
Chapter 154: Shadow Slave

Chapter 154: Shadow Slave

Constance awoke early the next morning as her clock struck 4:00 AM. With strict discipline she immediately rose from her bed and donned tight, skimpy exercise shorts and an equally slutty sports bra.

Within minutes of waking, she had descended her perch at the top of the castle and entered the depths of the dungeon. She yawned as she stretched her arms out above her. She then looked ahead to see three random men tied to chairs.

“My attendants never fail me. Where did they find you three I wonder?” She walked up to the first one and straddled his lap putting her arms around his neck and slowly rocking herself on his lap.

She then created a miniscule black ball of ki in her palm and infused it into the man’s neck. The method was very similar to the one she had used on Jacek earlier in the hot tub. The man’s mouth was gagged; however, even had it not been, there would have been no screaming for he felt no pain whatsoever.

She then rose from his lap smiling at him and continued to infuse ki to the back of the necks of the next two men. Once finished, she stood in front of them and snapped her fingers emitting three slices of ki which cut the men free from their restraints.

None of the men moved as Constance addressed them with her hands on her hips, “I am sorry to say that you three have been selected to help me train. You see, Empress Xenia BloodStar has grown ever stronger. She is invincible. She is a true God on Earth.”

The men looked sideways at each other until one began to speak, “Mistress Khan, I am sorry to inform you that Xenia BloodStar is dead. You must know this.”

Ignoring the man, she continued, “And now Nero is a BloodStar Immortal bestowed with frightening amounts of power by Empress Victoria BloodStar herself.”

The men continued to observe her with a look of confusion. She smiled and clapped her hands, “So where does that leave me?”

She paced in front of them and suddenly began to yell with a crazed look, “Where does that leave me?!! I will not be left in the dust by Nero and my Empress!! I will continue to grow stronger by my own hand!! I will show my Empress that I am worthy of being by her side!”

She clenched her fist and grit her teeth as she looked at the men. Then, her angry scowl turned to a wide smile, “And its men like you who are going to help me reach great new heights.”

She opened her palm to reveal a small black ball of ki resembling the ki she had infused into the three men, “You three are all ki users from various clans on Khan Island. Not weak men by any stretch of the imagination, yes?”

The three men nodded, and one spoke, “Yes, Mistress Khan. We are of great value to you. We serve you.”

She gave an evil smile, “Yes. You do.” She then clenched her fist, and all three men rolled their eyes to the backs of their head. Then, as if nothing had happened, they returned to their normal state of being with no knowledge of what had taken place.

She laughed, “If you three are so disciplined, so useful, and so powerful on my island then why is it that I have infiltrated your mind with my illusion ki so effortlessly?”

Two men looked confused as they felt completely normal; however, the third man had heard stories of this technique and muttered, “So its true then. Your family really did it?”

She sneered, “My father thinks he did it. I really did it!”

The man stared at her with utmost fear, “Shadow mind.”

The other two men looked at him and then to Constance in confusion. She laughed again, “That is what my father called it many years ago, yes. This… is different. I call it Shadow Slave.”

She looked to the man and with a smile softly said, “Please kill yourself.”

She then tossed a knife at his feet. The man immediately grabbed the knife and motioned to slit his throat, but Constance stopped him, “No. No. Stop. Come here first.”

She beckoned him with her finger as he walked over to her. She grabbed his face and began to kiss him and softly said, “Now you can kill yourself. Slowly.”

The man brought the knife to his throat and dug it in deep before slowly tracing it across his neck as blood spirt and flowed from his neck. Like a wild animal, Constance held her grip of his face as she leaned down and licked his neck and continued back upwards to his lips where she kissed him until he fell lifeless.”

Her face was covered in blood as she looked at the frightful men left before her now. “Don’t be scared. There’s nothing weak men like you two can do. She looked to her palm where only two black balls of ki resided, the two men before her.

She bit her lip and said, “Though stronger men certainly can resist me, partially at least. For now. I will confide in you that Jacek Heraklinos has seemingly vanquished my ki from his mind following a downright wild sexual encounter. And he didn’t even know it was there.”

She sighed in frustration knowing she had a long way to go before conquering a man as powerful as Jacek who cleared it without even trying. She walked to the two men and said, “I can infiltrate the minds of weak men freely. I can come, and I can go as I wish. But stronger men… they have to open up to me before I can plant my ki. That means before I can become more powerful through my dedicated training, I will have to work very hard to make a strong man vulnerable to me. And I have the perfect target in mind.”

She turned around and shouted, “But enough about me. I want to watch you two fight to the death for me while I watch. The loser gets a kiss from their mistress. And the loser also gets to die at the hands of their mistress.”

She sat in a chair and crossed her legs, “Begin!”

The two men jumped at one another throwing punches and kicks. As if they had completely lost it, the two amicable men had just become worst enemies as they desperately tried to kill one another for the pleasure of their master and the privilege of death at her hands.

It wasn’t long before the two men began to fight and tangle on the ground. One began to gain the upper hand as he gouged both eyes out of his opponent as shrieks and cries of pain filled the dungeon walls.

The man then took his opponent’s eye-less face and began to repeatedly bang it into the stone floor of the dungeon as cracks began to form on the skull. The cracks eventually turned to fissures, and the fissures soon began to chip. The chips were small at first and then grew as large chunks of cranium flew off from impact with the floor. With the cranium shattered, this gave way to a torrent of grey and white matter as brains spilled to the floor.

Constance had a gleeful smile on her face as she began to clap, “Bravo! Bravo! Well fought!”

She stood and walked over to a table with various torture tools and weapons laid out upon it. She ran her fingers across them all before grabbing a long spear measuring 6-feet in length with the final foot of length composed of a razor shape double-sided blade.

She turned around with the spear in hand and barked, “Back against the wall. Now!”

The man rushed to stand straight up against the wall facing her as commanded. She then took the spear in hand and threw it with full force at the man.

The spear flew at breakneck speed towards the man and impaled him through the chest as it went through his chest and lodged into the stone wall behind him.

The man coughed up blood but did not scream. Constance walked over to the opposite end of the spear and said, “I said you could have one. So. Come get your kiss.” She puckered up her lips and waited for him.

The man struggled mightily but raised both arms as he began to pull himself like a skewered piece of meat along the spear. He gave all of his effort to stay alive as he inched his way along the spear with each inch inflicting an overwhelming amount of pain.

Blood oozed from his chest. Blood dribbled down his chin. Blood covered the spear as he inched along.

Constance squeezed her cleavage together encouraging him, “Your mistress wants a kiss. Come get it baby. Do it for me.”

The man began to lose steam as the life faded from his eyes and his movements slowed. He reached the last six inches before trying to lean in and kiss Constance’s puckered lips right in front of him; however, he fell lifeless on the spear.

Constance had an ear-to-ear smile as she became overrun with joy. She reached out with both hands to grasp the man’s head, and she tore it right off his neck with her inhuman strength.

She then fell to the ground with the head in hand and began to make out with it as blood once again covered her face. She then began to laugh and moan in a crazed state as she slowly rubbed the man’s decapitated head down her body over her boobs, against her abs, until finally she reached down and held it between her legs where she proceeded to rub it again her pussy.

She ran her other hand through her hair as she rubbed the man’s head vigorously between her legs. She lost track of time as she continued with great pleasure until finally she reached orgasm from external stimulation.

As she did, she clenched her legs together crushing the man’s skull and holding it there as her body pulsed with a divine pleasure. After several minutes of writhing in pleasure on the dungeon floor, she finally released her hold of the man’s now decapitated and crushed head.

She breathed heavily catching her breath and then she rolled over falling asleep where she lay after completing her training for the morning.

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