
Chapter 155: Unexpected Visitors

Chapter 155: Unexpected Visitors

Jacek made his way down the castle steps and over to the docks where the superyacht Blood Wake awaited him and the others for the day. He was ahead of the others in his party including Erika as he intended to do a security sweep of the boat before the others arrived.

He stepped aboard the massive yacht which measured over 500 meters in length. He suddenly realized that a sweep of this massive ship would take close to an hour. He sighed to himself and decided to at least walk the open perimeter of the top deck.

As he approached the front of the boat he spotted Constance sunbathing at the tip of the bow. He had a lingering curiosity over his dream the night before, “I can’t mention it to her, but knowing her… if it were at all real or an illusion of her own doing, she couldn’t help but mention it to me.”

He hadn’t been able to take his mind off of the vivid details of the dream. After all, it was so real that he had built up a massive load and cum all over the bed and Erika’s face, a moment that he still felt embarrassment over even if Erika had profusely told him not to worry.

He walked up to Constance who lay in the sun with sunglasses and a surprisingly conservative one-piece swimsuit. Although conservative, there was no hiding her curves or massive boobs which formed perfect curves to salivate over even if they were fully covered.

Constance raised her sunglasses, “Jacek… I mean… Lord Heraklinos. How did you sleep my Lord.

She smiled up at him with a grin of pure joy as she all but told him his dream was instigated by her.

He smiled back at her, “Don’t do that again. I am not sure how you did it, but I am sure that I will be very on guard against any residual ki you leave on or near me from now on.”

Constance then noticed him eyeing her neck closely. She waved her hand across her neck removing an illusion, “Looking for your handiwork?”

Jacek suddenly saw numerous finger-shaped bruises across her neck and a massive hickey on the left side of her perfectly slender and toned neck.

His mind raced for a moment, “What the hell? So it was real? Or it wasn’t?”

She sat up and put her sunglasses back down over her eyes but left her bruises and hickey visible for the moment, “If you are wondering, some of it’s real, some of it’s not. Illusions, always so hard to tell what is and isn’t real. Fortunately for my neck, it was real. And fortunately for you cock, it was oh so real. Wasn’t it?”

He stood silently as she reached for a tropical drink beside her. She took a long sip of her straw pulling her cheeks in as she did. Once she released, she said, “You did cum didn’t you? I’d be happy to do it again.”

Jacek then noticed Constance look past him. He turned to see Erika approaching. He then quickly turned back around and sternly but quietly said, “If you ever mess with my mind like that again, we will have a very big problem.”

Constance smiled up at him thinking to herself, “He is so on guard against me. And I have never seen such a powerful woman be so insecure. Erika has no idea how irritating she is. She would never let Jacek warm up to me, but that’s okay.”

Constance waved to Erika as she walked up, “Erika! Good morning!”

Erika eyed Jacek suspiciously, “What are you two up to?”

Jacek was speechless at her direct question, but Constance didn’t miss a beat, “We were just admiring my neck. I get myself into the most peculiar situations at night. Have you ever been with a lover who can do this, Erika?”

Constance presented her neck for Erika to see, and Erika frowned with disapproval. Constance softly laughed, “Of course you haven’t. How uncouth it would be for a Master to lay with such a savage.” Constance eyed Jacek as she spoke and continued, “Jacek can you do me a big favor?”

Erika had grown irritated of Constance over the past day and was ready to explode should Constance make any provocative move towards Jacek. She eyed Constance intently as she waited for her ‘favor’.

Constance then asked, “Would it be possible to arrange for General Vega Magnus to be my date to the ball tonight? I know its last minute, but it would work wonders for my image to be seen with a Heraklinos hot shot such as him.”

Jacek furrowed his brow, “Vega recently entered into a relationship with the daughter of a very wealthy elite in the capital city. I’m sorry to say, he has a girlfriend.”

Before Constance could even assume a disappointed face, Erika spoke up, “She’s not asking for Vega to be her girlfriend, she’s asking for a date to a political party that could change the course of the BloodStar Empire. She’s asking for a sorely needed image; imagine if she showed up to a ball to unite the country without a date. At least try to accommodate her!”

Erika thought to herself, “I will do anything to keep her away from my Jacek. That includes offering Vega up to her as a distraction.”

Jacek nodded, “I suppose you are right. In that context, I can ask him right away. He will need some time to prepare for this evening if he is agreeable.”

Constance shrieked with glee, “Tell him I would be the perfect date. I would hardly lay a finger on him, and his girlfriend can rest easy!”

Jacek reached for his phone and stepped away just as Ramses and Zara came aboard. Tailing the King and Queen of the BloodStar Empire were a few unexpected visitors.

Ramses approached Constance and cut straight to the chase, “Mistress Khan, I believe you know the Tiger Clan Chief. This is Ferox along with three of his warrior escorts. He would like to have a word with you.”

Ferox was a burly older man in his late 50’s; however, his body was clearly one of a warrior with battle-hardened muscles. He spared no niceties, “Mistress Khan, is it true? You are bending the knee to the false rulers of the BloodStar Empire? And you are even allowing for dominion over our Khan Island? Have you really failed us in our time of need?”

Constance assumed her contagious smile and stood up to meet Ferox, “If you would Ferox, I would like to speak to you in private. Follow me to my quarters.”

She led him down one level into her private quarters, the master suite which previously belonged to Xenia. The entire room was equipped with anti-eavesdropping technology of all kinds and was a floating safe room for meetings.

She pulled a chair around for Ferox to take a seat, and she pulled another chair opposite of him to take her own seat. She crossed her legs and began, “Ferox, do you really believe I would endanger the legacy of the former Empress Victoria?”

He started to reply, “No but the rumors-“

She cut him off as she stood, “The rumors are true. I am bending the knee to Ramses and Zara for now. And if my plan is to succeed, then I will need your support along with all of the other clans. You hold great sway amongst the other leaders. Tell them to do as I say for now.”

He frowned and grunted, “I will not blindly follow your foolish-“

She abruptly sat in his lap straddling him with her arms around his neck as she created a small black ball of ki at the back of his neck and began to infuse it into him, “You will do as I say.” She locked eyes with him, “Now nod yes.”

Ferox nodded yes, “I will do as you say Mistress Khan, and I will sway the opinions of the other clan leaders.”

She stood from his lap, “Good boy. Now follow me, and let’s inform the King and Queen of your loyalty.”

Constance and Ferox’s conversation was so short that Ramses and Zara were shocked to see them return so quickly. They were even more shocked to see Ferox walk right up to them and take a knee, “I pledge my loyalty and support to the new King and Queen of the BloodStar Empire, King Ramses and Queen Zara.”

He bowed his head, and Ramses and Zara looked to one another with impressed and astonished looks. His warrior escorts were also shocked. Collectively, everyone could only wonder what the hell Constance said or did in such a short amount of time with Ferox to convince him to swear fealty.

Constance smiled and clasped her hands together, “Add another very important Khan Island, old world supporter to the ranks of the new King and Queen! Thank you Ferox! We can count on your support!”

Without much further ado, Ferox and his escort made their exit. Constance resumed her sunbathing and flipped her sunglasses up to look at Erika, Ramses, and Zara, “See! I really am quite good at this whole politics thing. And all of my annoying requests really have been quite fruitful. You can thank me again. I love hearing your praise.”

They had to agree. Her ability to hold such a strong sway over otherwise extremely stubborn factions of old world people was remarkable. Ramses nodded, “You have done extremely well, Constance. We are all very thankful for you.”

She flipped her sunglasses back down and raised her shoulders up as she said, “Oh it’s nothing! I am beginning to enjoy it all!”

Suddenly, the captain of the superyacht came running up, “Mistress Khan, you have another visitor awaiting your arrival in your private quarters.”

Constance gave him an annoyed look, “You led them to my private quarters without notifying me first?”

The captain shook his head, “No, they contacted me from your quarters. He already knew his way there.”

Constance rolled her eyes, “Fine. I just got comfortable again too. Who is it?”

Once again the captain was forced to give an unsatisfactory answer, “They were in all black robes with a shrouded hood. I’m afraid I did not get a name.”

Constance stood and apologized to her guests, “This must be an elder clansmen. They think themselves to be my equal sometimes. This may take a little longer than Ferox, but I will have it straightened out for you King Ramses and Queen Zara. An elder clansmen could prove invaluable in our cause.”

Erika, Ramses, and Zara all held a look of revere towards Constance as she prepared to once again do the unthinkable and sway the opinion of a very important old-world supporter.

Constance retraced her steps to her private master suite with a bit of annoyance at the presumption of the man waiting for her to simply let themselves in. She entered and called out to a hooded figure standing at the far end of the room, “You are lucky I am in a good mood today. State your name and remove your hood clansmen.”

The man opposite her made no immediate movements angering Constance. Constance took a few hasty steps forward but stopped once the man began to remove his hood.

She gasped with wide eyes as she realized her mistake.

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