A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 295 - 274

Chapter 295: Chapter 274

"So this place is still standing." Valerica idly commented as I deposited us all in the courtyard of/at the foot of the bridge leading to the College of Winterhold. ".....Barely, it appears. I suppose it is impressive for mortal construction to last the centuries."

"Lady Valerica, you know of this place?" Thorum asked, he was rather respectful which was understandable considering he's dating her daughter.

The Older Vampire pursed her lips while inspecting the area. I'm sure she noticed the sundered remains in the chasm surrounding the College. "I remember when it first came into existence. I had no dealings with it, but it brought a different kind of mortal to Skyrim upon its creation, which was beneficial to us as well."

Funnily enough, even with Valerica's sort of standoffish behavior, I believed she had a good impression of Thorum.

I could see why Valerica had even the faintest acknowledgement of the College as well. I'm sure she appreciated the more learned sort coming to Skyrim back in the day. As much as I've fallen in love with this place, there's no denying that the Nords – for the most part – were the type to hit things rather than delve into arcane secrets.

Oh well, their directness was one of the things that made this place so charming.

"Are you positive it is a good idea for my daughter and I to approach such a place?" Valerica spoke again, a slight amount of hesitance in her voice. "Mortals never suffered our kind in the past, and this is perhaps one of the few places I would worry about mortals taking offense."

"It's alright, mother." Serena had a smile on her face that refused to leave since regaining her lost family. "Thorum and I have been here a few times so far, the Archmage doesn't discriminate as long as we don't cause problems."

If there had been a problem I would have put in a word. Sorta my fault she was following along as it were. Well, it also might be because she had been trapped so long she wanted to walk about, free and unrestrained. Or it could do with the fact that she didn't actually have somewhere to go.....

Someone may or may not have destroyed her previous home and looted everything of worth.


Maybe she also wanted to see what I would do with the Elder Scroll?

Also a plausible explanation.

'Hey Ddraig?' I voiced the thought inwards towards the dragon.


'You've been quiet since we left the Soul Cairn. Granted, you're usually quiet and like to watch silently. But you just stopped abruptly in there after only saying a few things. You're not upset are you?'

[Why would I be upset?]

'I used the power of the Biblical God, I'm not dense enough to ignore the grudge you have with him.'

[I'm not annoyed with you, brat. I understand why you did it, it was the perfect counter to that annoying thing you fought. But that doesn't mean I've forgiven him.]

'Do you want me to –'

[I don't need you to fight my battles for me.]

'Isn't that literally what every one of your users does when it comes to your rival?'

[It's not the same!] Ddriag huffed in annoyance. [As my user, it's your duty to fight Albion's user. My other regrets and grudges are for me to bear.]


'You're my partner, Ddraig. If you want me to do something or not do something, you just have to tell me.'

I still felt like he didn't like me using the Spear due to Big G's presence.

[.....Just find a good opponent to test the staff on.] Ddraig grumbled. [I wanna stretch my wings.]

'You got it.' I couldn't help but smile.

I would have used it against that Ideal Master, but I didn't think it was wise to test something that involves pulling out the soul of Ddraig in a realm that's created by Necromancers with an almost absolute control of soul-based manipulation.

Honestly, there was a combination of factors that made that fight easier than it should have been. It was throwing around raw power on the level of Susanoo, yet it was so.....constrained. The biggest facet was the fact that its weight didn't match up to a real God.

I almost wish they weren't disgusting abominations; I'd have loved to talk shop with them.

"It seems empty." Valerica commented as we began walking through the outer courtyards.

"Well, yes, they're mostly...." Serena blinked, as if realizing something. "I forgot we haven't told you what has been happening."

"What's wrong, is something wrong?" Valerica asked.

"Aye, Lady Valerica. Alduin has returned, and the Dragons have risen with him. Skyrim is in a bad state right now, the College is doing what it can to help out, many of its students are running around where they can." Thorum added.

"The World Eater." Valerica pursed her lips. "Of course." She let out a long sigh. "If it isn't one catastrophe, it is another."

"It appears that our world is constantly teetering on the precipice of destruction." A new voice appeared. I curled my lips up as I saw the others jump at the Archmage's entrance.

"Archmage." I greeted him with a smile.

"Wilhelm!" He smiled brightly right back. "It's wonderful to see you returned. Things have become somewhat quiet, so I anticipated your eventual return with the chaos it usually brings."

"With such heavy expectations like that, I'll do my best to live up to them."

"Please don't." He quickly corrected. "I don't know if my old heart can handle any more surprises."

"Well we're going to find out." I patted his shoulder. "Wanted to tell Thorum a few things, and I think you should know too."

The Archmage sucked in a deep breath. "I will have drinks awaiting for my inevitable headache." He turned to the others. "Now, a new face, may I ask for introductions?" He was speaking of Valerica, as both Serena and Thorum had been here before.

"I apologize, Archmage." Thorum bowed his head. "I hope I am not overstepping by bringing –"

The Archmage raised his hand. "None of that." He lightly chided with a chuckle. "I have said before, all are welcomed here if they abide by the rules."

"You have my gratitude, then." Valerica spoke up. "As for as introductions go, I am Serena's Mother – Valerica." She introduced her self, in a mildly polite tone.

"Valerica." The Archmage repeated.

"Yes –"

"The same Valerica who wrote that enlightening book on the uses of Blood Magic in Conjuration rituals?"

Was that one of the ones I looted from Harkin's library?

Valerica blinked at that. "I....yes. I wrote a book like that many centuries ago."

"It's an honor to have such an accomplished Mage visit my college." The Archmage's eyes shined brilliantly. "If I may be so bold, what business do you have for this visitation?"

Valerica scowled slightly. "I am merely accompanying my daughter for now. Perhaps a mild curiosity as I remember the founding of this – College many years ago and never had the chance to see it for myself."

"I graciously open my doors to you, Lady Valerica." The Archmage bowed his head.

"Oh, well, I'm flattered by the reception." And the look on her face seemed to align with her words, shifting quite quickly away from her previous annoyance.

I don't think she's used to non-vampires being so.....accommodating.

"Hey, old man, who's here right now?" I asked once their little conversation finished.

"Quite a few of your friends still remain." The Archmage answered, easily guessing my thoughts. "I believe the ones named Achilles and Atalanta are the only ones who have departed."

"Oh, I hope Skyrim doesn't burn down." I mused.

"My friend, are these the ones you spoke of?" Thorum slapped my shoulder, with a laugh.

"Yeah, I brought them from my home." His smile was always so contagious.

"Yes, quite the colorful array of people you've brought this time." The Archmage hummed. "The majority whom are still here should have left the lecture on Advanced Alchemy some...twenty minutes ago by my estimate. It's only a matter of finding where –"

"Cafeteria." I interjected.

"Of course, I don't know why I even considered differently." He sighed. "....you spoke that young Artoria does not practice magic, however, I am inclined to believe sorcery is at work with how much food disappears into her stomach."

"Hmm, I guess you haven't seen Mordred yet either, hmm?"

"Oh no, I have." He shook his head. "Which leads me to believe that it's a hereditary Magic. And I have not yet been convinced otherwise."

"Oh." I clapped my hands. "Before I forget, I got a bunch of Health Potions and such for you to distribute."

"Mmm?" The Archmage blinked as if remembering something. "Oh, yes! Jinn spoke about that. Any little bit would help. How many did –"

"500 or so."

".....Well then."

"They're slightly worse than a normal one, about 90% efficiency in comparison. The people I have who started mass producing them are still working out the kinks." I rubbed the back of my neck. "If they're not good enough..."

"No." The Archmage quickly disabused me of that notion. "Wilhelm, this is a wonderful windfall that should alleviate some pressure we've been facing. Health Potions are already in very short supply, this should give us some breathing room. Why, I have some plans coming to fruition soon that should somewhat make up for the lack of ingredients readily available. I was worried about what to do in the intermediate, but this will help immensely."

"Are you sure? I mean, it sounds like a lot on the surface, but that's not even enough for every Soldier and Guard at Whiterun, let alone to distribute to every hold in Skyrim."

"You're thinking about it the wrong way. Most Health Potions are saved for the truly dire wounds that require immediate treatment. Healing Magic is good, but it's not perfect and masters of it are even more scarce than the dwindling supply of Health Potions we have. Most who can perform the arts can't do much more than mending minor cuts or stop bleeding. A couple Dozen Potions sent to every Hold will keep a couple Dozen people alive almost guaranteed."

I guess I can see his thought process too. Rationing and selective use to ensure the best of the best remaining in fighting shape. Commanders, top tier warriors, they're getting a Health Potion guaranteed while the grunts make do with traditional medicines or Healing Magic when it's available.

"I'll pass the stuff over to you before I head out."

"I am very thankful, Wilhelm. You've been an amazing addition to the College and I'm continuously proud to have you as one of our students."

I opened my mouth and closed it again as it was hard to respond to that. I felt a little embarrassed when he spoke so genuinely about me.

"Aye, my friend is admirable!" Thorum gave that big goofy smile of his. "Come, Wilhelm, speak of the battle we just fought. Your duel with that Ideal Master is worthy of song and praise!"

"Pardon!" The Archmage interjected. "Did you just say you fought an Ideal Master!?" The Archmage blurted out almost uncontrollably.

Oh.....sounds like he's heard of them.

"Did I forget to mention that my mother was trapped in the Soul Cairn....." Serena coughed awkwardly.

"Damn it, Wilhelm." The Archmage rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I was kidding before."

"Oh, wow, is that Artoria? Better head over there!" I quickly ran ahead, barely holding back a giggle myself.


As predicted, everyone was gathered in the Cafeteria. Honestly, I think that's just where Artoria decided to go and everyone gravitated towards her.

She had that kind of presence that you want to be around her.

Bullshit Charisma.

Serena and her Mother went for a walk to chat some more, and no one blamed them for wanting some more alone time. They had a lot of catching up to do.

There were smiles and acknowledgements as I entered, followed by the others. I saw Medea with her back to me, looking intently at some parchment in front of her.

When presented with the opportunity, I did the most obvious thing, and bullied the Witch. I reached out, pulling her hood up over her head. "Sup, nerd."

"Reeeaaahhhh!" She made a strange noise, flailing her arms in my general direction before she fixed herself.

Honestly, she's kinda cute. It just made me want to bully her some more.

"Brat." She crossed her arms with a huff.

"You enjoy the lecture, Medea?" I slid into a seat next to Artoria, opposite of the Witch.

"Yes, it was enlightening. So many different ideas and concepts, I'll enjoy delving into them." She quickly shifted away from the indignance.

Her Fiance was sitting right next to her, looking engrossed in a book himself about the history of Skyrim. I didn't know if he had any interest in the magic side of things, but he seemed pretty entertained.

Then again, it's hard to get a read on that guy.

I leaned over, kissing Artoria on the cheek. That little squeak she made with her mouth full was adorable.

"Why do you have dried blood on your shirt." Artoria forced a mouthful down, inspecting me intently. And at her words, everyone seemed to look over at me.

"....It's nothing bad..."

"Wilhelm." Artoria crossed her arms, a no nonsense look on her face.

"I fought an entity that could be called God-like in another realm. Thorum and I went in to help Serena rescue her mother." I explained briefly.

"Aye, if it was not for Wilhelm, I fear that neither I nor Serena would have made it out ourselves." Thorum spoke up as well.

"Strong bastard then?" Mordred had a bored look herself and perked up at my explanation. "And who's this?" She jabbed her thumb towards my friend.

"Oh yes, introduction." Thorum brightened up. "I am honored to meet more of Wilhelms' friends! I am Thorum."

"Hey." Mordred just lazily waived. "You seem pretty strong, up for a spar?"

Thorum let out a chuckle. "I would be honored! And I do believe myself strong, though watching Wilhelm's fight, I have much to work on."

"Spar later." I swatted at Mordred's ponytail, who huffed and swatted at my hand; we went back and forth for a moment. "Proper introductions, you dunce."

"ugh, fine." Mordred rolled her eyes. "I'm Mordred Pendragon, you've met my Father." She gestured to Artoria.

Thorum just blinked at that, but took it in stride. "Well met, Mordred."

"Alright, this is going to take forever. Going around the room!" I started to point at everyone. "Kairi, Medea, Kuzuki." I went around the room before landing on my best friend. "And this is Thorum, Dragonborn, meaning he has the soul of a Dragon and can use that same divine words that I can, but better."

"Oh?" Medea perked up at that. "I'll want to see that later, sounds interesting~"

Otherwise, there were just grunts of acknowledgement.

"Wilhelm, explain, now." Artoria seemed impatient.

"Well, it's pretty simple. Some entities created some realm in oblivion that is mainly used to steal souls for themselves. Valerica – Serena's mother, was one such soul. We went there and I had a chat with one of the Ideal Master – the name they call themselves apparently – and they did not wish to let her go as we had an argument."

"Stop being coy." Rin frowned.

"I am with miss Tohsaka, Wilhelm." The Archmage who was standing nearby spoke up. "I am aware of these Ideal Masters, they often trick the wayward Necromancer into being imprisoned in their realm. It's a warning I give to any who study the arts, among other things, but to not deal with them in any capacity his foremost."

"Noted." Kairi grunted.

"Fine, so basically, it wanted my soul. Obviously I did not agree to that so it attacked me trying to take it for itself." I let out a sigh. "Medea, question for you, what do you think would happen if a human started absorbing a bunch of souls?"

"Die, probably." Medea replied nonchalantly. "Well, if they were smart about it at first, they could probably do it a few times. But it'd be difficult and...painful as Hades. Keep at it long enough, get lucky, and they might be able to mutate into something beyond a normal...mortal."

"There is a theory that the Ideal Masters were once normal Necromancers." The Archmage rubbed his beard. "Though any real records are lost to time."

"After having experienced them, I can say that they're ascended beings that came about by taking in an uncountable number of souls."

"Eww." Medea reeled back. "How did they survive the soul degradation? Just taking in one soul would be in conflict with your own. Even on the off chance you survived, it would be a wound to your being, you would be a shade of your former self."

"Your guess is as good as mine." I shrugged. "But from what I gleamed, they were very accomplished Necromancers. The whole realm contained nothing but undead and spirits. The Ideal Master that I fought was basically nothing but a conglomeration of souls who's entire purpose was its own continued existence."

"It's own continued existence?" Rin questioned.

"Well, consider this." I waved my hand, producing an illusion of the Ideal Master. "You Ascend beyond a mortal shell, becoming nothing more then a soul-based form that has millions of other souls within yourself. You keep taking in more and more, growing stronger and stronger. Eventually, you reach a plateau where it's difficult to get noticeably stronger through the same method, to the point where you notice you start rolling backwards. Suddenly –"

"Suddenly you focus everything on sustaining what you already have, yeah, I get it." Rin finished for me.

"Fascinating." The Archmage muttered. "No wonder there are so many stories of them stealing souls and tricking others into their domain."

"Meridia said that they pay tribute as well." I waved my hand, dismissing the illusion. "Otherwise the Daedric Lords wouldn't let such a juicy meal go."

"Makes sense." The Archmage nodded again.

"And this foe was difficult for you to handle?" Artoria asked.

"Eh....It was intent on wasting the least amount of power possible. And it fought like a standard Necromancer for the most part."

"Then how were you wounded?" She pulled at the blood stains on my shirt.

"That's....more of my fault." I coughed awkwardly. "I used the....Spear, yes that Spear, more than I should have. Holy Power in my body beyond my limits."

"I see." She let out a breath. "I assume you are not in any pain or danger at this point?"

"Nope." I shook my head. "And Meridia made sure to cleanse any remnants inside my body."

"Good." She seemed pleased at that.

"I thought you couldn't use that Spear though?" Rin tilted her head questioningly.

"Big G let me have a go." I chuckled.


"Yup, he spoke to me and let me use its full power."

"You're fucking with me." She said dryly.

"You're saying you spoke to God." Mordred stared incredulously. "Aren't you a Devil, why aren't you all.....ash and shit?"

"Well –" I paused and realized there were two people here who were in the dark. "I think I should start off by telling Thorum and the Archmage what exactly we're talking about..."

"Yes, I'm dreadfully lost here." The Archmage chuckled.

"Aye, I am confused, my friend."

"Well, you better sit down, it's a bit of a story."

"I actually haven't heard the full thing." Mordred perked up.

"This should be interesting." Medea set her parchments to the side and even Kuzuki closed his book.

"....do you all want food and drink while I recall my intimate life story?" I rolled my eyes

The Archmage, with an amused smile on his face, snapped his fingers and more food and drink appeared around the table.

I let out a long sigh and began as I always did. "It started when I got stabbed through the chest with a magical light sword."


"Rin, it's okay to be mad." I said calmly.

"I'm not mad." She replied.


"I'm not!"


She growled.

"How!" She finally threw her hands up. "Saber and I have been searching all over the damn place, and you just luck into another Elder Scroll that gives another clue towards the bow!?"

"My Elder Scroll." Jinn giggled, hugging it tight.

So cute.

The Archmage was just....lost in thought after new revelations. Thorum, I don't think it changed much for him. He probably understood some of it, but to him, I wasn't from here already, to elaborate on that didn't mean much to him.

I think he was just happy to know.

And Jinn came in like a wrecking ball after finding out I had another Elder Scroll.

At that point Valerica and Serena finally came in, and saw her tear it open and read it so plainly.

That made Serena's mom have another existential crisis, because it was not something even an Immortal Vampire like her could do without suffering consequences.

"It's call skill, Rin." I adopted the most smug look I could muster.

Rin's head dropped to the table in defeat. Artoria giving her a sympathetic pat on the back.

Honestly, I think Rin was just distracting herself from the fact that I have Big G in my spear and could talk to him at will.

She was someone of the faith, surprisingly enough.

And Artoria too.

I asked her about that awhile ago and she said something to the effect of– 'my faith is my business alone'. Not in a dismissive way, but more in response to me being a Devil and if that would be a problem for her.

Regardless, it seemed we're a step closer to finding that Divine Bow, and I wanted to reach it first just to lord it over Rin.

Well, I'd leave Rin to wallow in her defeat.

I got up and walked over to Thorum who was a little quiet. Maybe it was weighing on him more than I thought?

"My Friend." Thorum said kindly as I sat next to him at the side.

"Thorum, you okay?" I asked.

"Aye, I shall be fine. Merely...."

"Lots of things happened today, huh?" I leaned back with a chuckle.

"Yes." He shared my reaction.

"Well, now that you know, I'll bring you around to see my home sometime."

He looked mildly surprised. "You would bring me to see your home?"

"You big idiot." I huffed. "Of course I'd bring you. You're my best friend." I playfully punched his shoulder. "And I'd love for you to meet my Gramps, he can't really leave, well.... I already explained that."

"Yes, tis confusing, but I understand he cannot leave." Thorum nodded along. "I admit it is.....hard to wrap my head around."

"Well, in all honesty, does it change much?"

"I.....no." He blinked in response. "It does not." He smiled brightly again. "You are my friend, the same as you were before. No matter what strangeness happens between us, that will not change. Now that I know your secret, could you perhaps tell me the full story of this blade you gifted me sometime?"

"Oh Gram." I eyed it on his back. "Yeah, I'll fill in the gaps. I meant what I said before, I think the original wielder would be proud that you're the one who has it at this point." I nudged him with another chuckle.

Thorum, laughed again, before going silent as he watched Valerica and Serena happily chatting off to the side.

"Thank you, Wilhelm. If not for you, I do not believe I would have seen Serena this happy."

"Bah, don't say that." I grunted. "There's no need for thanks between friends. I know if I ever called on you, you'd answer without a second thought."

I was lucky to have him with my friend.

"She is beautiful though, I can see where Serena get's her looks from."

Thorum blushed a little. "Aye, Serena inherited her beauty from her mother."

I had a thought, the corners of my lips curling up. "Thorum, my friend." I slapped his shoulder, leaning in. "I'm going to teach you a magic word from my culture."

"A magic word?" Thorum repeated in interest.

"Where I come from, it's known as Oyakodon." I said in a hushed tone.

"Oyakodon, what's that?" Thorum repeated, louder than I think he realized because a good portion of people in the room had their eyes snap towards us.

...a good amount of people here apparently knew what that meant.

"Schweinorg." Rin spoke up, narrowing her eyes.

I quickly got up from my seat. "Well, I do believe it is time for me to skedaddle."

Off to Meridia's realm I go for a visit then back to Kyoto!

"Schweinorg, get back here!"

I heard Rin shout as I quickly escaped from the room.


Here's Tuesday's chapter which was delayed. Just a heads up, hurricane hitting me right about now, can't guarantee anything for Thursday.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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