Chapter 363 Gains

From the day Erik had sought refuge in that verdant sanctuary in the middle of the forest, a week had passed. Time seemed to both stand still and rush forward in a paradoxical dance, and he was able to restore his mental and physical strength thanks to the tranquility and isolation of the setting and the rest he was able to get.

Things have been going in a different direction since he obtained those powers five days before. It was a huge shock to learn that Hais' brain crystal power could passively raise intelligence levels.

That was a boon he didn't consider, but that explained how Hais was able to understand so accurately what happened when he killed Logan and the others without having seen anything in the first person.

However, Erik quickly discovered that a passive increase in intelligence wasn't the only thing that brain crystal power did. In fact, he could also create a sort of mana brain that gave him a sort of parallel will, hence the way the system named it as such.

The good thing was that the "parallel will" could be used to do two crucial things: the first was to use his other brain crystal powers, and the second was that it could continue developing neural links with the method that the system devised while he did whatever he wanted. This meant that he could train 24/7 with a technique that already sped his training a lot, and that also gave him the possibility to train two powers at the same time.

Moreover, he could also actively join the mana brain during training, doubling the speed at which he was making neural links, which was at least five times faster already. Another usage was available when fighting.

Erik could fight better thanks to that power because he could give the will the task of focusing on defense while his primary brain concentrated on offense. For example, he could instruct it to metalize some body parts only when he was going to get attacked.

However, despite these many things, he was unfortunately unable to use it while he slept, so he could not keep himself protected in any way while he was resting.

Using more than one brain crystal power at the same time as possible, Erik did it many times in the past, as it was like controlling one appendage, of which he had multiple, but he still needed to do it "manually." On the other hand, the fact that he could exercise even while moving was already a very impressive gain.

The power of the Shadowthorn Dahlia was the second significant thing he obtained from the Thaids in past encounters. The plant-like thaid was able to manipulate the vegetation in the surroundings, but the plants had to be there already for him to do so, but the power didn't exactly work the way Erik had wanted it to.

One day, he attempted to use the Shadowthorn Dahlia's brain crystal power to make a tree grow and give it a specific shape, but he was unable to do either of those things. The plant was under his control, and he could make it grow at a faster rate by using both his powers at the same time, but his control was not absolute.

However, this issue was resolved when Erik merged the two powers, his birth brain crystal power and the Shadowthorn Dahlia's one, and as a result, he was able to create something more. A power that allowed him to get past his previous ones' limitations, which he promptly used to make temporary hideouts for himself that he could use when thaids were pursuing him, or simply to rest or get shelter.

The power had both the abilities of the two powers he used to merge but wasn't stronger than both of them. It was like Erik was simply doing with a remote what he should have done with two.

Despite this new advantage, he was using more from the utilitarian side; the problem was that the monsters often found him even if he made incredible hideouts; in fact, there were times when he was put in grave danger because the thaids were able to destroy his defenses as soon as they detected his smell. The trees were sturdy but not so resistant that they could not be damaged in any way.

His third acquisition was the Whisperwind Hare's brain crystal power, which gave him the ability to blend in with the environment by altering the color of his skin and hair and partially imitating the materials around him. This ability allowed him to escape detection most of the time. It was helpful, but only from a visual perspective; there was nothing he could do about the odor naturally produced by his body.

Simone's and the Xeridon Anteris' brain crystals were the other two that he managed to acquire after all. The first one was good to have, but the second one was an incredible gain because it doubled and allowed him to increase his strength based on the amount of mana he used. He didn't really like Simone's one, but if he ended up needing more reach, he could use it. He absorbed it just in case.

Presently, Erik was training in one of the makeshift tree houses he had constructed. He was doing that manually, but he was also using Hais's brain crystal power to get things done faster.

However, it was not as easy as it seemed because he was required to use the technique while also utilizing the power of the brain crystal. Erik had found the most comfortable position for him and continued with the training session.

He took a long, slow breath before pushing the new technique to the limit. Almost immediately, he felt a surge of mana course through his body as he caused it to swirl and move per the computer's instructions.

He now felt a sense of clarity and focus rather than the strain he had previously experienced while doing so, which was a significant improvement. During the time that he was channeling mana through the brain and the crystal, he was able to sense that the connection was being formed without any effort.

His thoughts flowed with pinpoint accuracy, each strand of mana weaving together to form a sturdy connection in a way that seemed almost effortless. It seemed as though an unseen force was directing the threads of energy, and they effortlessly aligned with his intentions as a result.

The first neural link formed without any difficulty; he had been working on it for the past three days and kept creating a link between the crystal and his mind.

The first neural link formed easily; he had been working on it since three days ago and kept creating a pathway between his mind and the crystal. The connection felt stronger and more stable than ever before, empowering Erik with a heightened sense of control over his ability, the poisonous mana dart conjuring brain crystal power.

With a newfound ease, he effortlessly extended his consciousness into the crystal through that power's neural links, tapping, from it, into his mana reserves.

"Good, using the technique already simplified things, but I'm basically doubling the creation speed with Hais's power! This is great!" Erik said it out loud, happy for his success.

Encouraged by the success of the first link, Erik eagerly focused his attention on the second, which was the power of bone manipulation. The procedure carried on developing with a startling lack of difficulty. It appeared that the enhanced technique and Hais's brain crystal power worked well together. As a result, he was able to establish links with an innate sense of familiarity.

Erik felt an overwhelming surge of exhilaration course through his veins as the second neural link began to take shape.

He was astounded by the newly discovered efficiency of his training as well as the synergies between his newly acquired power and the technique the biological supercomputer came up with. It was as if he had uncovered a secret language—a universal code that linked him to the vast wellspring of mana that existed all around him. With these two new neural links established, Erik felt a profound sense of empowerment.

The neural links shimmered with mana, bringing it from the brain crystal to the brain and then to the rest of the body, thanks to the neural links. He could now use the power in an easier way, channeling mana with much more precision and finesse than before.

The days of struggling and straining to form neural links were a thing of the past now. The process had been transformed into a harmonious dance as a result of the improved technique.

Erik had a profound sense of gratitude for the fact that he was the only person to benefit from this game-changing innovation, as it demonstrated the incredible advancements brought about by the biological supercomputer.

Erik couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose and determination as the training session came to a close. Or better, as he actively trained, while the parallel will brain crystal did what it had to. Though, the young man had to keep the mana consumption in check.

The young man rose from his seated position within his wooden shelter with a sigh of relief. He heard the reassuring creak of his muscles as he stretched his limbs and felt the comforting pull of his muscles. He was mentally and physically exhausted after hours of focused training, but the satisfaction of his accomplishments drove him forward and kept him going.

As soon as he stepped outside, a soft breeze caressed his face and carried with it the calming aromas of nature. The sunlight was able to penetrate the tree canopy above, which resulted in the forest floor being covered in dappled patterns of light and shadow. It was a sight that was guaranteed to make him feel better in every circumstance.

Erik took a few minutes to relax and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere, allowing the calm to seep into his worn-out bones as he did so. A lightness of being that filled him with renewed vigor had taken its place in place of the burden of his earlier struggles after they were lifted.

"I'm tired," Erik said to himself. "I should probably prepare something to eat."

While he was setting up his cooking tools, Erik reached up to the tree he had grown the day before as he set his camp and carefully plucked several ripe fruits from it with his practiced hand. The vibrant colors of the juicy fruits made for a beautiful contrast against the deep green of the vegetation. He couldn't help but be impressed by how quickly and well his new power worked.

The sweet aroma of the freshly picked fruits wafted through the air, tantalizing his senses. It was a small reward for his efforts, a tangible reminder of the power he now held.

Grateful for the nourishment the tree had provided, Erik savored the taste of the succulent fruits, a testament to the utility of his new brain crystal power. He manipulated the plant to grow sweeter and bigger fruits so they were particularly tasty.

When the young man sank his teeth into the ripe fruit, a flavor wave rushed through his mouth like a waterfall. The sweetness twirled around on his tongue, mingling with a trace of sourness that caused his taste buds to tingle with sheer ecstasy. Juice dripped down his chin as he devoured the succulent flesh and savored each mouthwatering bite. He was clearly enjoying himself.

After several hours of intense concentration and meditation, the fruit was invigorating and reviving for him. When he took his last bite, he felt a wave of contentment wash over him as if his body and spirit had been nourished. It was impossible for him not to smile when he thought about all of the wonderful things Mother Nature had given him.

Erik was a little bit tired, but there was still something he had to do. The young man, in fact, set out to investigate the area surrounding his hideout with a spring in his step. A habit he picked up in recent days, as he got attacked by a large group of thaids. As he went deeper into the woods, he observed the vibrant hues of the flowers and the soft rustle of leaves under his feet. However, he also noticed how winter was coming.

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