Chapter 365 The Resting Beast

When Erik got back to his camp, he set the filled water bottles down with great care and organized the rest of his gear so that it was in the appropriate places. Because of his meticulous nature and the significance of maintaining order in his nomadic way of life, he made sure that everything was arranged in a tidy fashion.

The campsite exuded a sense of tranquility, nestled within the embrace of towering trees and dappled sunlight. The crackling fire pit, now extinguished, served as a reminder of the warmth and comfort it had provided during the nights spent under the starry sky.

The hunt that was still to come into focus for Erik's thoughts. He was well aware of the significance of timing, and he realized that the best opportunity to act had arisen on this particular day. Due to the conflict between the two creatures, one of them has likely sustained an injury, and he planned to take advantage of this vulnerability.

He took great care in preparing his gear, ensuring that his blades were razor-sharp and that the camp's defenses, or better, the natural concealing plants Erik grew, and that were mostly designed to keep the thaids from discovering his food stash were in place before he set out.

While he was getting ready, Erik reflected on the possible states in which the two creatures could be found. Were both of them hurt to the same extent? Or had one emerged as the victor while the other tended to its wounds after the conflict?

Before he could begin to devise a strategy that was suited to the circumstances, he needed to conduct an assessment of the situation.


<Quest: Territory Conquest.>

-Description: Kill the Shadowclaw and the Ursolith and claim their territories.

-Rewards for completion: 3000 experience points and 700 DNA points, plus 5 points in strength and 5 in dexterity for completing the quest.


After breaking camp, Erik traveled back to the site of the earlier conflict to investigate what had transpired.

It came as a surprise to him that the location was now devoid of the enormous beasts that had been fighting there just a few moments earlier. The shattered remains of their altercation, which were strewn about the area, provided evidence of the fierce struggle that had taken place there earlier. The lingering smell of blood made the atmosphere feel oppressive and heavy.

The ground was marked with the imprints of their mighty paws, and remnants of the vicious struggle that had taken place can still be found scattered across the clearing in the form of tufts of fur and patches of torn flesh.

He cast a wary glance over the prints that the Shadowclaw had left behind, and his voice took on an air of caution. "Those claws can tear through flesh and bone easily. I'll need to be careful when battling against it."

The young man didn't know if he could fight against it now, despite knowing that the Shadowclaw was the weaker one between the two beasts, and he needed a more thorough approach to killing the Ursolith.

Erik's sharp eyes combed the area around them, looking for any hints or indications that might point to the location of the creatures. The once vibrant foliage now seemed subdued and hushed, as if the forest itself held its breath in the aftermath of the intense battle.

As he moved deeper into the clearing, his gaze fell upon a tree trunk that had been broken in half. The splintered wood served as a testament to the sheer force unleashed by the fighting creatures. A few scattered blood prints could be found close by, marking the spot where it is believed that the Ursolith had delivered a powerful swipe, causing the Shadowclaw to be caught off guard.

Clearly, the region in question was contested territory, and he needed to eliminate the remaining danger posed by the beasts. Because he intended to remain in the area for a week, he needed a safe and quiet setting that was devoid of the threat posed by the Shadowclaw and the Ursolith. He didn't want to risk being attacked while sleeping or training.

Erik looked over the evidence left behind, including blood stains, broken branches, and ripped-up earth. He examined the patterns, looking for clues as to the health conditions and behavior of the creatures. His understanding of thaids served as a compass, directing and assisting him in piecing together the puzzle.

As he thought about what was happening, a drop of sweat rolled down the side of his temple. "The Ursolith appears to have sustained only minor damage, judging by the amount of blood on his prints. It had to have been the one getting the upper hand during the fight."

Erik's sharp eyes swept the ground, following the bloody footprints left behind by the creatures fighting each other. The telltale signs painted a picture of the recent conflict, and it didn't take him long to figure out that the Shadowclaw had sustained the most severe wounds in the fight.

The young man spoke to himself in a low, hushed whisper that was difficult to make out over the rustling of the leaves. "Judging by the deep blood prints on the ground, it looks like the Shadowclaw took the lion's share of the damage during the fight."

The young man made up his mind to track down the beast and steal the brain crystal for himself, so he set out on his journey with a renewed sense of purpose. He was aware of the dangers and difficulties that lay ahead, but this did not dampen his resolve. Now was the right time; the Shadowclaw was severely injured; he had all his mana available and was in excellent condition.

He was driven by the conviction that acquiring this power would enable him to overcome his constraints and bring him one step closer to his ultimate goal of achieving freedom and mastery.

Erik continued his journey deeper into the wooded area as he followed the trail of blood that the feline-like thaid had left behind. His senses were heightened, and he became acutely aware of any sound or movement that might indicate the presence of the injured creature. His footfalls were light and calculated, and every step he took was deliberate.

As the awakener moved slowly toward the trail, the atmosphere was thick with tension. It appeared as though the forest was holding its breath in anticipation of the upcoming confrontation. The branches in the canopy above him rustled, creating ever-changing shadows that danced across his path.

He moved stealthily through the thicket, jumping over fallen logs and dodging through the underbrush like a hunter. His veins were filled with adrenaline, which mixed with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He was very nervous. He was aware that an injured beast's behavior was unpredictable and could be even more lethal than average.

As he proceeded, the signs of the Shadowclaw's condition became increasingly evident. The path it left behind, marked by uprooted vegetation and shattered earth, showed uneven walk, a lot of blood loss, and even some broken claws. After a while of following the trails, he arrived at the location where the creature was resting, and his senses had become honed so that he could detect even the most minute of hints.

In the distance, he could make out the injured beast with its massive frame hunched over as it sat on a sturdy tree branch. It was clear that the fight had taken its toll on the beast's body, as evidenced by the heavy, labored breathing it was exhibiting.

The recent conflict that the Shadowclaw had with the Ursolith was evidenced by the fact that its fur was matted and stained with patches of dried blood. Its eyes, piercing and fierce during the confrontation, now revealed signs of exhaustion and pain. The tongue of the creature shot out, and it began methodically licking its wounds as if it were trying to soothe the aching flesh.

Erik's sharp eyes were able to discern the full scope of the creature's wounds. Deep gashes were all over its muscular shoulders, and blood was still dripping down them. It appeared that one of its hind legs was bearing the weight unevenly, which was a sign that a sprain or fracture might be present. The wounds had not yet healed, and their rawness served as a jarring reminder of the intense battle that had just taken place.

This didn't go unnoticed by the young hunter, who understood the significance of the Shadowclaw's vulnerability. It had reached its lowest point and was concentrating on recovering and regaining its strength at this time. As the young man anticipated, that was the best time to launch his attack.

As he studied the creature before making the first attack, he couldn't help but be impressed by its toughness and dogged determination to live. He also felt a twinge of empathy as he understood the reasons that drove the Shadowclaw to fight so fiercely, to defend its territory and maintain its dominance over the water source. A place rich with prey he could attain from.

The awakener mentally prepared himself for the upcoming conflict as he kept a safe distance from the injured predator and watched it from afar.

He knew that he had the advantage now, but he was also aware that the Shadowclaw would not go down without a nasty fight.

Erik positioned himself at a stealthy vantage point and waited for the sun to further go down. He kept his senses sharp, attuned to the slightest movement or sound. Time seemed to stretch as he maintained his vigil, the anticipation building with each passing moment.

"I could try to immobilize it with the Plant Master's power, but with the amount of mana I have and the even fewer neural links, I doubt I could do something. The best thing to do would be to get the creature down or use the poisonous mana darts," he thought aloud.

"Yeah, that would be better…"

After saying that, he concentrated and brought his mana into the center of his being before closing his eyes. Each time he took a breath, he called upon the power that coursed through his neural link, which connected his brain to the brain crystal.

As he channeled the mana, a subtle shift occurred within him. He could feel the energy surging through his veins, coursing with otherworldly power. The mana began to gather and condense, swirling within the palm of his hand, forming an orb of mana.

The orb shrank, and the mana quantity increased, slowly forming a dart. Erik could feel the weight of the mana, a tangible presence in his hand, ready to be unleashed.

His eyes opened, revealing a resolute gaze that was a reflection of the mana orb that was condensing in the palm of his hand.

As the mana continued to move through his body, it became more vibrant and shimmered, like it was dancing with invisible threads of energy. It was almost as if the very essence of the forest acknowledged the coming together of forces and responded to his presence when he was there.

Erik's hand trembled slightly with the raw power he now possessed. He marveled at the swirling currents of mana within his grasp, much higher than in the past, feeling a surge of confidence and determination course through his veins.

After drawing in a long breath, he concentrated his thoughts on the upcoming fight. The mana orb pulsated with an intensity that matched his resolve, and it was ready to be used as a powerful weapon against the injured creature that stood before him.

As the mana dart coalesced in Erik's hand, crackling with raw energy, he unleashed it with a swift and precise motion. The projectile soared through the air, guided by his intent, and found its mark with unerring accuracy.

The dart struck the wounded side of the resting Shadowclaw, its impact resounding through the stillness of the forest. A surge of mana erupted upon contact, seeping into its injured flesh.

The mana infused into the dart spread like a pulsating wave, sending its ethereal essence throughout the Shadowclaw's body. It penetrated the injured tissues and immediately began significantly reducing the strength of the thaid.

The injured beast roused itself from its slumber, and its eyes widened in surprise and agony as mana began to surge through its veins.

The weakening of the injured creature caused its already sluggish movements to become even more sluggish as its strength diminished. It twisted its head to look for the source of the pain, and its gaze eventually settled on Erik's. After descending the tree, the beast approached the awakener by walking toward them while baring its fangs.

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