Chapter 366 Lurking Shadow

The Shadowclaw made a sudden movement and lunged at Erik, slashing its claws through the air and opening its jaws wide in preparation for the attack. The young man channeled mana and used the Xeridon Anteris's brain crystal power to enhance its strength to at least match the creature's.

The awakener discovered through the biological supercomputer's analysis power that the beast had at least 80 strength points, whereas he naturally had somewhere around 50 strength points.

Doubling his strength through the Xeridon Anteris's brain crystal power required a lot of mana, which he also had to use to make a dart strong enough to weaken the Shadowclaw. But at least this way, Erik could fight against the beast without problems.

The awakener deftly sidestepped the aerial assault, narrowly avoiding getting bit by the creature's razor-sharp teeth. Erik retaliated with lightning-fast reflexes, driving his Flyssa forward in a powerful thrust aimed at the beast's exposed flank.

The blade pierced the Shadowclaw's skin, releasing a torrent of inky blood as it tore through the creature's defenses.

The wound-bearing creature lunged once more, this time with its claws extended in a menacing swipe. Erik deftly twisted his body to duck beneath the lethal arc, and then he quickly retaliated with a series of slashes.

With each pass of his blade, he carved gashes into the Shadowclaw's hide, causing the creature to recoil in pain and rage.

Erik's face was brought perilously close to being bitten by the injured beast as it made another attempt to attack him after spotting an opening in his defenses.

With an acrobatic leap, he flipped backward, narrowly escaping the gnashing teeth. After landing, Erik executed a heel spin and delivered a pinpoint upward strike with his Flyssa.

The blade sliced through the air and carved another wound along the chest of the Shadowclaw, which made it stagger backward.

The Shadowclaw quickly realized that its strategy needed to be changed after it realized how dangerous Erik's attacks were. With a keen instinct, it swiftly disengaged from the battle, retreating into the dense foliage in the surroundings.

While watching Erik, the Shadowclaw utilized its ability to partially turn transparent, allowing it to blend in perfectly with its environment and become one with the lush vegetation of the forest. Its form became indistinguishable from the foliage, which made it virtually invisible to the eye of a person who had not been trained to look for it.

The sudden disappearance of his opponent momentarily caught Erik off guard, who then carefully examined the surroundings. He was aware that the beast had it in its mind to attack him as soon as he let his guard down, so he paid attention to what was happening around him.

His eyes traveled quickly across the thick undergrowth, searching for any indication of movement or disturbance. He was aware that Shadowclaw's brain crystal power gave it the advantage of camouflage, making it a formidable opponent to track and engage, and that was precisely why he decided to hunt this creature.

Erik activated his brain crystal powers by maintaining a steady breath and a focused determination. He then created a mana exoskeleton and metalized his most vulnerable areas, such as the jugular, his neck, and the areas surrounding the heart.

Moving cautiously through the foliage, the young man maintained a vigilant stance, his eyes darting from one shadowy recess to another. He listened intently, attuned to the rustling of leaves and the soft whispers of the wind. Every fiber of his being was searching for the presence of the invisible Shadowclaw.

The minutes ticked by, and each passing moment added to the mounting tension that was already present in the air; however, there was still no sign of the thaid. As the awakener made his way through the tangled maze of vegetation, he maintained a keen gaze and honed his senses to a high level. He knew that patience and persistence were crucial in this game of hide and seek.

Then, all of a sudden, his attention was drawn to a slight movement. A leaf swayed ever-so-slightly, and there was a barely perceptible rustle in the otherwise tranquil foliage. Erik's instincts kicked into high gear as he recognized the telltale sign of the Shadowclaw's presence. With a quick motion, he raised the blade that he had been carrying and prepared to face his foe.

As the Shadowclaw sprang forth from a nearby tree branch, a menacing growl escaped its throat.

Erik was quick to react; his instinct was to drop to the ground and roll deftly to avoid the vicious attack. As the young man's body deftly sidestepped the potentially lethal attack, the beast's claws slashed through the air, narrowly missing their target.

Nevertheless, while he avoided the attack, a fleeting opportunity for vulnerability appeared in his defense. Erik's arm was grazed by the Shadowclaw's powerful lunge, resulting in a superficial but painful wound.

The young man scrambled to his feet, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he assessed the situation. The creature was still snarling; its eyes were fixed on him with a hunger that made his blood run cold.

Erik fought through the pain with gritted teeth, refusing to allow it to distract him or deter him from his goal of achieving success.

Erik swiftly regained his footing as the Shadowclaw gracefully landed on the ground, its eyes gleaming with rage and hunger. At the same time, even though his injured arm was dripping blood, Erik managed to keep a firm hold on the Flyssa.

The awakener used his dexterity and quickness to engage in a lethal dance of evasion and counterattacks. He was able to stay one step ahead of the relentless predator, dodging its ferocious strikes and striking back with precision.

With each passing moment, Erik's confidence grew as he began to anticipate the thaid's movements and exploit its weaknesses. However, he knew that one wrong move could mean certain death, so he remained focused and alert. He deftly deflected the Shadowclaw's lunging bites, parried its slashing claws, and then struck back with strikes of his own that were well calculated.

Their movements were a blur of precision and agility as they engaged in the dance of battle unfolding against the verdant backdrop of the forest.

Erik was able to maintain his ground thanks to his dogged determination and well-honed fighting skills, despite the Shadowclaw's evasive nature and overwhelming power.

He took advantage of every opening by striking with speed and precision, inflicting wounds upon the creature's sinewy frame. However, the Shadowclaw was not easily defeated and retaliated with ferocity, its razor-sharp claws tearing through the air. Erik knew he had to end the battle quickly before he became too fatigued to continue.

Their conflict became more intense, displaying a flurry of feral grace and primal aggression. With each blow, he aimed to incapacitate his adversary and put an end to the relentless assault by the Shadowclaw.

Erik deftly dodged and weaved through the attacks, his instincts directing every step he took. He had no choice but to rely on his dexterity and lightning-fast reflexes in order to survive the onslaught of attacks that came from the creature.

A swipe came with lightning speed, aimed at Erik's torso. He instinctively twisted his body, narrowly avoiding the deadly claws that grazed his side. A surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins, heightening his senses and sharpening his focus. He knew he had to remain alert and nimble if he wanted to survive this ferocious encounter, kill the beast, and get its brain crystal.

As the fight continued, Erik could feel his muscles starting to tire and his breaths becoming labored, but he assumed the Shadowclaw was in a similar situation. The beast, however, seemed to sense the young man's weakness and took advantage, launching a series of relentless attacks that pushed Erik to his limits.

Erik struck back with a deft thrust of his blade, aiming for the Shadowclaw's flank in his retaliation. However, the creature was just as nimble, and it sidestepped the assault with a deft hop in the opposite direction.

The Shadowclaw lunged forward, claws slashing through the air. Erik's eyes widened with a mix of fear and determination as he pivoted on his heel, narrowly evading the beast's assault. The gust of wind created by the creature's claws brushed against his face, a chilling reminder of how close he had come to being struck.

After each narrow escape, Erik's heart beat faster and harder in his chest. Despite the wounds the beast sustained and the effects of Erik's mana dart, the thaid was still full of vigor. The young man was well aware that even one slip-up could put his life in jeopardy.

As the battle dragged on, the stress of the conflict left visible scars on Erik's body. He took the occasional hit, which resulted in stinging wounds and blood trickling down his arms and legs.

"Damn it! Stay focused, Erik!" he barked between clenched teeth. Each deft maneuver and narrow escape fueled his determination to emerge victorious from the conflict.

The occasional cuss word that escaped his mouth during moments of annoyance and near-misses showed that the stress of the situation had taken its toll on his feelings.

However, during this whole ordeal, as the two fought, Erik noticed that the wounds and the mana darts were finally having an effect on the beast, as he started to notice exhaustion in the Shadowclaw's movements since its once ferocious strikes had become more sluggish. This was his chance to succeed.

The relentless conflict the Shadowclaw's body had been through was clear to see on its surface. Its fur was riddled with deep cuts, exposing a layer of raw and bleeding flesh beneath. A series of lengthy, precise cuts were visible on the beast's flank, where Erik's Flyssa had left its mark. But the Ursolith it had previously fought also injured the beast.

Its shoulder had a particularly deep wound, and the flesh was torn and ragged. The injury hampered the Shadowclaw's movements. The confrontation also left visible scars on the creature's face. Its snout was marred by numerous deep scratches, and crimson streaks stood out against its dark fur.

One eye seemed clouded, the result of a previous strike that had grazed dangerously close. Blood-soaked fur clung to its jaw, evidence of the Shadowclaw's previous fight against the Ursolith.

However, despite its many wounds, the animal's innate drive to survive continued to burn with all its might. Muscles rippled beneath its battered form as it fought through pain and exhaustion to unleash its deadly attacks.

Erik studied the wounds from afar. He knew that despite the creature's injuries, it still possessed formidable strength. The battle was far from over, and he remained acutely aware of the unpredictable nature of wounded prey.

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