
Chapter 156: Two Dates Secured

Chapter 156: Two Dates Secured

As the hooded figure revealed themselves, Constance immediately realized her folly. She attempted to immediately fall to the floor, “Forgive me, my-“

However, both her movements and her words were cut short. With the hood fully down, Constance laid eyes upon her visitor.

“I really shouldn’t be here, but I miss you so Constance.” Constance had been pulled out of her kneeling position and stood back up, “I don’t ever require you to kneel.”

Constance bowed her head, “Yes, my empress.”

Xenia smiled at Constance as she threw her black robes asunder to reveal her black leather military outfit that hugged her perfect body showing off her sexy legs, big boobs, snatched waist, and voluptuous ass.

Xenia began to walk towards Constance and bloodbent her back towards the wall as she progressed until finally Constance was up against the wall and Xenia stood before her, “Don’t ever kneel and don’t ever call me empress. I am just Xenia to you.”

Constance smiled and her body began to pulse with pleasure. To her, being bloodbent by her Empress was the ultimate privilege. A sensation that no other human on Earth could provide.

“Nero all but swore he would kill me for coming to visit you. I am not yet back to full power and likely won’t be for some time. He says the world is too dangerous for me until I am at full strength.” Xenia inched closer and closer to her against the wall still holding her with her bloodbending.

Constance replied, “He’s right. You shouldn’t be here.”

Xenia laughed, “But Constance, your neck. Who made these marks. You know how to make me a jealous girl.”

Xenia pushed herself up against Constance’s body and began to kiss her sensually holding her body firmly against the wall with her bloodbending while feeling her body with her hands as they kissed.

Xenia moaned as they made out passionately, and Constance was overwhelmed with pure lust and love for her Empress as she repeatedly kissed her over and over knowing that kissing was only just the beginning for a sex goddess like Xenia.

Xenia playfully bit Constance’s lip, “You didn’t answer me. Who gave you these neck marks?”

Constance laughed, “Jacek. In an illusion dream.”

Xenia laughed too, “Oh my god, I bet that was fun. Next time include me please!” She then ran her lips over Constance’s hickey, “Or actually… next time… just invite me. Let me show you what Jacek could never do.”

Constance’s breathing became irregular as her heart beat fluttered at the sound of Xenia’s words.

Xenia then said, “What about tonight? After your ballgown dinner? We meet back in your room for the night, so I can lay claim to your body. It is mine isn’t it?”

Constance nearly fainted at her Empress’s words, “I am yours. Take me, please. It would be the ultimate pleasure, Xenia.”

Xenia laughed as she continued to kiss Constance’s neck, “Then I’ll be waiting for you.”

She backed away from Constance holding her against the wall, and smirked, “It is dangerous, but how else am I supposed to practice my newfound Bloodline powers?”

She then created a portal behind her. The elliptical black void sparked with electricity as Xenia stepped into it and disappeared. As she teleported back to Bella Domina, the bloodbending hold on Constance was released and Constance fell to the floor. She had a hurried breath, and she had the ultimate high from being bloodbent by the true love of her life.

She took a moment to gather herself from such an unexpected and overwhelmingly hot encounter with Xenia with the added anticipation of seeing her again tonight. After savoring the moment and lusting for her Empress, she then finally resumed her mindset for politicking and made her way back topside to the deck.


Meanwhile, along the lateral aspect of the yacht, Jacek was on the phone with Vega.

“So here’s the deal. Just hear me out man.” Jacek prepared to pitch his sale to Vega.

Vega laughed, “Oh no. Should I be worried? What the hell have you gotten yourself into over there in the BloodStar Empire? I thought that was a safe empire now for Heraklinos people?”

“Safe enough.” Jacek sighed, “How are things with Chastity?”

Vega replied, “Are you stalling man? Chastity is good. I mean. I have a week off from eternal guardsmen duty, and I am spending it at her father’s chateau eating macarons and having picnics in the fields while picking flowers.”

Jacek was silent but eventually said, “Sooo you’re having fun?”

Vega sighed, “Don’t get me wrong, Chastity is great. She is pretty, proper, and polite. But she’s a far cry from our Saber Province days where everyday was full of excitement. I don’t know. I just don’t see myself becoming a proper elite.”

Jacek began to speak but Vega cut him off, “But hey man please don’t tell your Dad. I am very grateful for Master Heraklinos arranging for the opportunity to date Chastity, and she is way into me.”

Jacek laughed, “You were always one for adrenaline and excitement Vega. That’s why there is no one better to share the battlefield with. But look. I am actually calling because I need someone to share in my pain at this upcoming ballgown dinner.”

“I’m listening. Any chance to get out of here for a day or two and share some drinks with my old brother in arms would be amazing!” Vega was itching with excitement.

Jacek laughed and then said, “So there’s just one catch. You’d be joining as the date of someone here. Someone prominent.”

Vega groaned, “Fuck mannnnn. Don’t pull me from my perfect little chateau life just to pair with me another proper lass who will chastise me for eating with the wrong fork at dinner.”

Jacek had underestimated the situation Vega found himself in, “In that case, you may owe me a favor after all of this is said and done. Do you want to know who your date would be or not?”

“Okay, okay. Give it to me straight. Who’s the girl that needs a last-minute date to a ballgown dinner filled with political hot shots and royalty from the BloodStar Empire? Any real beauty wouldn’t find herself in this position, so forgive my sarcasm.” Vega laughed.

Jacek smiled to himself before saying, “Fine. I’ll give it to you straight. Mistress Constance Khan of Khan Island. You would be the date to the host of the event.”

Vega fell back into his chair with a look of shock, “Oh fuck bro. I am going to owe you a favor aren’t I? The Constance Khan?! The crazy one? The crazy hot one?”

Jacek laughed, “You wanted excitement, yea? With Xenia dead, I don’t think there is a more exciting girl to be had.” He paused and then said, “There’s just one more catch. It’s this evening.”

Vega leaned up in his chair after recovering from his shock, “I’ll be there. I can tell Chastity that Lord Heraklinos needs my assistance at a political event. Tell Constance she has a stunning date for tonight.”

Jacek and Vega said their goodbyes, and Jacek walked back to the bow of the boat. As he arrived, he also noted Constance ascending the stairs back to the bow as well.

Jacek walked over to her, “I hear you have a date for tonight!”

Constance gasped and said, “What?! No! I don’t. Why would you say that?!”

He laughed, “Because I just got off the phone with General Vega Magnus, and he is on his way here now to be your date this evening.”

Constance breathed a huge sigh of relief as she had forgotten all about Vega after her soiree with Xenia. She switched gears and shouted, “Oh my god! Vega is coming! I am going to have the hottest date this evening!” She looked to Jacek and then to Erika, “No offense!”

Erika broke a smile, “None taken.” And she meant it. She was pleased to see Constance focused on anyone but Jacek.

Constance laughed and shouted, “Okay everyone! Tonight is going to be an absolute thrill! A night for the ages! But until then, lets soak up the sun and swim in the crystal-clear waters of Khan Island! Yacht day baby!”

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