei gritted her teeth. "Tch! The young master is truly a debauchee! I understand if Young Miss fell in love with him because she was his wife's reincarnation, but I still can't understand why Princess Zhixian also fell in love with him. If Princess Zhongying continues to stay here, she will definitely fall into his arms as well."

"Isn't that great?" Tang Qiu turned to her with a smile. "Look at them; they are happy, and their relationship is excellent. If Princess Zhongying also falls for the master, she can also be happy like them."

Xiao Mei didn't deny it because she could see everything herself, but she still found it strange to see dozens of women living together in one place, and they also belonged to one man.

Tang Qiu then patted her shoulder. "Instead of thinking about Princess Zhongying, you should think about yourself."

"What do you mean by that?" Xiao Mei asked with a raised eyebrow.

Tang Qiu gave a soft laugh. "Have you forgotten that you will also be living here from now on?"

"Huh?" Xiao Mei gasped upon hearing that.

"Haha." Tang Qiu laughed at her reaction. "If you stay by Master's side long enough, I believe you will definitely fall for him later."

"No!" Xiao Mei exclaimed as she shook her head hard. "I will never betray young miss, so I will never fall for him."

Tang Qiu shook her head. "In fact, the mistress would be happy if you became his woman."

"No." Xiao Mei once again exclaimed loudly. "I will never fall for him."

"We will see later." Tang Qiu said it with a chuckle.



"Since when was Zhongying like this?" Bai Zhongyu asked his second daughter as he watched his first daughter, who was still serious in her cultivation.

Bai Zhixian tried to remember first before answering her father. "If I remember correctly, she has been like this since a week ago, and Tian told me that she is trying to awaken her sword spirit. Her progress is quite good, and she will probably wake up soon."

"I see." Although Bai Zhongyu was not a swordmaster, and he also did not know about sword spirits, he was still an experienced cultivator, so he could understand that such a thing was indeed not easy to do. "Anyway, has Xia Tian told you guys our next destination?"

"En." Bai Zhixian nodded to her father. "Tian told us that he would take us all to the Sacred Realm, but he hasn't explained to us about that realm."

Bai Zhongyu sighed softly after hearing that. "I've lived for so long, but I never imagined that I would leave this world one day. If it weren't for Xia Tian, I would definitely not know about the existence of other worlds or cultivation levels above the mortal realm."

"Haha." Bai Zhixian laughed and hugged her father's arm. "After we leave this planet, our lives will definitely be completely different, and we won't have any status there, so we have to be really careful in the future."

"Yeah, you're right." Bai Zhongyu nodded in agreement.



After they finished their business in the Sheng Imperial Palace, Sheng Ling immediately brought her mother and little sister back to the Xia Manor, but they only found Xia Tian and Estella sitting together in the garden.

As for Han Shuo, he was out looking for some items because Xia Tian asked him to make something.

Xia Tian then asked them. "Is everything settled now?"

"Yes." Sun Qingxue nodded to him. "Tomorrow morning, I will publicly execute Sheng Jiang, and I will hand over the affairs of this Empire to the elders of the Sheng Imperial Sect."

Xia Tian raised his eyebrows for a moment and asked her again. "Does that mean you want to abolish this Empire?"

Sun Qingxue nodded to him again. "I think this continent would be calmer and more peaceful if the Empire were no longer around, and people no longer had to fight for power."

"Your idea is a good one." Xia Tian replied as he nodded in agreement. "However, the transition from monarchy is really not easy, and the process will take a very long time. Besides, people will not immediately stop fighting for power, and they will actually become more violent."

"How can you say that?" Sheng Mei asked with a frown.

Xia Tian turned to her with a smile. "In the past, I was an Emperor, and I held that position for several eras, so I naturally understand such things."


Sheng Ling covered her little sister's mouth and shared a portion of Xia Tian's memories with her, and Sheng Mei's eyes widened as she saw the many memories flooding her mind, but she immediately closed her eyes and digested them one by one.

After a while, Sheng Mei opened her eyes and looked at Xia Tian. "Who are you really?"

"The man you saw in those memories was Long Tian, and he was the past me." Xia Tian answered with a smile. "As for the current me, I am his reincarnation, and I can remember all my past memories."

Sheng Mei's eyes widened, and her jaw dropped. "Are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I'm kidding you?" Xia Tian asked her back as he shook his head. "If I was joking with you, you naturally wouldn't be able to see my memories."

"I see." Sheng Mei nodded in understanding, and she immediately turned to go to her room without saying anything else.

After that, Sun Qingxue also returned to her room to rest. On the other hand, Xia Tian brought Sheng Ling and Estella into the Dual Cultivation Space, and they dual cultivated for a long time.

The entire clans, which hardly ever appeared in public, finally came out after the officials' announcement of Sun Qingxue's decision regarding Sheng Jiang shocked everyone in the Holy Central Continent.

Almost all of them flocked to the Sheng Imperial Palace, and they were in complete shock after seeing Sheng Jiang's condition with their own eyes.

Since everything had suddenly happened, they wanted to ask Sun Qingxue about it directly, but they naturally couldn't find her, so they decided to wait for tomorrow's event.

After that, they all immediately gathered all their clan members, and they discussed the changes that would happen to their continent. Back then, they could only accept it because Sheng Jiang was the strongest among them, but the situation had changed now, and they could not accept Sun Qingxue as their sole leader.



In the Xiao Clan, Xiao Hao also gathered his family to discuss their decision on the matter. Unlike the other clans, they had no interest in fighting over the position of ruler, but they were certain that the situation on their continent would become chaotic after Sun Qingxue executed Sheng Jiang tomorrow morning.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen said to them. "Anyway, you don't need to worry about this matter."

"Hmm? What do you mean by that, Chen'er?" Xiao Hao turned to his granddaughter with a raised eyebrow. Her parents and the others also turned to her in confusion.

Xiao Yuxi also looked at her with a raised eyebrow. 'Are you going to tell them about Xia Tian?'

Xiao Chen shook her head at her aunt. "Honestly, Master and I already knew that this matter would happen soon, but I am confident that the situation will be under control tomorrow."

"How can you be so sure, Chen'er?" Xiao Xiu asked her daughter.

Xiao Chen sighed softly. "Mother, I can't explain anything to you right now; my master forbade me to say anything. However, you guys really don't need to worry about it, and you will understand why I was so confident about it tomorrow."

"I hope you're right." Xiao Hao replied with a low sigh. "Although Sheng Jiang always does as he pleases, this continent is almost always safe and peaceful. However, everything will change tomorrow, and those people will definitely not accept Sun Qingxue as the sole ruler of this continent."

They nodded to him, and Xiao Chen said it again. "Honestly, I don't know Empress Sun's next plans yet, but I don't think she will maintain her position as the Empress of this continent."


Xiao Chen shook her head at them. "We just need to wait until tomorrow morning, and Empress Sun's decision will definitely surprise everyone."

Xiao Long suddenly asked. "Then what about your birthday banquet tomorrow, Father?"

"What else?" Xiao Hao asked back while shaking his head. "I'm sure no one will come here tomorrow, so you can cancel tomorrow's event."




The next morning, the atmosphere in the Sheng Imperial Palace was already very noisy, and countless people had gathered to watch Sheng Jiang's execution.

After they had a long discussion yesterday, all the clans on the continent had alerted their clan members, and they were preparing to face the worst possibility.

Meanwhile, Sun Qingxue was sitting and looking at her old room in the palace, and her two daughters were helping her dress up.

Suddenly, two men appeared in the room, and Xia Tian asked Sun Qingxue. "Are you sure about your decision?"

Sun Qingxue nodded to him. "Yes, I will hand over everything to the elders after I sentence Sheng Jiang to death."

- To Be Continued -

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