Chapter 364 Territorial Battle

Erik emerged from his makeshift refuge and stretched his aching muscles. When he entered the woods, he was greeted by the enchanting sound of rustling leaves and the heady fragrance of blossoming flowers.

The light from the sun penetrated the forest's canopy, creating dappled shadows on the ground below. He was astounded by the myriad shades of emerald green around him, each bearing witness to the vigor of nature.

As the young man moved deeper into the forest, his senses became more acute, and his ears became more sensitive to his surroundings. Apparently, the area around his camp was clear, but he wanted to refill his water before going to sleep so that the following day he could avoid wasting time.

By looking at the signs around him, it appeared as though the forest was directing him, and it brought him to a small clearing where a stream with a soft babbling sound wound its way through the undergrowth.

However, his peaceful moment was shattered by the clash of titanic forces. His eyes widened as he witnessed a fierce battle unfolding before him. Two monstrous creatures engaged in a deadly struggle, their roars reverberating through the forest.

On one side stood the Shadowclaw, its sleek, black form blending seamlessly with the shadows. The creature moved with grace and precision, evading its opponent's attacks with swift maneuvers. Its glowing green eyes shimmered with focused determination as he battled its opponent.

Across the Shadowclaw, a formidable adversary was engaged in combat, the Ursolith.

The hulking figure of the thaid radiated an air of unbridled power as it towered over its surroundings. Its body was covered in fur, which had a variety of earthy tones and served as camouflage against the background of the forest. Its humongous, muscular limbs propelled it forward, while it's sharp claws and powerful jaws hinted at the destruction to come.

Both of the beasts went at each other with great ferocity, lashing out with vicious swipes and biting at their opponents' exposed flesh.

Shadows danced around them as the Shadowclaw utilized its stealth abilities to gain the upper hand, hiding in the surrounding foliage and exploiting momentary weaknesses in the opponent's defenses.

The Ursolith responded with ear-splitting roars and an overwhelming display of brute force, all propelled by its incredible strength.

"Seriously? Of all the monsters, I had to end up finding these two?" Erik said to himself.

He kept a solemn expression as he observed the two creatures squaring off in front of the water source. In his mind, this was a territorial battle that needed to be won to protect the area's water source or prey. For a brief moment, a fleeting thought crossed Erik's mind: whether or not it would be wise to step in and eliminate at least one of the two thaids.

However, the young man quickly realized that interfering in a fight of this scale was extremely risky, particularly one that involved formidable foes such as the Shadowclaw and the Ursolith. Each was displaying their unique strengths and abilities and locked in a primal struggle for dominance.

Erik was compelled to stay and observe the two creatures' strategies and movements due to his insatiable curiosity. He didn't want to be unprepared in the event that he was forced to engage in combat with the two monsters.

The conflict continued, with the forest serving as a witness to the contest of wills and abilities that was taking place between them. Erik chose to stay on the outskirts of the fight because he was mesmerized by the conflict's spectacle and ferocity.

Deep down, he sensed that these creatures were just within his capabilities, meaning he had to be careful if he was attacked, but that there were chances he could win.

<Maybe with the Xeridon Anteris and Nathaniel's powers? I think I can handle pretty straightforwardly the Shadowclaw, but the Ursolith is another matter.>

Erik momentarily forgot his need for water as the battle raged on, and he silently cheered for the Shadowclaw, appreciating its stealthy approach and resourcefulness. As it deftly navigated around its opponent and exploited the Ursolith's vulnerabilities with calculated precision, he couldn't help but admire the elegant and lethal predator that it was.

The awakener could observe the unfolding spectacle without drawing attention to himself because the creatures engaged in combat did not notice his presence and were focused on their fight, besides he was using the Whisperwind Hare's brain crystal power, so it was harder to be spotted by a beast.

He was curious about the outcome, knowing that whoever came out on top would become the most powerful force in this section of the forest and would be able to lay claim to its territory with complete and utter authority.

As they engaged in a ferocious and unrelenting battle against one another, the Shadowclaw and the Ursolith were driven by their primal instincts. They launched a barrage of attacks on one another. Each move they made as they worked to strike their opponent with a devastating blow was characterized by deadly accuracy and raw power.

The Ursolith charged forward, its enormous jaws gaping to get a grip on the Shadowclaw's neck and squeeze it. The Shadowclaw, perceiving the threat, evaded the attack with lightning speed, its lithe body contorting with unnatural flexibility. The thaid, seeing an opening, immediately struck back at the Ursolith with a lightning-fast swipe of its razor-sharp claws, intending to rip into the flank of its opponent.

On the other hand, the Ursolith reacted with a surprising degree of agility, quickly pivoting on its hind legs to avoid being cut by the deadly weapons.

Unfazed, the Ursolith retaliated with a ferocious swipe of its massive paw, claws extending in a lethal arc as it delivered the blow. The Shadowclaw made a backward leap just in time to avoid the vicious blow by a hair's breadth.

As it gracefully landed, it retaliated by closing its jaws in an attempt to sink its teeth into the exposed shoulder of the opposing beast. However, the Ursolith's thick hide proved impenetrable even for the Shadowclaws maws, and it quickly twisted away from the attack, its snarl reverberating throughout the clearing.

In an effort to press its advantage, the Ursolith lunged forward with the intention of stomping on the Shadowclaw with all of its considerable weight.

The other beast, on the other hand, was prepared for the attack and avoided the crushing blow by performing a dexterous somersault before regaining its feet in a single fluid motion. The Shadowclaw sped up to the Ursolith's foreleg, bared its fangs, and attempted to deliver a bite with its lightning-fast speed that would disable the opponent's mobility.

However, the Ursolith's reflexes were just as quick as the Shadowclaw's, and it quickly retracted its limb in order to avoid the fatal blow.

The Shadowclaw had had enough, so it began to circle behind the Ursolith. Thanks to its stealth abilities, it could partially blend into the surroundings, preventing the beast from seeing it in its entirety. It basically vanished into thin air from the Ursolith's point of view and proceeded to encircle the beast.

The Shadowclaw emerged from the shadows once more and immediately began a lightning-fast attack, which allowed it to capitalize on the element of surprise. Its claws tore deep gashes into the Ursolith's exposed flank as they dragged themselves across the surface. The Ursolith roared in pain and rage as the opponent's attacks finally had an effect on it.

Erik's heart was pounding with anxiety as he carefully withdrew from the scene of the bloody battle between the Shadowclaw and the Ursolith. He was well aware that he needed to exercise extreme caution to avoid drawing the attention of the two beasts, particularly when he was attempting to draw water from the nearby stream.

Erik crept toward the stream while the sun was still setting and while keeping a watchful eye on the clearing where the intense duel was taking place. He moved with slow, deliberate steps and ensured that each footfall was silent and barely audible.

His senses remained on high alert; his ears were tuned to the slightest rustling in the underbrush, and his eyes scanned the surroundings for any sign of movement. He was convinced that the sound of something moving would give him away.

When Erik finally made it to the stream, he got down on his knees and started filling his bottles, despite the cool water running over his hands. He worked quickly while maintaining a low profile, being aware of the risks that could be present in the area.

While filling each container, he couldn't help but sneak glances toward the battle-scarred clearing, where the Ursolith and the Shadowclaw were continuing their intense struggle.

Even though he was enamored with the powerful beasts, Erik was aware that their presence threatened his safety. He intended to use this location as a staging ground for his personal training and exploration while remaining here for a week; at least, that was his current goal. On the other hand, with the territorial nature of the creatures, he realized that their constant presence could hinder his progress.

Erik considered his choices. If he wanted to ensure his safety and establish his presence in the region, he knew that getting rid of the creatures was an essential step that needed to be taken first.

Aside from that, the possibility of acquiring the one-of-a-kind Brain Crystal Power that the Shadowclaw possessed piqued his interest, mainly when considered in conjunction with the Whisperwind Hare's ability to hide. If he were to merge them, he might end up with something of use to him, as he was too big to make good use of the Whisperwind Hare's brain crystal power alone.

The existence of the creatures posed a threat to him, but engaging them in combat would undoubtedly be a dangerous endeavor to undertake. Erik knew he required a comprehensive strategy to outmaneuver and triumph over formidable opponents.

After putting some thought into it, Erik developed a strategy. He would gain an advantage by utilizing his knowledge of the terrain, employing his agility, and making use of his resourcefulness. If necessary, he would also set up some traps.

However, because he lacked sufficient experience in the creation of traps and the fact that he had to essentially start from scratch when it came to learning how to make them, he was required to test them before employing them in combat. On the other hand, his objective was to sneak up on the beasts when they were least expecting it and target their weak points with precise and well-calculated strikes.

He was also aware of the significance of having patience and knowing when to act. He needed to bide his time and wait for the right opportunity, which would present itself when the monsters were sufficiently weakened and preoccupied with fighting among themselves. After that, and only then, would he make his move to eliminate them promptly and decisively.

After ensuring his bottles were full, Erik quickly and stealthily retreated from the stream and hid in the surrounding vegetation. As the creatures continued to battle one another, he analyzed their behaviors and made mental notes of any potential weaknesses he noticed. He then created a map of the creatures' fighting habits.

As he vanished into the thickets of the forest, a steely resolve began to take root within his heart. It was time for him to demonstrate his mettle and stake his claim in this untamed wilderness.

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